I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2379: , The magic potion!

Chen Ping also felt a little strange seeing Chen Menying's reaction.

Since Chen Menying's reaction was so great, it was enough to prove that this potion was absolutely effective.

He has long been invaded by the poison of the medicine, and he can't feel the pain, so he must let others experience it.

With so many people present, of course he was reluctant to test it with his wife.

The only candidate who fits Chen Ping's goal is Chen Menying.

Chen Ping also felt embarrassed seeing the pain of the other party.

"Huh? Auntie, why do you feel so uncomfortable?"

"Rice feels so comfortable to take a bath with this thing. Look, the rice can still swim in it!"

The rice grains played with the ducklings, looking very relaxed.

Chen Menying was a little confused for a moment when he saw the other party's so comfortable appearance.

He even suspected that he had just had an illusion.

Maybe it was because the water was too hot and I touched the water in the barrel, so it bounced instantly.

Thinking of this, Chen Menying decided to put her hands in the barrel again to try.

The opponent's action was too fast. Before Chen Ping could stop him, Chen Menying's hand was already in the barrel.


She screamed, raised her hand, and wiped the corner of her eyes with some pain.

This thing really hurts!

At this moment, Chen Menying's eyes turned a little strange when looking at the rice grains.

"What structure is this girl?"

She is now completely staying away from this bucket of water.

Originally, Chen Menying felt that she had been inherited by the mermaid and would never fear any water anymore.

It seems that everything is a dream now.

She could do nothing with the potion in front of her!

"Boss, what is going on, how can you send your biological daughter into such a horrible wooden barrel?"

Chen Menying asked the questioner in a puzzled way. Although he didn't understand Chen Ping's actions, Chen Menying always felt that he had something to do with it.

Chen Ping explained the potion, anyway, they would go through this step sooner or later if they wanted to be their own.

It is better to tell Chen Menying in advance, so that this little Nizi has a mental preparation.

Hearing Chen Ping's description of this potion, Chen Menying's eyes flashed with surprise...

Unexpectedly, there will be such a magical potion in the world, and if you soak it a few times, you can greatly enhance your physical fitness.

Although some of these practitioners have high vitality, their bodies are simply extremely fragile.

If someone is attacked in close proximity without precautions, it is definitely a dead end.

And to use the vitality shield body anytime and anywhere, it is too exhausting vitality, ordinary people simply can't do it.

Practitioners spend most of their time in meditation practice. How can they find time to exercise in a gym or the like?

Chen Ping's potion almost made up for everything.

Not only can they strengthen their bodies while meditating, they can even elevate their bodies to an extremely terrifying state.

Even if you become a **** in the flesh, it is by no means impossible!

Chen Menying looked at Chen Ping eagerly, and hoped that she could enjoy this potion bath.

"Boss, otherwise you can use it after the millet grains are used up."

Of course, Chen Menying knew that this kind of potion was extremely precious, so she wouldn't ask for anything, she just wanted to find a chance to catch it.

Seeing the other side's pitiful appearance, Chen Ping laughed.

"What's wrong? Suddenly not afraid of pain at this time?"

Chen Ping remembered the scene of Chen Menying almost taking off from the same place.

Hearing Chen Ping's ridicule, Chen Menying also felt a little embarrassed.

She shook her hand indifferently, "Although it is really painful, of course it is not important compared to the future!"

Chen Menying understood the value of this potion, so he had to fight for it anyway.

"In a few days, I will dispense this kind of potion for you all. As long as people who follow me sincerely, everyone will suffer this torture!"

Chen Ping said with a smile, now that he has said that if he wants to form his own team, then he must build this team into the top and strongest existence.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Chen Menying happily jumped on the spot, and left here excitedly, and went to find others to share the happiness.

At this time, the potion in the wooden barrel of millet grains was gradually absorbed, and the dark brown potion became clear.

Chen Ping was also a little surprised to see the potion being absorbed so quickly.

Taking advantage of the rice grains without any discomfort, Chen Ping poured a batch of syrup again.

The rice grains were playing with the duck excitedly, without any discomfort during the whole process.

"It's worthy of being the strongest spirit body..."

Apart from saying so, Chen Ping had no emotion.

In addition, he could not think of other reasons that would cause the rice grains to have no response to the medicine.

You have to try Jiang Wan if you find a chance.

Chen Ping thought in his heart.

After all, they all took the medicine to cure the disease, and they all achieved the strongest spirit body.

If Jiang Wan and Mi Li are in the same physical condition, it is enough to prove that Grandpa is the same.

The ability of a family to produce three such strongest spirit bodies is enough to prove the power of the bloodline.

Soon, all the potions provided by Chen Ping turned into clear water, and he did not intend to continue to soak the millet grains.

So the other party has a strong tolerance for these drugs, but masters are not cultivated in a day.

Chen Ping is not greedy, he can already feel the changes in the rice grains' body.

The change in the opponent's body is extremely obvious, not only the aura has become more majestic, even the vitality value and physical fitness have become different from usual.

This absorption capacity is simply invincible!

Chen Ping didn't say much, but explained that the rice grains would go to the bath obediently, and then come down to eat.

The rice grain nodded, and honestly carried the clothes to the toilet.

When Chen Ping arrived downstairs, he happened to meet Jiang Wan who came back from the cafeteria with a meal.

Originally, Jiang Wan was also a member of the crowd, but when she thought that everyone hadn't eaten yet, she took the initiative to go shopping.

Everyone sat at the table excitedly, praising the sister-in-law for her greatness.

Chen Ping hurriedly finished his meal, and took Jiang Wan to the medicinal bath.

Everyone needs to get stronger quickly!

Chen Menying spoke about the rice grains vividly.

Those present were all his own, and Chen Ping also promised during the meal that everyone would have a medicinal bath to soak in.

Everyone was very excited about this and gathered together to discuss this matter.

What they didn't see was that a petite figure ran out of the villa.

The other party not only got out of the villa, but even out of the college.

Mi Li also went to school in Beijing, but the family moved later.

At the beginning, the rice grains were arranged to go to the noble kindergarten, and their status was very strong.

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