I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2381: , Come here! 【Five Watches】

In comparison, I, a person who has not yet come into contact with spiritual practice, is really far behind.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Li Feng's eyes, wishing to replace the life of rice grains.

Hearing Li Feng's words, the rice grains frowned.

She didn't know what Cheng Hao was in her impression.

"I don't care about others. You are responsible for what you say in front of me."

After saying this, the rice grain loosened Li Feng's restraint directly at high altitude, and Li Feng quickly fell directly towards the ground.

But Feng Lao quickly stopped all this.

He is employed by the Li family, so it is naturally impossible for the eldest lady of the Li family to have an accident.

Seeing Feng Lao arrive here, Li Feng's expression has become more and more frantic.

She knows very well that Feng Lao is very powerful and can definitely crush ten streets of rice grains.

Xiao Mi Li looked at the old man in front of him nervously.

She felt an extremely powerful pressure from the opponent.

Although this coercion was far from what his father unintentionally released, it was enough to prove that the opponent was stronger than himself.

Seeing that he had released the supreme coercion, Mr. Feng couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart because he was unable to restrain this little girl.

If you let him know that the rice grains have long been accustomed to this kind of high-pressure life, he would definitely kneel down and kowtow to the rice grains immediately, begging her for forgiveness.

"Little girl, I think you have a good talent. I wonder if you are interested in accepting me as an apprentice?"

"I am the elder of the Refining Sect, you can call me a good old man."

"If you are my apprentice, then, I can help you handle everything you provoke today."

Feng Lao showed a proud expression, in his opinion, Rice Grain would definitely agree to himself.

After all, this little girl is just a girl who just went to elementary school, she is still very cheating.

"Do not."

Mi Li directly rejected him.

Now Li Feng is in Feng Lao's hands, even if he wants to clean up this person, there is no way he can do it.

In this case, Rice decided to give up.

Before leaving, she suddenly had an idea and reached out and hooked towards Li Feng.

The next moment, Li Feng was suddenly sucked away by the other party, and when he saw this scene of rice grains, he laughed.

She waved a fleshy fist, carrying vitality, and punched Li Feng.

Before Li Feng could reach the rice grains, he was blown away by a punch in the next second, lying on the ground looking very miserable.

Feng Lao didn't expect that the other party would have such a method, and immediately went to check the situation of Missy in a panic.

Seeing this scene, Mi Li's figure flashed directly and disappeared in the villa.

Apart from other things, there are a lot of escape techniques for rice grains.

In order to ensure the safety of his daughter, Chen Ping taught a lot of escape techniques.

Even if the strength of Mi Li and Feng Lao are very different, Mi Li can escape from the opponent's hands without incident.

Feng Laogang, who had placed Li Feng, wanted to turn his head to look for rice grains, but found that this little Nizi was missing.

"It's weird!"

He secretly said, and then contacted Li Feng's parents.

This little girl has been knocked out. What is the specific situation, she still has to go to the hospital for treatment.

He is just a practitioner who knows how to refine tools, not a genius doctor who knows how to see a doctor.

He could only see that this person's breath of life was very weak, as if this little girl had been beaten to death.

After Li Feng's parents heard this, they rushed back from the company.

They are the chairman of major listed groups, and they are very busy on weekdays.

But no matter how busy, there is no daughter in the ICU that deserves more attention.

The two parents-in-laws were so angry that they directly found the housekeeper and Feng Lao, wanting to inquire about the matter.

At this time, the rice grains had completed their retaliation plan, and returned to the academy leisurely.

Even the rice grains bought a lot of delicious snacks outside, which caused a sensation when they were brought back.

Everyone thought that the rice grains were bought and eaten, so they didn't care.

Only Chen Ping's expression was very solemn.

He is not a fool, of course he knows that rice grains go out and do bad things.

He had discovered it as early as the moment the rice grains disappeared.

Originally, Chen Ping had the same idea as everyone else, thinking that she was going out to meet the world to buy things.

He didn't realize what was wrong with this matter until someone came to him.

Rice is unfamiliar here, what can she do?

"Boss, someone from the Li family was brought in, and he said he wanted to ask you something!"

At this time, Zhuge Qingfeng also broke in suddenly and reported the situation to Chen Ping.

The Li family is not a powerful family.

In the beginning, when they hadn't had a baby, they just made money by reselling bad things.

Unexpectedly, after the incident, he suddenly became a celebrity in the world.

The Li family has been hot for ten years, and it's time to switch to another family.

"Boss, do you want to solve them?"

A trace of killing intent flashed through Zhuge Qingfeng's eyes, so sometimes he would be more indecisive, but at least in the face of principles, he would not back off at will.

If this group of people will cause trouble for their next actions, it is naturally impossible to stay alive.

Hearing this, Chen Ping shook his head.

There must be some purpose for the other party to send someone over. If that's the case, then we don't want to expose him.

Chen Ping didn't know about the rice beating people, and he didn't even know that the Li family had come to the door.

He thought it was who wanted to talk about cooperation with himself.

When Mi Li saw the man at the door of Li's house, he appeared in front of him, and was shocked instantly.

"The housekeeper of the Li family, Li Zhongcheng, I am very happy to meet you."

Li Zhongzheng spoke politely, seemingly intending to have peace talks with everyone.

Many people who have heard this have quite big opinions.

They don’t think that the other party will negotiate peace!

"I'm a person who likes to get straight to the point. It doesn't matter if you have anything to say."

Chen Ping didn't mean to want to talk to each other well. He had also heard of this Li family, and the wind evaluation was not very good.

And now in any large family, Chen Ping would suspect that they have something to do with Qiankun, so his attitude has never been too good.

Li Zhongcheng also didn't expect that Chen Ping would have such an arrogant attitude, and he was a little at a loss at once.

With a stiff smile on his face, he smiled and said.

"Your daughter didn't come back to tell you what happened?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Ping looked back at the rice grains curiously.

"what's happening?"

He subconsciously thought that someone had bullied the rice grains, so he was full of anger in his heart, and was always ready to clean up the perpetrators.

"Your rice grains injured our Li family's daughter. She is still in the hospital, life or death is uncertain."

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