I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2370: , The mysterious file!

Chen Xianglong was attacked by Chen Ping's Happy Demon. He was already extremely weak. Facing such a powerful Demon Sword, he could only resist.

At the moment when the sword was pointed at his head, Chen Xianglong's eyes suddenly returned to normal. They were no longer the eyes of a python, but turned into human brown-black eyes.

But Chen Ping didn't care about it, he just wanted to kill this person.

With such powerful means, he can kill people invisible!

Sure enough, people from the Poison Sect cannot stay.

A sword pierced his throat, and the moment the Demon Sword came into contact with Chen Xianglong's body, he immediately exploded into countless pieces of minced meat.

Demon Sword contains the power of thunder, how can Chen Xianglong, who is a mortal body, be able to bear it.

After solving the troublesome person, Chen Ping searched for Jiang Wan's breath and went to the villa's underground garage.

At this moment, Jiang Wan and Rice Grain were **** and thrown in the garage. They were unconscious. At first glance, they were hit by the enemy's plan and were stunned.

Chen Ping stepped forward, letting out his breath, and directly broke away from the rope.

He gently held the hands of the mother and daughter, and injected vitality into their bodies, allowing them to return to normal.

"Chen Ping!"

After regaining consciousness, Jiang Wan hugged Chen Ping directly, a trace of guilt flashed through her eyes.

She did not expect that she could not even protect her daughter.

The rice grains also rubbed their eyes dizzyly, "Dad! You are finally back! There were so many bad people who wanted to take the rice grains and their mother away!"

Chen Ping reached out his hand and touched the head of the rice grains, with a gentle expression in his eyes.

"It was made by people from the Poison Sect."

A trace of anger flashed in Jiang Wan's eyes, and she was very familiar with the people of the Poison Sect.

As early as many years ago, the people of the Poison Sect wanted to take her away, and Jiang Wan was too familiar with the stench of the poisonous people.

They live in darkness for a long time, feed on blood and raw meat, and no matter how much perfume they spray, they can't hide their stench.

Hearing this, Mi Li blinked blankly from the side, not knowing what his parents were talking about.

Chen Ping nodded, "The person I just killed should have a very important identity in the Poison Sect, and his strength is not weak."

Through the fight just now, Chen Ping can feel that he is an extremely powerful existence.

Only if he has a sophisticated weapon and a body that is not invaded by poisons can he be victorious in the battle with the Poison Sect.

If it weren't for the last awakening of Tongtian Tower, he might be immersed in that illusion until death.

"I have already inquired about the identity of this group of people. The man with a more flamboyant appearance is the young master of the Poison Sect, but I think he is a little abnormal, always talking to himself, and his expression will become very hideous from time to time. ..."

"Even when I was confronting him, I found him slapped crazy."

Jiang Wan felt scared for a while when she said that, it was because she saw the opponent's appearance and was a little careless that she was caught in the enemy's trap and was dazed.

Jiang Wan's words left Chen Ping in doubt.

Through the fight with the opponent just now, he felt that the person was quite normal.

"No matter what, the poison sect must be removed."

Chen Ping put away the Demon Sword, held the rice grains, and took Jiang Wan to go home.

At this moment, Chen Ping Yuguang caught a glimpse of the stack of documents in the villa.

This document looks too normalized, completely inconsistent with the feeling of the Poison Sect.

This file is absolutely vital!

Chen Ping put down the grain of rice and hooked his hand to the pile of documents. The next moment the pile of documents flew into Chen Ping's hands.

Seeing what Chen Ping had done, Xiao Mi Li clapped his hands happily.

"Dad, you are too good. Mom said that this is called taking things from the air, and rice grains can also be used, but the things that can be taken are very small!"

Speaking of this, the rice grains showed Chen Ping what he had learned to retrieve from space.

I saw a leaf sucked by the grain of rice, flipping it back and forth in the hand of the grain of rice, looking very humane.

Chen Ping smiled, and after a few compliments, he opened the document.

After a few glances, Chen Ping's eyes became a little cautious.

"Jumbo Pavilion?"

He frowned, took his wife and children and quickly left here.

Jiang Wan and Mi Li hadn't realized what was going on, they disappeared in place, and it didn't take long before they appeared in the Shangjing Practitioner Academy.

Not long after Chen Ping left, a group of people in black robes appeared in Chen Xianglong's villa.

"We were already on the road very quickly, but I didn't expect it to be one step late after all!"

One of the men knelt directly on the ground, kowtow frantically at the man in the black robe headed by him.

Seeing the destroyed villa and the ground all over the ground, the leading man clenched his fists.

He can feel that this is the breath of his own son!

He put it in his mouth and was afraid of melting, holding it in the palm of his hand, afraid that the baby son he was touching would turn into a pool of minced meat!

"Find out who did it for me, I want to kill his family!"

The man headed is the Sect Master of the Poison Sect. He has bound a piece of jade talisman to Chen Xianglong's body. Once the opponent dies, he will know it for the first time.

When the son entered the secret realm before, the jade talisman had already broken a horn, and he had lingering fears, but he did not expect that the jade talisman would be completely broken today, and his son would die on the spot.

"Subordinates go to find out!"

The frantically kowtow man stood up immediately, arched his hands and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"You all go, let me be here alone."

Sect Master Chen Jiangang waved his hand and couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, his eyes are red and his body is trembling, but there are more important things that have not been done, and he cannot lose his mind because of this.

When the rest of the black-robed people heard this, they immediately disappeared here. They didn't dare to disobey the words of the Sect Master.

Seeing everyone disappear, Chen Jiangang ran directly to the villa.

He turned the villa upside down, but couldn't find what he needed.

"Damn, this brat, where did you put my stuff!"

He turned and went out in a rage, and slammed into the pool of ground meat. In the next second, the pool of ground meat became sparse again.

"Such an important thing was actually stolen from Lao Tzu's room, but I have carefully cultivated it for so long!"

Chen Jiangang's anger is not that his son was killed, but that his son stole a confidential document from him.

Originally, their practitioners wanted to agree on something, at most they would swear by their souls and carve a permanent imprint on the souls of both parties.

But this time was different. He reached a cooperation agreement with the people in Jumbo Pavilion. These people are like stodgy businessmen. They must sign some contract.

This kind of behavior without any prejudice not only makes the practitioner extremely shameless, but also easily leaves a series of evidence!

Now, this is a problem!

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