I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2705: , A special identity

Chen Ping gave Shi Zhen Angel a wink and asked him to explain.

"The little guys come over and listen to me. According to the logic of normal people, the faster the spiritual roots of partheno are cultivated, the better it is."

"Because if you have multiple spiritual roots, it takes a lot of time to develop multiple spiritual roots."

"For example, it takes 10 years for you to cultivate a spiritual root to reach a realm, while a person with multiple spiritual roots takes 30 or 40 years!"

"So without enough time and family resources to support, Dolinggen is equivalent to waste."

Hearing these words, everyone present could be considered to understand something.

This explanation of Chen Ping made everyone excited instantly, they did not expect that they were still a multilingual person.

A bright smile appeared on Gu Lele's face, and he knew in his heart that Chen Ping would definitely not be stingy with resources.

"Who are you guys? Where do you come from? Tell me honestly. I must write about my innocent disciples here."

Chen Ping asked indifferently. He felt that Gu Lele should not have any special identity, but this little girl was a bit bad at saying that the other party was definitely not born in an ordinary family.

"I wandered in the imperial city before this monster crisis."

"If I could practice alchemy, I would have starved to death."

Gu Lele didn't care about his identity either, he said it directly and grandiosely.

After all, he has always been a wandering poor man, and he has become used to it all these years.

Hearing these words, Chen Ping was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to have such a story.

Gu Lele looked pretty good, and he was dressed normally. He didn't feel like a stray child.

"I have made a lot of money by selling pills over the years. It's just that these things of mine are not visible, otherwise I can sell them for a higher price."

As a very cautious person, Gu Lele has never revealed his identity.

On weekdays, he pretends to be very pitiful and pretends to go out to sell pills for the adults in the family.

Those people thought that Gu Lele had stolen the pill at home for sale, so they said they would secretly buy it.

It's just that the price won't be too high.

Gu Lele is not greedy, he just wants to make money, practice alchemy, and maintain his daily expenses.

Those ordinary medicinal materials are not expensive, and the refined medicine can also make a lot of money.

Chen Ping couldn't help but nodded silently. He couldn't tell that Gu Lele was such an inspirational young man.

He could feel the sincerity of the other party, and it was obvious that Gu Lele did not lie or deceive others.

Gu Lele sat on the side with a big **** grin, and smiled awkwardly. Her usual character is indeed a bit cocky, but all of this is his disguise.

In fact, he is just a low-key teenager compared to the second.

After knowing the identity of the other party, Chen Ping set his sights on this little girl again.

He wanted to know the identity of this little guy who looked like his own daughter.

"How about you?"

Chen Ping spoke curiously.

Seeing Chen Ping's eyes, the little girl immediately stood up and looked at Chen Ping somewhat restrained.

"I...My name is Hua Yunying, and I also come from the imperial city."

"Our family is relatively powerful in the imperial city, so I can train an alchemist like me. My master disappeared some time ago for no apparent reason, so now I want to go out and wander on my own. Maybe you can find the master ."

Chen Ping always felt a little strange when he heard what Hua Yunying said.

"You mean that the person who taught you alchemy has disappeared somehow, isn't it?"

Chen Ping had a bold conjecture in his mind.

Hearing this, Hua Yunying also nodded, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

Although Hua Yunying respects his master, Hua Yunying is also a smart person. He knows that Chen Ping's abilities may be much better than his master.

That's why Hua Yunying would take advantage of his master's absence to find a way to become Chen Ping's disciple and learn something from Chen Ping's hands.

"Your master shouldn't be called Luan... Lao Luan, right?"

Chen Ping spoke curiously.

This sentence shocked Hua Yunying instantly.

"How do you know that my master is him, indeed... what you said is correct, and I don't know why the master disappeared somehow..."

Hua Yunying's mood was very depressed. Originally, he was still learning alchemy, but he didn't expect that the inexplicable Master was gone, and no one knew where he went.

After Chen Ping learned this answer, the whole person laughed. He didn't expect everything to be such a coincidence.

Old Luan had already chosen to learn from his own teacher, and the person in front of him could only be his own apprentice.

"That's really sorry, I can't accept you as my apprentice." Chen Ping shook his head helplessly.

Hua Yunying was a little panicked in an instant, unexpectedly Chen Ping would be unwilling to charge himself.

"Why? What I said is true, and I really want to learn from you!"

Hua Yunying was a little anxious.

She didn't expect that after she told the truth, she actually made Chen Ping refuse to accept an apprentice.

"The reason is very simple. Your master has already worshipped me as a teacher before, and is now retreating under my hands. If I accept you now, wouldn't the relationship between the two of you be messed up? "

Chen Ping couldn't help but laughed, always finding this matter very interesting.

Chen Ping's answer made everyone present couldn't help but laugh.

Gu Lele's eyes widened unimaginably.

He had also heard the name of Lao Luan, and he was a very powerful alchemist.

I heard that the other party is the strongest alchemist on this continent.

Every pill that the other party refined can be auctioned to a high price.

Gu Lele had longed to be such a person before. After all, there was no alchemist, and he didn't want to stand at the peak of life.

However, Gu Lele later discovered that if he wanted to stand at the pinnacle of his life, he couldn't just rely on alchemy.

He came from an unknown teacher, and completely relied on his own luck to pick up a copy of the exercises and practice blindly on his own.

If it were not for Gu Lele's extremely strong talent, perhaps he would not be able to pass this book at all to get an introduction to alchemy.

Moreover, Gu Lele was alone in fighting alone. He was completely a casual cultivator, and he didn't even have any power background at all.

His existence would be ridiculed.

If one is not careful, he might be taken away forcibly by those large forces and used as a ruthless alchemy tool.

So Gu Lele never thought that he would stand at the pinnacle of the entire continent like the other party.

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