I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2658: , The purpose is reached

Although his greet gestures seemed to say hello to the folks, only she knew what she was doing.

When Kan Chengfeng kept greeting everyone, he suddenly saw a girl selling sweet potatoes next to him.

This woman is well grown up, and she is dressed very elegantly, giving people a very smart feeling.

This is the Gu Xiaoshi after Yi Rong.

Gu Xiaoshi knows that he and the other party have had several ties, so he still has to pretend to be at a critical time.

As a customer of Treasure House, Gu Xiaoshi actually bought a lot of Yi Rong Dan.

I was able to change this time thanks to Yi Rongdan's help.

Otherwise, the disguise level of Gu Xiaoshi's chicken ribs would have long been seen.

After Kan Chengfeng saw this top beauty, a glimmer of surprise flashed across his eyes. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before.

The last time I saw Nuoyi from the Treasure House.

Because of Chen Ping's face, he didn't express his inner surprise, just getting along as an ordinary person.

But getting along for a long time will only make him feel very uncomfortable.

This tangible feeling is indeed uncontrollable.

"This little girl, why are you selling sweet potatoes here alone?"

Kan Chengfeng stepped forward curiously, grabbed two sweet potatoes and looked at them in his hands.

Seeing the other party's successful bait, Gu Xiaoshi's face also showed a bright smile.

She wiped sweat on her face deliberately, pretending to want to wipe her face clean, but actually wiped a black mark on her face.

"Isn't this to support the family's livelihood... Lord City Lord, do you want to buy sweet potatoes?"

Gu Xiaoshi blinked curiously, she looked very smart and beautiful, which made people feel amazing.

Kan Chengfeng, who has always been keen on innocent beauties, saw this scene, his whole person had been sublimated, he only felt a tremor all over, and he felt a feeling of falling into the other's love trap.

Seeing the other side's appearance, Gu Xiaoshi just wanted to laugh, but as a professional fishing expert, Gu Xiaoshi was still able to control his emotions.

High-end hunters all appear as prey. Gu Xiaoshi understands this truth very well.

Seeing this look of Gu Xiaoshi, Kan Chengfeng silently invited Xiangzi from the side.

"You write down the girl's home address and contact information. Then we will come to help this poor girl!"

Kan Chengfeng's remarks were very high-sounding, and Xiangzi could understand these meanings.

Now that there are so many people, it is naturally impossible for him to make any excessive actions.

At this moment, Gu Xiaoshi suddenly knelt down at the feet of Kan Chengfeng.

"My lord, I beg you to accept me as a slave girl in the house. I only have myself in the house. It's really pitiful!"

I have to say that all this of Gu Xiaoshi's was in the arms of the other party.

Hearing these words, Kan Chengfeng immediately agreed with a high-sounding voice. Naturally, he could not refuse such a request.

"No problem, my house just lacks a maid, you just follow me." Kan Chengfeng looked polite, letting no one see his nature.

Gu Xiaoshi also knew that his plan had succeeded. The two had their own ghosts, and they had their own thoughts in their hearts.

At this moment, the surrounding people are still giving the city lord great praise.

They all think that the city lord is simply the best man in the world, and in order to be able to solve this woman's upgrade problem, they are even willing to accept each other as a maid.

All of a sudden everyone started chanting long live the city lord!

Hearing this cheer after another, Kan Chengfeng only wanted to smile triumphantly, knowing that his plan was a complete success.

Soon the two got together, and Gu Xiaoshi's performance made Kan Chengfeng very satisfied.

Even Kan Chengfeng had an illusion that this was his beloved one.

With the practice of this period of time, and relying on the accumulation of pills purchased from Chen Ping, Gu Xiaoshi's strength has long since been improved.

It is easy to control Kan Chengfeng now, but time is limited.

Kan Chengfeng had already given up his weapon and surrendered in the face of the flicker after another.

It arrived soon, and after a night of friction the next day, the two became like glue, and Gu Xiaoshi also took this opportunity to put forward his own ideas.

"The city lord of Huayue City, Pai Yao, is also plotting against others, can you..."

Hearing these words, Kan Chengfeng instantly became furious.

He didn't expect that Huayue City Lord's men would dare to **** a woman from him.

"If this guy dares to come to you, just tell me directly, I will find someone to do him right away!"

"Now that you are my woman, you naturally can't be targeted by such a person. Everyone knows that I have a conflict with the city lord of Huayue City. If you are still taken away by someone, wouldn't it be a loss? my face?"

Kan Chengfeng is extremely fond of Gu Xiaoshi, no matter for this reason or for reasons of face, he will not let the people of Huayue City succeed.

Hearing these words, Gu Xiaoshi couldn't help but burst into tears, and directly pounced on the opponent.

The two struggled together again, and Kan Chengfeng even had a feeling that the emperor had not reigned since then.

These movements were clearly seen by his precious son.

Kan Tianling was a little anxious, he was very curious, why hasn't Chen Ping moved yet?

Obviously he had already figured out a way to ask the other party to resolve the matter as soon as possible, but to this day he still sees Kan Chengfeng having fun in the mansion.

Even this man made a woman go home!

When my mother heard these laughter every day, she could only cry beside her silently. She had had enough of this kind of life!

Thinking of this, Kan Tianling was also a little uncomfortable, so he rushed out and kicked the door of the room.

The two who were happily were taken aback in an instant, Kan Chengfeng was furious, and directly grabbed the stool next to him and smashed it over.

He quickly grabbed a piece of clothing from the side and put it on, and then strode out.

Kan Chengfeng never dreamed that someone would ruin his own good deeds so indifferently!

When he saw the person in front of him clearly, his anger disappeared in half.

"Why are you here?"

Kan Tianling is his only son, so he is also very fond of him.

"Didn't I arrange for you to go to the private school to study? Why did you suddenly come to this place?"

Kan Chengfeng also worried that the other party would wake up suddenly, and a lot of knowledge would not be able to keep up, so he specially found some private school teachers to teach the other party.

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