I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2660: , The conspiracy begins!

Gu Xiaoshi didn't expect all of this to go so smoothly. The father and son seemed to have troublesome brains, so they resolved the matter easily.

And what Gu Xiaoshi is most proud of is that he set the game all at once, which can arouse contradictions among many people.

"Little guy, I'm going to watch your performance next."

Seeing Kan Tianling's departure, Gu Xiaoshi couldn't help laughing.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiaoshi continued to stuff a pill in his mouth, keeping his face unchanged.

Only if you keep this face for a long time can you gain the trust of others. Xiao Li knows this truth very well.

At this time, the blinded Kan Chengfeng also found Pan Mingxin. He originally wanted to make Pan Mingxin act spontaneously, but he didn't expect that the opponent's speed was so slow that he couldn't bear it.

"Have you acted? Why haven't you received any news now?"

Kan Chengfeng was seriously questioning the other party, feeling very dissatisfied with all this.

"If you really can't do this kind of thing, then let someone else do it!" Kan Chengfeng said fiercely, scared everyone around him dare not speak.

Pan Mingxin couldn't help but sighed long, and told the whole story of that day.

Originally, he wanted to take this great opportunity to capture the opponent's alchemist, but as a result, not only did he not catch them, but instead he was shocked.

His people squatted at the door for a long time, and they didn't see any intention of going out.

"I've completely failed here. It's impossible to squat there all the time, right?" Pan Mingxin also felt a little helpless. He had tried it with someone before. This little guy is really good at it, even if he doesn't. It must be able to play.

These things Pan Mingxin said clearly in detail, he knew that this would be the most embarrassing moment in his life.

Obviously his actions have not yet started, this little guy has already prepared in advance.

"This matter... can only be delayed, because we have not found a reasonable way to deceive the other party. It is basically impossible to forcibly break in and play against them."

Pan Mingxin couldn't help but persuade him.

He also didn't expect that the speed at which Kan Chengfeng urged him would be so fast.

Obviously, it didn't take long for him to fail, and this guy had already come to his door, which was really disheartening.

The constant urging was indeed a bit weird and annoying, and he naturally wanted to get the treasure building done quickly.

More importantly, after my own tossing, it seems that the output of Treasure House seems a little different.

more and more!

Many precious things can only be bought in Treasure House. Their business in Huibao House is getting worse and worse, and no one even cares about it anymore.

Moreover, he also heard rumors that the Treasure House actually controls the space compression technology, which is simply magical.

Doesn't this mean they can refine storage rings?

Even if there are many treasures in the treasure building, on weekdays, I can't bear to sell this stuff to everyone.

Perhaps this time it was Pan Mingxin's startling and startling the snake, that's why he made the other party so cautious, and even started to have such rumors in the market.

"I heard that they will come out storage rings in a few days. You can go and take a look."

Pan Mingxin was also a little nervous, afraid that everything was true.

Before the other party came, he had found someone to report to Kan Chengfeng, but looking like this, the other party probably didn't know about it.

"If it doesn't work, I plan to break through the yard forcibly and get the kid out. By then, everyone will die."

"If this is the case, we still have some hope, otherwise the child won't come out after death, then what should we do?"

Everyone was discussing this matter seriously, and in the next moment, they made one of the most important decisions.

Then go and tie the young man back.

The other party made it clear that it was just an immature child, and it was impossible for a child in his early teens to understand so many grievances.

So if they can't trick each other out, then use some special methods to make this little boy willing to join him.

From the little boy who knows how to refine pills and weapons, the two slowly talked about their children.

"No matter how you go back and persuade Kan Tianling, his character is still good. Maybe it's a rebellious period. If it doesn't work, then we..."

"Then we can only find other ways. After all, this kind of mentality problem can't be delayed, and it needs to be corrected in time."

Pan Mingxin kept persuading Kan Chengfeng like he was playing a riddle.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that he knows something.

Hearing these words, Kan Chengfeng felt a little puzzled. He always felt that these words of Pan Mingxin didn't follow the words in the beginning, and they seemed a little bit wrong.

"What the **** do you mean? Say it quickly, I don't understand."

Kan Chengfeng is also somewhat inexplicable.

He least likes people talking to himself like this.

After taking a look at Kan Chengfeng, Pan Mingxin finally told the truth.

Kan Chengfeng also learned some secrets about his son through chatting with the other party.

Unexpectedly, my son secretly bought a lot of poison, and he bought it in Huibao Building.

Kan Tianling was indeed a bit immature in mind, and a bit unrespectable in doing things. He didn't expect that his actions would be monitored by others.

He didn't even expect that Pan Mingxin would have a private connection with his father.

"I suspect it has something to do with this..."

As a sideline engaged in intelligence, Pan Mingxin naturally has a lot of information.

He quickly confided the girl who had taken Kan Chengfeng with Kan Chengfeng.

The two of them are considered to be relatively familiar, and they also have interests, so naturally they speak more presumptuously.

This is why, Pan Mingxin has been persuading Kan Chengfeng to go back and talk to his son.

If you can't twist Kan Tianling's thoughts, then it will be over, and this matter will not be delayed at all!

At this moment, Kan Chengfeng knew that the delay mentioned by the other party could not be the meaning.

"And recently I saw him enter the Treasure House and walked very close to the guy named Chen Ping in that store."

Pan Mingxin's eyeliner is everywhere, in order to be able to monitor the treasure building, he is covered with spies around the treasure building.

Therefore, Kan Tianling's every move was clearly seen by him.

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