Since the other party is so weak, then Chen Ping naturally can't give them any face.

Not being able to cooperate with Chen Ping, that was the loss of Huibaolou.

Now that Shi Zhentian came up with this idea, the thought in Chen Ping's heart became even more enthusiastic.

"Make arrangements and find someone to come over and open the shop."

Chen Ping asked Lion Zhentian to return to the real world for the time being and arrange everything.

And he returned to the City Lord's Mansion again.

He needs to discuss this matter with Zhuo Tianwei.

Now most of the land is basically in the hands of the Lin family, and a small part belongs to the city lord.

Chen Ping didn't want to look for scattered land by himself.

Now that he has someone ready to use, why doesn't he use it?

Zhuo Tianwei was holding the pile of weapons and pills in excitement, and suddenly found that someone appeared quietly.

This movement immediately made him vigilant.

As a city lord, he would always worry about someone coming to assassinate him.

Therefore, Zhuo Tianwei has always maintained vigilance at all times.

Coupled with the fact that he now has such treasures in his hands, it is even more impossible to relax.

When he saw Chen Ping's appearance clearly, he immediately let go of the stone in his heart.

Since it's Chen Ping, it's fine. It's all his own, so why be nervous.

"I have something to discuss."

Chen Ping said his thoughts straightforwardly.

Hearing this, although Zhuo Tianwei hesitated, he finally stood on Chen Ping's side.

"I know what your worries are. Are you afraid that the Lin family will buy these treasures to deal with you?"

Chen Ping had already considered the other party's worries, since he wanted to cooperate with Zhuo Tianwei, he would naturally resolve the other party's worries.

"The pill that I sell to you is naturally of much better quality, and in addition to the Zhengding warranty, there are only some defective products or weaker efficacy in the store."

"All the weapons and pills provided by you will be top-notch."

Chen Ping's words made the other party no longer worry in an instant.

Zhuo Tianwei has an inexplicable sense of trust in Chen Ping.

He felt that Chen Ping was the most reliable teammate.

Being able to be friends rather than enemies with each other was the most correct decision he made.

Chen Ping actually had his own consideration long ago.

In the beginning, the group of boys refined a lot of waste pills.

All these things are stacked in the warehouse, no one cares about them.

Even the cats, dogs and cats raised in their villas are reluctant to take this disused pill.

And this kind of refined elixir is countless times better than the elixir here.

Not to mention how big the difference is compared to the pill of Ancestral Land.

If these ammunition are sold out, they will be crazily sought after.

The pill that Chen Ping refined himself can become a treasure of the town and shop, and it can be displayed for people to admire.

However, it is estimated that few people can appreciate a pill like him that has no fragrance at all.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, Zhuo Tianwei also nodded.

Now that Chen Ping had already considered this matter, he had no worries anymore.

"Okay, this is all set, I will find a shop for you right away, and pretend it for you overnight tonight!"

Zhuo Tianwei said with a smile.

With Chen Ping's assurance, he was in a very good mood.

Chen Ping nodded, and he took out a design drawing from his arms.

He temporarily asked Shi Zhentian to fetch it for himself.

Because of the large-scale time difference between the two worlds, Shi Zhentian has been out for a long time, which is equivalent to a half-and-a-half here.

Zhuo Tianwei felt a little surprised when he got the design drawing in his hand.

He fumbled the page lightly, trying his best to hide the astonishment in his heart.

This piece of paper is completely different from the paper he usually touches.

They basically use parchment paper.

At this moment, the piece of paper that Chen Ping gave himself was nothing but a handicraft.

With a thin layer, so many patterns can be drawn.

It feels so different to the touch, much more advanced than parchment.

He glanced at Chen Ping secretly with some shock, and tried his best to conceal the tremor in his heart.

Chen Ping didn't realize this, he hadn't really seen what paper was used here.

The other party was holding this piece of paper cautiously, and suddenly he didn't know what to do.

Chen Ping didn't care, but asked the other party to decorate according to the look on this piece of paper.

The people here are all cultivators, and their speed is definitely not slow.

One night is enough time to build this shop.

After getting everything done, Chen Ping immediately became the shopkeeper, left the city lord's mansion, and returned to the dilapidated house.

Zhuo Tianwei did not neglect, and quickly arranged for someone to select the most lively shop in Chen Ping.

Even this location is much better than the location of Huibaolou.

If the people in Huibaolou knew about this, they would definitely be irritated enough.

Riyuechen is divided into three main forces.

The main force, of course, is the Lin family, who does evil for all evils.

The other is Huibaolou.

Poor City Lord's Mansion can only be ranked third.

Zhuo Tianwei has always been brooding about this matter.

He tried to resist these capital forces.

But the opponent's hand stretched so long that he could not touch it at all.

So over the years, Zhuo Tianwei has been living very awkwardly.

He was also very thankful that he was fortunate to have given birth to a son.

The two princes of the Lin family in Riyuecheng are not good things. If he had a daughter who was allure, he would have been chasing the door.

At that time, he will face more troubles.

Thinking of this, he also felt a little headache, and felt helpless.

Fortunately, with Chen Ping's help, otherwise he really didn't know what he should do.

According to their strength, the status of the City Lord's Mansion will plummet in a short time.

When the time comes, even these people will not easily believe in the power of the City Lord's Mansion.

Those who lose the minds of the people lose the world. As a wise man, he understands this truth very well.

Now that you have these pills, the most important thing is to improve the strength of the people around you first.

Immediately afterwards, he was able to arm his own team, but all of this had to be carried out sneakily.

Although the Lin Family and Huibaolou have a lot of waste and worms, there are still some clever and practical people.

I am a little bit moving, and they will find out soon.

So everything must be done surreptitiously.

The pills and weapons were distributed that night.

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