"You are so deceiving!"

Yuan Lang angrily tore off the certificate on his forehead, squeezed it into a ball, and threw it aside.

He has never been so recklessly humiliated when he grows up.

How can Chen Ping and He De, want to humiliate himself like this!

"Are you a person of the universe? You can tell at a glance."

Chen Ping took advantage of the moment when the other party became angry and stretched out his hand to pull off his clothes.

Originally, this guy was untidy, so Chen Ping easily dragged him off his shirt.

The tattoo of the word Qiankun was exposed in front of Chen Ping.

"You all have the tattoos of Qiankun's internal staff, can't you prove your identity?"

Chen Ping spoke with interest, but he wanted to see how this guy would argue next.


Yuan Lang had a murderous heart, and this guy actually knew the secret of Tianlanzong.

Just as he was about to preemptively strike, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed, and Yuan Lang found that he could not move, as if he was bound by something. Once he struggled, he would sting all over his body, as if being struck by lightning.

"What is your method?"

Yuan Lang was shocked, his strength was so severely suppressed that he couldn't show it at all!

"Either tell me about the universe, or I can see through your mind and see enough."

"Choose it."

Chen Ping's voice is like a devil, and it makes people feel trembling when they hear it.

"You dream!"

Yuan Lang gritted his teeth and said that he would not betray the Zong Sect even if he died.

A hint of surprise flashed through Chen Ping's eyes, but he didn't expect this man to be quite spine.

He used thunder and lightning to restrain Yuan Lang, and kept shrinking, leaving Yuan Lang with scars and cracking teeth.

"Damn, I'm fighting with you!"

Yuan Lang was so angry that he cut through his arm with difficulty, released a lot of blood, and then buckled an object from his sleeve and threw it on the ground.

Just when Chen Ping thought that Yuan Lang would break through the shackles of thunder and lightning and attack himself, there was a loud noise in the next second.


A puff of smoke filled Yuan Lang, and Yuan Lang disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the rags scattered on the ground, Chen Ping couldn't help frowning.

Unexpectedly, the other party used the secret method of the blood shield to escape.

This method not only consumes one's own energy, but also damages the life span.

Yuan Lang's use of such a method really felt a little panic.

"Why doesn't he resist?"

Chen Ping frowned, this was something he didn't expect.

It stands to reason that people like Yuan Lang who are arrogant and arrogant will definitely resist and wait until they are defeated before fleeing.

He thought about it and didn't quite understand the other party's actions. Although Chen Ping placed a tracking charm on Yuan Lang's body, he did not dare to go to the other party's sect.

The Tianlan sect family has a great cause and a lot of background, and it is not easy to get in and out of it.

If you want to clean up the Tianlanzong, you have to wait for an opportunity.


At the moment of Tianlanzong, Yuan Lang collapsed on the steps of the mountain gate extremely embarrassed.

In order to be able to escape back, he expended a lot of effort.

Yuan Lang gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the city, a trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes.

"If it weren't for coming back to tell the news, do you think I would run away so embarrassed?"

"Chen Ping...I remember you."

He is not a fool. Although he is strong, he can be seen through Chen Ping's thunder and lightning, and his strength is not weak.

Rather than fighting a life and death with the two and unable to tell the outcome, it is better to seize the time to return to the sect and inform his father of the exposed matter of the universe.

The disciples of Xunshan quickly discovered Yuan Lang, and they panicked and carried the young master who had passed out to the sect.

Sect Master Yuan Xiaoai of Tianlan Sect saw the appearance of his son's wounds all over his body, angrily threw a punch towards the front, and instantly the top of the mountain collapsed and the ground shook.

"When Lang'er wakes up and asks who did it, I will definitely punish him and put him on the top of Zongmen Mountain for three days and three nights!"

Yuan Lang grew up so big, he had never suffered such a serious injury under his meticulous care. This time he not only injured Dao Gen, but even lost his ability to pass on from generation to generation!

His only son!

"Yelang, no matter what method you use, hurry up and invite the Shi family over, and I want them to save my son!"

Yuan Xiaoai said angrily, no matter what, the lifeblood of his son must be preserved!

Yelang accepted Yuan Xiaoai's task, and immediately left Tianlanzong with people and rushed towards the city. He knew that the genius boy of the Shi family was going to the Beijing Practitioner Academy recently.

After cleaning up the mess left by Yuan Lang, Chen Ping returned to the villa calmly, only to find that the villa was very lively.

At this time, everyone should just get up. Why does it suddenly become so lively?

He opened the door suspiciously and walked in, and at a glance he saw a familiar figure.

Yuchi Wenqing? !

Chen Ping never dreamed that Yuchi Wenqing would come here.

It is estimated that she, like Yuan Lang, will have to stay outside for a while before returning to the sect.

In fact, Chen Ping was obviously wrong.

Yuchi Wenqing returned to the sect in the first time and informed his father of everything.

Under the desperate urging of Yuchi Iron Smelting, she also came to the Shangjing Cultivator Academy with some embarrassment.

Of course, the main reason was that Chen Ping asked her about Yuan Lang's news.

Yuchi Wenqing has always been brilliant, and of course he knew Chen Ping's intention to ask himself this question.

There must be a problem!

She even connected Yuan Lang with the affairs of the Beijing Ascetic Academy.

If he didn't guess wrong, Yuan Lang, who must be reported by Javier, would definitely find someone to clean up Chen Ping. These movements were all caused by him.

Although Yuchi Wenqing knew that Chen Ping was great, he didn't know exactly what level of Chen Ping's strength was. He was afraid that Yuan Lang's tricks would harm Chen Ping.

"Boss, are you back?"

Zhuge Qingfeng leaned forward with a smile and greeted Chen Ping.

Everyone knows that Yuchi Wenqing is the young master of the refining sect, so his attitude is naturally somewhat different. Of course, the most important thing is that the other party is beautiful.

"Yuan Lang him?"

Yuchi Wenqing looked at Chen Ping with some doubts. Seeing Chen Ping's safe appearance, she suddenly felt confident in her heart.


Chen Ping replied.

This is a result he did not expect.

He thought that the other party was a decisive, vicious and vicious guy, but he didn't expect that decisiveness really listened to decisiveness. He just said to run and ran, never in love with fighting.

"He ran away... Then this matter is a bit serious."

Yuchi Wenqing frowned, thinking about whether to let the Refining Sect take action, at least to calm this matter down.

Seeing Yuchi Wenqing's appearance, everyone was no longer in the mood to tease, their expressions were very serious, and they looked at Chen Ping nervously.

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