This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, completely making Pan Mingxin desperate.

If the other party has the same mode of operation, they can make a difference to the other party on the way.

But now it's completely different. The other party actually has his own alchemist, which is already a bit exaggerated.

With an alchemist, they can have a lot of medicines anytime and anywhere, and these medicines can continuously provide a supply of goods for their shops.

Seeing Pan Mingxin's desperate look, Kan Chengfeng couldn't help but smile.

"If you can get their alchemist, I can consider keeping the original price and charge you 10% more as an intelligence fee."

"As long as you can handle the other party, I won't collect 50%."

Kan Chengfeng was also very kind and generous and gave the other party a chance to save himself.

Regardless of whether the opponent is successful or not, he still has great benefits.

Pan Mingxin nodded when she heard this. This is undoubtedly a method.

Although the other party's request is indeed excessive, it is the best way to deal with it.

In this way, not only can I have an alchemist, but I can even alleviate this crisis, which is also a good thing.

"Now they live in the backyard of the treasure building. The alchemist is a kid who looks a little young. Don't underestimate that kid. He is still very strong."

Kan Chengfeng also confessed very kindly. He was also afraid that the other party would not believe the child.

When I first heard the news, to be honest, Kan Chengfeng was not willing to believe it, but judging from the situation reported by the people under his hands, this little guy is really better than he thought.

Pan Mingxin showed a look of doubt, he also thought Kan Chengfeng was joking.

"You are not wrong, are you a kid?"

Pan Mingxin said blankly.

He always felt that this reality was too illusory, and everything seemed like Kan Chengfeng was setting himself up.

How could there be people in the world who can refine pills at a young age?

Moreover, he had also seen the pill in the Treasure Building. The quality of each pill was considered top-notch. Even a seventh-rank alchemist might not be able to refine it.

So he once suspected that behind this shop, there was a **** who was even more powerful than the seventh-rank alchemist.

But now listening to the other party, these pills are actually made by a child?

This is really surprising, Pan Mingxin feels that his three views have been destroyed.

"If you don't believe it, you can find out more. By the way, I kindly remind you. If you don't want to believe it, you can't blame me."

After saying this, he directly issued the eviction order.

If the other party doesn't want to believe in himself, it really doesn't have much to say.

And he feels that he can say so much that he has done his best.

Kan Chengfeng is in a very good mood now, he is very clear about what he will face next.

He has spent countless family wealth in these years, and now he finally has a chance to get all the money back. He is in a good mood.

After Pan Mingxin left the City Lord's Mansion, his whole body was extremely uncomfortable, and he had long hated Kan Chengfeng's failure.

This guy is insatiable and has always been an extremely annoying existence.

He was crazily coveting his turnover when he was doing business before. If Pan Mingxin could not speak well, he would have been fooled by the other party a long time ago.

However, Pan Ming didn't care much about his son's sake. He also wanted to find someone to cover himself in Tianling City.

The other party has such a miserable son, and he must have spent a lot of money, so Pan Mingxin can be considered more understanding.

But now Kan Chengfeng's son has returned to normal, and this guy even has to get even more demanding for a lot of money. This is not insatiable, what else can it be!

"Damn, even if your son becomes like this, I haven't seen you drink less flower wine! There are so many women in the city lord's mansion, no wonder my son will have trouble!"

Pan Mingxin cursed and said as he walked, he was completely disappointed with Kan Chengfeng.

At this time, Pai Yao was also wandering in the shop non-stop. To be honest, he was really interested in these pills.

The things are not cheap, and even higher than those in Huibaolou.

He remembered that when he saw it for himself, the price of these medicines was obviously not high. Why did he switch to another city to open a store and the price suddenly turned like this.

But he didn't ask this kind of mindless question, no matter what, since people have already marked the price, he naturally has to accept it.

"Come, come and hurry up and line up. Our goal today is to buy all these pills!"

At this moment, an old man pushed Pai Yao lightly and motioned for the guy to step aside.

"Boy, if you don't want to buy, just stand aside, we are all here to buy things!"

The old man said with some dissatisfaction, this young man didn't have the money to buy it, and it was indeed too much to stop here to stop them from buying things.

Hearing this sentence, Pai Yao almost died of anger.

All of these old men were over half a hundred years old, and they lined up in groups with white hair.

Seeing this group of sunset red team, Pai Yao just felt very speechless.

"Who said I won't buy it?"

With a big hand, Pai Xiu fumbled out the storage bag from the side.

"I have packed all the medicines you have here, and I have to buy all the medicines that are not lost!"

Pai Xiu spoke very boldly, feeling like a tyrant.

After hearing this, the group of old men couldn't help laughing loudly, looking at each other like an idiot.

"Let me just say, this guy is definitely not very good at his brain, otherwise, why would he stay here for a long time?"

"I think so too. Didn't he look at the bulletin board at the door? A person can only buy one, and he wants to buy all of them. It's really sick!"

"If you can buy them all at once, then the pill here has already been bought, and those people won't hire us to line up for them!"

Hearing what the old men said to me, Pai Yao only felt very upset.

He did not expect that these old men would dare to taunt themselves, and their attitude was so bad.

He was about to take action to solve these old men, but after another thought, it is not the time to cause trouble, so he should keep as quiet as possible.

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