I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2696: , Zhu Family Crisis

Although Chen Ping said that some things will be temporarily auctioned, but this matter has not been implemented, and people naturally lose interest.

At this moment, Chen Zhuofei actually saw the treasure building open.

He didn't say anything, but ran over quickly, looking into the house expectantly.

Soon he saw the busy Lion Zhentian standing next to him, and the Chen Ping who was pointing his finger at the country.

Although he doesn't know Shi Zhentian, he knows Chen Ping!

"Shopkeeper, is your shop reopening now? I really waited too long!" Chen Zhuofei said with excitement.

Chen Ping naturally recognized this man, but the other party bought a storage ring.

He took a close look at Chen Zhuofei and found that the other's temperament had changed completely.

When he first met this guy, he looked completely desolate.

I didn't expect to become so energetic now.

More importantly, Chen Zhuofei's luck seems to be a little different.

"Long time no see, I feel your condition is getting better and better." Chen Ping said with a smile, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He could see that the other party was not bad-hearted, and he was a pretty good person.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have been really good lately. Are you selling things now? I want to buy some?"

Chen Zhuofei never forgets Chen Ping's ring. This storage ring can be said to have helped him a lot.

Now the people of Zhu's family have turned the entire mansion upside down.

They want to find out all the family money and see if they can make a comeback.

But rummaged through the whole family, and the money they could find was nothing but a tiny bit.

This little money is not enough to even eat a meal, how can it be left to them to do business, let alone trying to make a comeback.

It was a bit difficult for Zhu's family to even eat a meal. Those maids and guards had already been sent away.

Now there are only a few members of the Zhu family left in the family, as well as the two mothers and sons who are pale-faced.

Since they took control of the money, the Zhu family's various money will always disappear inexplicably.

And Zhu Wenjie always likes to take money secretly, so it is impossible for her to do the accounting.

The money was consumed endlessly by him, anyway, for him, the Zhu family's money would never be spent.

If this statement is true in the past, the income and expenses of their business are totally amazing.

No matter how Zhu Wenjie spends his money, there is absolutely no way to spend the entire year of Zhu's income.

But now it's different. They had already exhausted countless family wealth when they fled. In addition, Chen Zhuofei took a lot of money from it, and the Zhu family was already in a precarious state.

Now Zhu Wenjie still has to steal money by himself, which completely aggravated the destruction of the Zhu family.

Taking advantage of Zhu Wenjie's effort to steal money, Chen Zhuofei would naturally take it away from time to time.

No one checked the money anyway, and no one went to verify it.

All in all, if the money is lost, Zhu Wenjie has stolen it. He, the perpetrator, doesn't have to worry about any consequences.

"Your son is really too sensible, he has secretly used up our family's money!"

"Quickly explain how the money is used! Why can you spend the money so quickly in just half a month!"

"If we don't give an explanation, we will throw out both of you, mother and child!"

The people of the Zhu family shouted in anger, that Zhu Wenjie's stealing had already become the default fact.

Seeing the unreasonable appearance of this group of people, Zhu Wenjie just wanted to say a few words, but the next moment he thought that his bodyguard was no longer by his side.

In order to save money, they had already expelled all bodyguards.

Now even if I want to pretend to be coerced, I still have to weigh whether I am qualified.

He has only one person, and his mother is only two people.

There were a dozen people on the opposite side, all of them looking aggressively trying to kill themselves.

Zhu Wenjie struggled for a while, but tolerated his inner anger.

"You people are really disgusting!" Zhu Wenjie murmured secretly, and did not dare to speak loudly.

He knew very well in his heart that once he offended this group of people, there was only one dead end.

"I spent money to buy something from Chen Ping!" Zhu Wenjie explained with his head down.

In fact, this is not the case. He did take some money to trust someone to buy things from Chen Ping, but more money was spent on various beauties.

"Did you go to Chen Ping to buy something? What are you buying? Quickly show it to us!"

The Zhu family became excited in an instant. If the other party really bought something, it might be worth the effort.

Now the Treasure House is temporarily closed for business, and the items bought are completely out of print.

Therefore, the prices of these out-of-print items will definitely rise, and when they are resold, there must be such a market.

"The pill that I asked them to buy. After I bought it, I ate it. It really worked. I felt that all the energy I had consumed was restored."

He also gave Chen Ping a positive evaluation.

On weekdays, he stayed in the brothel for a long time and consumed a lot of physical energy. Once he took a pill, he felt his mental condition returned.

So the pills he bought have basically been eaten, and now there are two pills left in his pocket.

"I have two more here, which are of no use for the time being. If you want them, they will be for you!" Zhu Wenjie took them out and threw them directly at them.

In his opinion, since this pill cannot belong to him, it is better to throw it on the ground and feed the dog.

The Zhu family immediately rushed forward in horror, trying to catch the pill.

But their movements are always a step slower.

Although this group of people are practitioners, their strength is not very good.

They have been keen on doing business for a long time, and they didn't care about the issue of strength.

As long as they are rich enough, the Zhu family can hire many powerful bodyguards.

So no one cares about their own strength.

"You threw such a precious pill on the ground!" One of the Zhu family's uncles couldn't help but cursing.

He hated iron and steel, so he glanced at Zhu Wenjie and his eyes were full of anger.

Zhu Wenjie stood aside indifferently, feeling very indifferent.

For him, things that do not belong to him are rubbish.

"Throw them out directly!" Chen Zhuofei suddenly stood up and said indignantly.

Everyone immediately responded when they heard this. They could not bear Zhu Wenjie anymore.

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