Gu Xiaoshi's rapid promotion and salary increase all the way over the years is relying on her unique charm.

From an ordinary clerk at the very beginning to the director of the Sunyue City in Huibaolou, Gu Xiaoshi took a lot of thought.

In addition to being able to socialize well with those wealthy people, Gu Xiaoshi is also proficient in magic arts.

This ability is not something ordinary people can have.

If you want to learn this powerful ability, you must have the right time and place and your own foundation.

Gu Xiaoshi already looked good, and coupled with his cultivation talent, he went on to practice the charm technique by chance.

Unexpectedly, this suddenly made Gu Xiaoshi successfully reach the pinnacle of life.

On weekdays, Gu Xiaoshi used enchantment in Huibaolou, basically without failure.

No matter how difficult it is to deal with customers, Gu Xiaoshi can easily get them into the bag and let them buy things obediently and leave.

Originally, Gu Xiaoshi wanted to rely on her own ability to deceive the origin of Chen Ping's pill.

But it was unexpected that Chen Ping would not eat this set.

The charm that he was proud of was actually planted on a man who didn't know its origin.

How can Gu Xiaoshi stand this way?

Gu Xiaoshi couldn't wait to find Chen Ping directly and show her charm again. She didn't believe that there was a man who could resist her beauty.

However, Gu Xiaoshi is still a very clear person, knowing that the most important thing now is not to toss Chen Ping, but to take the lead in comforting Lin Feiyu's emotions. This is his big customer.

"Master Lin, you see this person is gone, we don't need to care about him, I don't think he is an outsider, so I want to calm his emotions first!"

"This kind of outsider has nothing to do with you, what if you do something to Master Lin!"

Gu Xiaoshi's words were extremely ugly. In short, Chen Ping seemed to have become a arrogant person who would attack others.

Lin Feiyu felt extremely happy when he heard this.

After all, Gu Xiaoshi stood in his own perspective and spoke for himself.

"You are right, Xiaoye is very happy. When the auction is held three days later, Xiaoye will bring the money to join you!"

After Lin Feiyu said this, he squeezed directly towards the other's chest. The two looked extremely ambiguous, and the others turned their heads consciously.

They didn't dare to comment too much on this young master doing anything. Although everyone wanted to get Gu Xiaoshi, how could they dare to provoke the woman whom the young master liked?

Soon Chen Ping disappeared from this street. He randomly found a relatively remote inn and opened a room.

If you want to open a house in these places, you don’t need any identity registration certificate, you only need to pay for it.

This point made Chen Ping very satisfied, and he didn't have to worry about how to get a reasonable identity certificate for himself.

However, he didn't plan to change into the clothes here as he did. In his opinion, strange clothes are not a big deal.

On the contrary, because of this, he can still attract more people's attention.

Maybe this group of people won't recognize themselves after changing into normal clothes.

Chen Ping returned to the inn, directly entered the Tongtian Tower, opened the rusty security door, and returned to his own world.

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