When he was refining the pill, he had already dispersed the medicinal power and fully integrated it into each pill, so each pill contained extremely strong medicinal power.

They learned it by Chen Ping alone.

Chen Cuohuang and Chen Ping use the same refining method, so each of his pill is a so-called effective pill.

But Gu Lele is different. He didn't control the quality of the pills in order to pursue the number of pills in the competition, and the power of each pill was not very strong.

This matter was almost uncontrollable for him, so he didn't care about it either, just thought everyone was like this.

Today, he knows that some people can be so powerful!

"You people's alchemy methods are almost the same. Anyway, the quantity of elixir will decrease the quality, but I am different. I am not only pursuing quality but also quantity. This is our difference."

Chen Ping said triumphantly, he was indeed extremely proud.

Gu Lele always feels that his three views have been destroyed. The things he studied before have now become useless things.

"I really don't know where I learned the alchemy things I learned!"

"I thought that although there is a difference in strength between me and Chen Cuohuang, they are almost the same. Now it seems that the gap between me and him is still big."

At this moment, Gu Lele seemed to be hit hard, and his mood fell to the bottom.

He originally thought that he was already considered the proud man of heaven, but now it seems that everything is still far away, he is just a little rubbish.

"Boss, I decided to abandon the previous method of alchemy and learn new ones from you!"

Gu Lele also learned to call Chen Ping the lion shaking the sky.

He felt that calling it this way seemed closer, and there was no sense of distance between the two.

Chen Ping was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that he would understand what he meant at once when he went on the road like this.

He showed Gu Lele the technique of alchemy, just to let Gu Lele know the difference in alchemy between the two.

This gap is caused by their methods.

"Your talent is very good, but these alchemy techniques are not quite right, so it is said that you have not achieved much for a long time."

Chen Ping was also telling the truth. Although there was a sense of murder and condemnation, Gu Lele also listened very energetically.

"Boss, why don't you refine something that can lose memory and give it to me, let me get rid of all this memory, I want to study again!"

Gu Lele knows that it is impossible to lose a memory without a little external force.

He has always had a good memory, even if he deliberately wanted to forget some alchemy things, it was difficult.

Chen Ping saw that the other party was so proactive, he couldn't help but smiled in satisfaction, and took out a pill from his arms.

"Eat him, close your eyes."

As soon as Chen Ping finished speaking, Gu Lele said nothing and swallowed the pill in Chen Ping's hand, then closed his eyes and waited for Chen Ping.

Chen Ping also felt a little funny when he saw the other party's behavior.

Sure enough, no matter how mature the other person's mind is, in the end he is just a cute child.

"I will help you clear all the memories of alchemy now."

Chen Ping put his hand on the opponent's head, and with a tap, Gu Lele's memory about this disappeared instantly.

At the same time, Chen Ping also knew how the other party got this book on refining pills.

When Gu Lele was in despair, he bought two buns.

But at this time, I met an old man who also couldn't afford to eat. Gu Le couldn't bear it, and directly gave him a bun.

His move aroused the gratitude of the old man, so he also handed him a package.

And what this package contains is a piece of material and a book on alchemy.

I have to say that this little guy is very lucky. He can successfully embark on the path of an alchemist if he can get a book about alchemy. This kind of luck and talent is not enviable by many people.

And Chen Ping also read this book through his memory, knowing that this book is indeed a mess.

Although there is no big problem with the content, but if you continue to practice over time, something will happen eventually.

Fortunately, Gu Lele met him in time and could stop all of this, otherwise there would be one more demon who can refine alchemy in the next world.

After Chen Ping helped the other party clear the memory, Gu Lele regained consciousness.

Gu Lele shook his head vigorously, feeling as if he was a lot empty.

"Boss, I feel that my head has become a lot cleaner, and all the knowledge of alchemy I have learned is gone!"

Gu Lele, who experienced this kind of thing for the first time, felt a little bit magical. He kept patting his head, as if he wanted to restore his memory.

Chen Ping couldn't help but smiled.

"If this pill doesn't work, then I don't have the right to stand here either."

Chen Ping once again tapped his hand on the opponent's head.

This time he passed on part of the basic exercises and the basic content of alchemy.

Suddenly Gu Lele felt that his mind was full.

He kept absorbing all this, feeling a bit overloaded.

Chen Ping saw the other party frowning and his face full of pain, and hurriedly stuffed a pill into Gu Lele's mouth, so that the little guy could ease himself.

"Don't burp." Chen Ping thought he didn't pass much information.

After all, this is just some basics.

In the beginning, those children also passed some basic information in this way, so now they can easily master the method of alchemy.

But he forgot a very important thing.

Gu Lele has not undergone physical transformation at all.

The children in their own family have undergone a long period of physical transformation, so they have this ability to accept.

Although Gu Lele's physical fitness is quite good, compared with the children under Chen Ping's hands, it is still a world.

Therefore, Gu Lele really relied on his own flesh to carry it.

"Come on, you must hold on, at least if you hold on, you can accuse the boss for not strengthening your body."

Shi Zhentian spoke in a jealous voice, and he couldn't help but laugh at Chen Ping.

Unexpectedly, even the boss who does things so securely would go wrong.

Hearing these words, Chen Ping's face also flashed an embarrassment, and he also knew that he was somewhat wronged.

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