I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2648: , Pixiu's thoughts

"500 yuan stone." The other party directly offered the price.

Hearing this, Gu Xiaoshi turned her head and looked at Pai Yao.

She really has no spare money.

Pai Yao glanced at each other suspiciously, and finally chose to trust.

After taking out the 500 yuan stone and buying this bag of powder, Pai Yao was led out.

Seeing Gu Xiaoshi's cowering look, Pai Yao couldn't help but speak.

"The thing you bought had better be useful, otherwise..."

Seeing Pai Xiu's unhappy look, Gu Xiaoshi also hurriedly explained.

"This thing is a licensed product in Huibao Lou. Only professionals know that they are selling these things!"

"If this powder is mixed in water and drunk, the other party will lose his vitality for a period of time. Once you take this thing to Chen Ping, wouldn't the other party let you toss about it?"

Gu Xiaoshi said with a smile, this thing is her trump card at the bottom of the box.

Holding a bag of powder given by the other party, Pai Yao glanced at him with some doubts, and Gu Xiaoshi's words made Pai Yao a little surprised.

"If this thing is really useful, then you have done a great job, and then you will definitely become my princess."

Pai Yao kept promising to each other, and the two of them soon envisioned a beautiful scene.

He hadn't exposed himself in front of Chen Ping so much, so Pai Yao believed that it would be easy for him to show himself in front of Chen Ping.

At this moment, all the people in this city are conceiving ghosts and want to calculate each other, and the Guzhu Forest has also undergone a completely different change.

The strength of the monster beasts in this deep forest has become stronger by a large margin, and they all attacked the outside world at a slow speed.

If they really penetrated the forest to come to the outside world, Sun Moon City would be the first to suffer.

Some people are responsive and feel something wrong in advance, and the ones who dragged the family have already left.

Some people don't have such a strong ability to intervene, and they are still living in this city, seemingly happy.

The Lin family didn't care about these details at all.

After suffering Zhuo Tianwei's blow, their Lin family also felt a little upset.

But before he had time to launch a revenge plan, the other party had already gone to the imperial city.

In desperation, they had to repair a book and mail it to the imperial city, hoping that the young master could find a way to clean up each other.

"Mom, all the women I like have already left, or let's live in another place?"

Lin Feiyu asked her mother very ignorantly.

There were no beauties in Riyue City at all, and the last two beauties had disappeared without a trace, which made him feel a headache.

On weekdays, even if I want to have fun, I can’t find a place.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Don't think about it. Our Lin family has always lived in Riyue City. We will never move the whole family. If we want to move, we have to go to the Imperial City!"

She knew very well in her heart that it was very easy to walk, but her status in the family and the degree of favoredness would be greatly reduced by that time.

When the time comes, if the family is going to fight for something, then they will not get any benefits at all in this line.

Her stupid son always only knows to look at women, and will never consider the issue of speeding up competition, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"It's not just that, I always feel something is wrong recently. It seems that something dangerous is about to happen. Could it be that the monsters in the monster forest over there are going to run out?"

Although Lin Feiyu is low in strength and idiot, his perception ability is still very strong.

But people like him have never had any influence.

At this moment, no one wants to believe what an idiot is saying.

Even his mother thought all this was gibberish.

"Don't think about it so much, if the monster beast can break through our city so easily, then why should we stay here?"

Most of the people in the Lin family felt very disdainful of this statement, they really didn't believe that the monster beast would break through the barrier and enter the human world.

Lin Feiyu always felt that something was wrong with this matter. He had already secretly cleaned up his belongings and was about to leave.

This time he came to talk to the old mother, and it was precisely for other reasons.

"Mom, I will go to Huayue City to play a circle, and then go to Tianling City to go around to see if there is any chance that belongs to me!"

Lin Feiyu forcefully explained in embarrassment.

If the mother chose to trust herself in the first place, then he would definitely not choose to rush away.

But now no one wants to believe in himself at all. He can't think of any way other than finding a place to hide quickly.

It is better for them to die than to die by themselves!

Mother Lin has always been more doting on her son, since the other party has already made such a request, she will naturally not refuse.

"Well, well, your mood is not so good anyway, just go out to relax, remember, don't get to know those women who are not inconsistent!"

Lin Feiyu immediately jumped up happily when he heard this, and after saying goodbye to his mother quickly, he disappeared in Riyue City.

He also hoped that his perception was false, so that at least the Lin family could survive.

As a man who exhibits selfishness to the extreme, he feels that he has done his best.

"Master, I'm going to Tianling City."

Lin Feiyu stopped the carriage casually and hurried to Tianling City.

This city is slightly more developed than Huayue City, so going here is relatively fun.

I have always heard that the city lord of Huayue City is a strange old thing, which also greatly reduced Lin Feiyu's impression.

What Chen Ping didn't know was that at this moment, all the Bafang demons and ghosts had gathered towards Tianling City.

At this time, Chen Ping also felt some changes in the real world.

After he confessed to everyone here, he immediately disappeared in front of everyone and returned to the home planet.

At this time, Shi Zhentian also returned with his brothers and sisters.

It took him a lot of effort to get all these guys back.

Chen Ping was also worried at first that a group of lions would swagger through the market.

As a result, I didn't expect that my worries were completely redundant, and these people could be transformed into human forms.

"Smelly boy, if you let me know that you lied to us, I will stew you in a while and make a braised lion's head!"

Shi Zhentian's father spoke extremely irritably, and they rushed to this place all the way because of their trust in their son.

Mainly, this stinky boy described this place too well.

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