On the shore, there are many ordinary practitioners. After being fooled, they have also studied how to enter the lake.

Each of them, with a thick rope tied to their body, quickly dived into the water.

Once something happens, they can also remind their teammates to help by pulling the rope.

Sure enough, after having the rope, their actions have become much smoother, and there will no longer be a situation of inexplicable sinking and panic.

If there is no rope as a traction, they will only sink one after another, and there will be no way to float.

Chen Ping naturally felt the existence of these guys, he devoted himself to guarding Chen Menying, not letting anyone approach him.

Once those people enter the lake, they will be able to perceive that there is a heritage here, and they will definitely rush towards this place impatiently.

What Chen Ping had to do was very simple, and that was to get rid of all these noisy guys.

Sure enough, as Chen Ping imagined, they rushed to this place frantically, and all these people were shaken away by Chen Ping's vitality.

"Don't be greedy, you don't need to spy on things that don't belong to you."

Chen Ping's voice resounded at the bottom of the lake, sounding extremely indifferent.

Many people stared at Chen Ping angrily, unexpectedly this guy wanted to eat alone.

"We have all entered here. Since there is a heritage, it should belong to all of us. You don't have to eat alone!"

"Isn't it just a step ahead? You still want heroes to save the United States, I think you really do not live and die!"

"Everyone, I suggest that we all go together and put this guy under siege. As long as we solve him first, we can still discuss the inheritance matters!"

One of the men spoke very calmly. It was obvious that he had the highest realm and had a certain right to speak among the crowd.

Hearing what he said, all the people looked indifferent. They knew very well that if Chen Ping was not cleaned up, there would be no way for them to inherit.

In that case, it is better to unite and clean up this guy.

These people's ideas quickly reached agreement, and they walked towards Chen Ping angrily, with a fierce light in their eyes that the plan was successful.

Once this guy can be solved, everyone can be considered to have completed the task assigned to them by the family and sect.

As long as they can get the inheritance, they return to the sect, they will be able to get the preferential treatment of the family.

Believe that it won’t be long before they will become the most mediocre people in one fell swoop.

Although the strength is indeed weaker now, but thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, no one can say for the future.

"There are still a lot of good things under the water, you can explore as much as you want, but if anyone dares to interrupt the inheritance, I will definitely break your corpses."

Chen Ping felt the arrogant attitude of these people, and his expression became extremely cold.

Once this group of people rushed to find trouble, he would surely smash them into pieces and let them feel the cruelty of the world of practitioners.

But this group of people made it clear that they didn't mean to be afraid of Chen Ping. They had gathered a dozen people, and it was not easy to deal with Chen Ping.

"Brothers, hurry up, this woman's inheritance is half completed, and if we waste any more time, we won't be able to keep up with the heat!"

When everyone saw that Chen Menying's body became more and more transparent, they were a little panicked instantly, and they were worried that the inheritance would be cut off.

Hearing this, everyone rushed towards Chen Menying's position in a hurry, but the ropes behind them made everyone's actions more or less inconvenient.

"It's stupid."

"These things that save your lives will actually harm you!"

Chen Ping waved his hand in the water calmly. The next moment, the rope tied to the group of people broke directly. At this moment, they no longer wanted to clean up Chen Ping.

Everyone hurriedly wanted to swim upwards, but there was no buoyancy in this water. Even if they tried their best, they couldn't move a bit.

Everyone's cultivation base is not high, and they can stay in the water for about half an hour at most.

If you can't find a way to get out of here within half an hour, there will be a dead end.

They were originally in the water, so their panic reaction was not so violent. They were not like those who accidentally fell into the water and were directly drowned.

"You still have twenty minutes to figure out how to survive."

Chen Ping stood calmly on the side and looked at the crowd condescendingly. He knew very well that this group of people did not have the slightest resistance.

The most powerful man who just clamored was the most flustered.

He was very anxious, and his breathing was a little short at once. He knew very well that if he kept this unsteady thought, she would be drowned soon.

Even he lived in it for less time than people of the same level!

Kicked on such an iron plate, he really panicked.

Everyone had never thought that they would be cut off the rope of life, and their faces were full of horror, fearing that they would really not be able to leave.

The most arrogant man swam toward Chen Ping in a panic, and he couldn't wait to kneel in front of Chen Ping directly.

"I beg you to let me go!"

"The words I just said are actually just joking with you, and have no other meaning. If you are willing to forgive me for taking me away, I can do anything!"

He is also a wise man. After a brief period of panic, he soon noticed the difference between Chen Ping.

Chen Ping and the woman who was receiving the inheritance didn't have any ropes at all, but they could come and go freely in such a dangerous lake.

This proves that their abilities are absolutely extraordinary, at least they can't handle them.

Thinking of this, he desperately tried to please Chen Ping, hoping that Chen Ping would give him a chance to live.

Chen Ping is not a soft-hearted person. He knows the other party very well in his heart. He has made it clear that he wants to kill himself. Now how can he give this guy a way out?

"If I am not strong enough, or if I have not cut your ropes, am I going to die today?"

Chen Ping asked with a sneer, while he was also observing Chen Menying's situation.

Chen Menying accepted the inheritance faster and faster, and slowly had a fairy aura.

It is estimated that Chen Menying will be able to end the inheritance in the last few minutes, and Chen Ping is also a little excited. After accepting the inheritance, Chen Menying will become extremely powerful.

Chen Ping's heart also jumped for joy when he thought that he would soon have a capable subordinate.

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