I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2392: , An elixir that prolongs life span for ten years!

"Young man, he has a pretty good personality."

The old owner made a rare compliment.

In front of everyone's extremely jealous eyes, Yuchi Wenqing presented the gift of the refining sect to the old village owner.

"This jade talisman is carefully crafted by the refining tool sect. It can be worn on the body for a long time, and it can nourish spiritual consciousness and accelerate the speed of practice."

Yuchi Wenqing presented the gift happily. This jade talisman was indeed the best product they had created. The Sect Master of Refining Tools gave this thing as a gift, and he was a little unwilling to give it out.

Originally, they were planning to let Yuchi Wenqing send a pill to it, but after thinking about it, Yuchi Wenqing finally gave a jade talisman.

The pill that prolongs life sounds very powerful, but in fact it is not very effective.

For the old owner who has a life span of one hundred years, this kind of medicine is undoubtedly a waste.

What's more, this ammunition doesn't have any substantial effect, it just makes people feel comfortable after taking it.

This pill is definitely no better than the gift Yuan Lang gave, so it is more reliable to give the jade charms refined by his father.

Hearing Yuchi Wenqing's words, the butler immediately went up and accepted the gift.

A hint of surprise flashed across everyone's faces, and this jade talisman could be said to be comparable to the monster egg.

There are really not many magical tools for warming up spiritual consciousness in this world.

Once the divine consciousness is strong, then oneself will rise to the next level.

Even if it is more level to kill the enemy, it is definitely not a problem.

Chen Ping couldn't help but sighed Yu Chi Wenqing's generous move, the next moment he also arched his hands and stood up.

"Master, this time I gave a present on my behalf."

"I have a pill here, which can add ten years to your life after taking it."

Chen Ping took out the exquisite gift box from his arms and handed it directly.

When the housekeeper heard Chen Ping's words, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly returned to normal, and presented the gift from Chen Ping.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, the young man standing behind the old owner couldn't restrain his inner emotions.

He almost rushed over and took the pill to study it.

"Hehe, really ridiculous, adding ten years to life?"

A noisy voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked intently and found that it was Zhang Yuhan who had left the scene midway.

Zhang Erhan has changed his clothes and returned to normal.

But the smell of his body is still fresh in everyone's memory.

Unexpectedly, he came just in time for Chen Ping's gift. When he heard Chen Ping's gift, he couldn't help showing a mocking look.

This kind of pill is unheard of, unseen, how can someone get it out?

He is a hundred unbelieving about what Chen Ping gave away!

A look of helplessness flashed across Chen Ping's face, and he did not expect that someone would come out to sabotage at this time.

But he also felt a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy to have a strong recovery ability, and he had returned to normal so quickly.

The others watched this scene with smiles. They always watched the excitement not too much.

If it can ruin the reputation of the future son-in-law of this refining sect, it is naturally the best.

It's just that there is a young man who can't stand up now.

The young man behind the old owner rushed down directly, grabbed the pill in the steward's hand, and asked nervously.

"Is your pill real or fake?"

His face was full of expectant expressions, and it was obvious that he was very concerned about Chen Ping's pill.

Others were afraid to speak when they saw this scene.

This young man is the grandson that the old owner loves most, and his status and status are extraordinary.

Everyone thought that the old owner would look down on this thing, but he didn't expect his grandson to care so much.

Is it possible that the life of this young man will end?

It stands to reason that a practitioner in the fifth zone of the other party can live at least eighty to ninety years.

This young man seems to be in his early twenties now, so he won't be so greedy for these drugs, right?

Besides, the authenticity of this pill has not yet been determined, and most of it is fake!

Others want to see Chen Ping's jokes, whether the pill is true or not, you will know at first inspection.

Yuchi Wenqing stood aside, with a look of shock on his face. After a brief astonishment, he also stood firmly beside Chen Ping.

"He will not fool people with fake pills."

Yuchi Wenqing's trust in Chen Ping is very high.

Seeing Yuchi Wenqing's reaction, Chen Ping felt a little surprised, and he showed gratitude.

Yuchi Wenqing's support obviously gave him the right to speak. The young man was still staring at Chen Ping with a little urgency in his eyes.

"If it's true or false, you will know it at the first try."

Chen Ping smiled calmly. This was also the pill he had made with his hands. The medicinal effect was extremely strong, and after taking it, he could instantly feel the change in his physique.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Xiaoyoung hesitated.

After all, this pill was for Grandpa, and he didn't dare to give it to Grandpa rashly!

Perhaps seeing the tangled expression of his grandson, the old owner also smiled cheerfully.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of someone poisoning me."

He waved his hand and asked the butler to bring the pill for himself.

In fact, his mood is very disturbed.

The old village owner checked his destiny and found that he didn't have many days to live.

At most, he would live in the world for a year or two, and his soul would collapse and dissipate in the heavens and the earth.

Only the old housekeeper and his grandson knew about this, so they only showed such a surprised look after hearing the effect of the pill.

The old housekeeper tremblingly took the pill from the young man, offered it with both hands, and handed it to the old owner.


This young man is named Huang Ruochen, who has lived in Riyue Villa since he was a child, and is much simpler than his peers.

But simplicity doesn't mean stupid, he still dare not let Grandpa try such a pill easily.

The old village owner took the pill and observed it carefully, and found that there was nothing special about the pill.

Even this medicinal pill looks like jelly beans, and there is no sensation of leakage of the medicine at all.

"It's a wonderful alchemy technique. I can't perceive the efficacy of this pill through the leaked medicinal power."

He smiled, and his heart was a little bit more amazed at this pill.

Being able to block all the medicinal power in the pill is enough to show the power of the alchemist.

The others looked at the old village owner with entangled faces, they wanted to persuade the old village owner not to take other people's pills casually!

After all, the origin of this person is still unclear, and his words are strange.

If it weren't for the guarantee of Yuchi Wenqing from the Refining Sect, they really wanted to get rid of this neurosis.

"Old owner, the origin of this person is unknown, you must think twice!"

"The old owner must take a long-term view on this matter, or else divide the pill into two and show it to others for a trial?"

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