I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2683: , Master of the Nine Rings

"Could it be that this place has been automatically closed?"

Chen Ping had a puzzled look on his face, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

It is naturally impossible for the sealed land to be automatically sealed.

In Chen Ping's view, someone must have come to seal this place in advance.

At this moment, Chen Ping suddenly heard Amitabha.

He turned his head in some doubt and found a man in the clothes of Master Bald standing next to him.

"I didn't expect to see two donors here."

The bald master put his hands together and said to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping carefully distinguished the identity of the other party, and he was sure that he had never seen the other party.

"I don't know where this bald donkey comes from?"

Shi Zhentian also put his hands together and said something.

Chen Ping felt like he was going crazy when he heard this.

He didn't expect Shi Zhentian to say such a thing.

"What are you talking nonsense?"

Chen Ping spoke in embarrassment, this guy is indeed a bit awkward.

In the TV and novels he watched on weekdays, he called the master bald like this, so he also subconsciously called the other bald donkey.

You know this is very offensive!

As soon as Chen Ping wanted to talk and talk, Master Bald couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay. I just saw this benefactor and his family fighting here, and eventually lost, so I came out and sealed this place."

"It's just that my seal doesn't have much effect. It is estimated that this group of demons will reappear in half an hour."

Master Bald couldn't help but shook his head. He knew his strength very well, and it was pretty good to be able to seal for half an hour.

Chen Ping was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party also knew how to seal. Although it was only half an hour, it was already very useful.

More importantly, the strength of this master bald did not seem to be affected, and it was easy to see him.

"Lion Zhentian, protect me."

Chen Ping explained.

Then he began to seal the place.

This place is indeed a bit weird, so Chen Ping must seize the time to seal it up in time to prevent these demons from coming out to harm people again.

Master Bald stood aside and watched this scene silently, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Chen Ping also knew how to seal, and it seemed that this posture seemed very powerful.


The Bald Master spoke in surprise.

He found that Chen Ping was burning his own vitality, just to seal this place.

Seeing Chen Ping's actions, he couldn't help but admire him a little.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ping turned out to be such a great person, even willing to sacrifice his vitality to seal this place.

"Good, good!"

He folded his hands together, standing aside muttering in a low voice.

He also wanted to help Chen Ping, but now when Chen Ping is sealing, he is not doing much.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Chen Ping's ceremony was over.

He stopped panting, and then put a few pills of medicine into his mouth.

The Bald Master just wanted to step forward and care about Chen Ping, but he didn't expect to see Chen Ping eat something, and immediately his strength began to recover quickly.

His eyes widened, and he stared straight at Chen Ping.

Just now, Chen Ping has obviously consumed all the vitality in his body, but now he has made up all of it!

"Fuck, my goodness, what the **** is this? How could you recover your strength so quickly?"

Master Bald couldn't help but sigh loudly, and his personal image was completely ruined.

Originally, he was a very vivid monk, but now Chen Ping is forced to say something swearing directly.

He didn't even react after speaking the swear word, just staring at Chen Ping dumbfounded.

"Why do you bald donkey swear words?"

Shi Zhentian also said with some dissatisfaction.

The bald-headed masters he watched on TV are all highly qualified. Why is this bald-headed master different?

Hearing Shi Zhentian's words, Master Bald didn't say anything, but directly pounced on Chen Ping.

"Oh my God, you are like a godlike existence!" The Bald Master couldn't wait to figure out what was going on, so he was particularly pleased with Chen Ping at this time.

"Do you want to talk to me?"

Chen Ping smiled slightly and said.

The Bald Master nodded immediately, he couldn't refuse Chen Ping's invitation at all.

Chen Ping now seemed to him like plump pork belly and mellow white wine, which was simply irresistible.

"Of course, we can quickly find a place to chat privately!" Master Bald felt that his eyes were about to shine.

Shi Zhentian glanced at each other disgustingly, this bald donkey ignored himself!

After solving the crisis here, Chen Ping took the other party directly back to the villa.

"Sorry, I just forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jiujie."

Hearing the other party's self-introduction, Chen Ping also hurriedly introduced it.

"Why did you appear here?"

Chen Ping asked with some curiosity. It stands to reason that this is not a place where the Bald Master should appear.

There are KTVs and meat-eating places everywhere near this pond. A bald-headed master would naturally not come to such a secular occasion.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Jiujie's face showed a trace of embarrassment.

"Isn't I here to consume? But I didn't expect to see this after two days of sleep."

Seeing the awkward expression on the other's face, Chen Ping could guess what was going on right away.

It turns out that this bald master is not a bald master in the traditional sense, but a relatively big bald master.

"The meat and wine have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha stayed in his heart. I believe that the Buddha will not blame me or anything. Besides, am I not doing good things?"

"If I don't come here, I definitely won't be able to meet a genius like you!"

"Why don't you tell me, what is the situation with this medicine of yours?"

Jiujie said with a face-stricken face.

He couldn't wait to find out this secret of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping also felt a little funny when he saw the shameless look of the other party.

"Meeting is fate. For the sake of your selfless help to seal, I will also give you a pill."

Chen Ping handed a rejuvenating medicine to the other party, he was not a stingy person.

More importantly, if he hadn't helped him delay some time, maybe those demons would have gone everywhere now.

So Chen Ping is very grateful to him.

"Are these the things you just ate?" Jiujie didn't care about Chen Ping's thanks, but just squeezed this thing in his hand.

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