All he has to do is live his own life well.

With a few words, Nuo calmed down the people present, and their emotions slowly returned to normal. The shop was still open, but the things sold every day silently doubled.

"We have increased the number of things we sell, and we may face all kinds of dangers next. Therefore, this group of people also need to have more reserves of various pills and weapons. We only have double sales here. All right."

As a smart person, Nuoyi knows exactly what to do now.

Those guys who are guessing about the next thing naturally come to this store to spend their money without hesitation, even if they are bankrupt, they have to buy some self-protection things.

People in the surrounding cities are migrating one after another, and everyone is dragging their homes and going crazy all the way.

Tianling City is undoubtedly a good place to avoid monsters.

The scale of this city is not small, and more importantly, the defense ability is also very strong.

If they can be accepted by this city, their safety can be considered guaranteed.

If none of these large cities can protect them, then they will only be able to go to the imperial city in the end.

But in a place like the imperial city, how can ordinary people settle down at will?

Everyone knows that there is a high probability that they will not be taken in after they reach the imperial city, so it is relatively safe to come to these large cities.

Nuoyi and the others were eating in the store, watching countless people escaping from the outside, and everyone's faces were horrified and helpless.

These monsters trampled on their city at will, directly destroying the foundation of these people for many years.

Faced with the attack of the monster beast, they could do nothing. They could only take their valuables and quickly flee the city. Even the army could no longer protect them, and the family moved.

Sun Moon City was even more so at this moment. They were already at the most border point, and the first monster to attack was Sun Moon City.

At this moment, Sun Moon City has long been reduced to a city of ruins. The city's military strength was not very strong, and coupled with the destruction of monsters like this, it looked even more miserable at this moment.

The people in the city fled around, and they couldn't wait to escape the city with eight legs.

The people of the Lin family also quickly fled with things. They had more belongings, so this time the speed of escaping was not even as fast as that of civilians.

It's just that the subordinates they hire are all powerful, and they are going to the imperial city at a very fast speed under the sprint all the way.

After the devastation of monsters, the Lin family had already left less than half.

They went to the imperial city at the moment, they were the eldest master who went to the Lin family.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to be sheltered by the people of the imperial city, but the Lin family is different. The young master is an official in the imperial city, and as family members, they can naturally also be well sheltered.

At this moment, only the Lin family were so lucky, and the others went to the surrounding cities one after another.

Fortunately, these cities all helped each other and did not prevent this group of people from entering their territory.

Those who fled to Tianming City in a hurry naturally saw the treasure building. They were surprised at what the treasure building was?

They all know the existence of Huibaolou. As a large-scale brand that has been handed down for hundreds of years, the reputation of Huibaolou has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Everyone knows that this shop is expensive and good, so only when you have money can you have enough confidence to go in and walk around.

And this time a treasure building suddenly appeared, and it seemed to be more majestic, which made those who hadn't seen it be puzzled.

Some people drag their homes and stand at the door, carefully serving the audience, while others walk in curiously, wanting to see what the treasure house sells.

"What does this treasure building sell? Is it the same as the Huibao building?"

"These medicinal pills don't even have a fragrance. Could it be ordinary jelly beans?"

Everyone who came in had some doubts. They really didn't know what was going on.

The only fragrance that floats is the pill in the middle.

The fragrance of this pill is really strong. You can smell the vigorous medicinal power when you walk into the shop. After they smell the medicinal power of the pill, they feel that their vitality is recovering quickly.

Soon this pill was surrounded by people.

Originally, Nuoyi did not open their doors for business. Everyone in this city knew that there was a time limit for them to open their doors for business, so it was impossible for them to disturb each other's interest in eating at this point.

But this group of outsiders is different. They subconsciously think that opening the door is equivalent to being open for business.

Soon everyone surrounded the fragrant pill, and each of them had a look of expectation in their hearts, hoping to spend money to buy this pill.

But they also knew that as a refugee from other cities, the funds were originally extremely limited, and now it is impossible to buy medicine pills.

"Shopkeeper, how much does your pill cost?"

Someone plucked up the courage to ask.

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads curiously, and they also wanted to know how much the pill would cost.

At this time, some people couldn't help but ridicule a few words.

"This pill is more fragrant than all the pill in Huibaolou. Obviously it must be very expensive. How can people like us who have escaped can afford it?"

If they change to normal, maybe they can try to buy some, but now they are busy fleeing, everyone's wealth has been lost a lot, and it is indeed difficult to spend a huge amount of money to buy a pill.

"This pill requires eight hundred yuan stones."

Shi Shaochen took the initiative to introduce it.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. The next second they fought each other, and it seemed that they were planning to fight for this pill.

"Don't make trouble here!"

Nuo said angrily.

In the next second, these people who were fighting with each other immediately felt a surging force hitting them, and instantly everyone felt the strength of each other.

No one thought that the woman who was sitting there eating was so powerful, but she had just released her aura, and they had been overthrown.

After feeling the strength of the other party, everyone kept quiet, but they were still competing in private.

"The shopkeeper, otherwise you can sell me this pill!"

The person who just asked the price couldn't help but say.

In the previous beating, his clothes were all scratched.

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