They were soon led to the exclusive private room by the maid at the door.

Chen Ping opened the door and saw a gloomy man at a glance.

This man looks a bit sullen, not a boy or a girl, but just looks like a ghost.

"you are?"

Chen Ping felt that the other party was familiar, but couldn't remember his identity for a while.

"You can call me Lin Feiyang."

Lin Feiyang introduced himself with a smile but seemed to have a big opinion of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping, you walked into the private room carelessly, and sat down.

"Beauty, I want to order some dishes." Chen Ping beckoned, and a woman dressed in **** came in.

"This, this, this... don't need these three dishes, bring me all the others."

Chen Ping spoke domineeringly.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, the maid also raised her head in horror and glanced at Lin Feiyang, who was sitting in front of her. After seeing that there was no change in the other's expression, she bowed deeply and exited the room.

"Since Lin Feiyang, you want to invite us to dinner, then we can eat more. Our brothers have not eaten enough for a long time in order to hurry. Don't treat our brothers badly this time?"

Lin Feiyang didn't know how to refute Chen Ping's stinky shameless remarks. His face was full of anger, and Chen Ping was already itchy with hatred.

"Since you can eat it, you can order it at will. Of course, if you can't eat it, I don't mind stuffing it in your nose!"

Lin Feiyang spoke viciously, and he made no secret of his disgust for Chen Ping.

"Sure enough, it's a native dog who has never seen the world. It's really shameful to come to this place to order food like this crazy."

He disdainfully picked up the fan from the side and shook it, looking elegant and generous.

But this is what Lin Feiyang thinks is elegant and generous. In the eyes of Chen Ping, Shi Zhentian and others, the other party is an out-and-out yin and yang person.

Even Shi Zhentian felt a little off his appetite, so he turned his head over and didn't want to look at it.

"You are a native dog who has never seen the world, you still come from the most remote city of Sun and Moon."

Shi Zhentian couldn't help but mutter.

Sun Moon City is extremely remote for the imperial city.

And these residents living in the imperial city were born here since they were young, so they have great arrogance.

They all look down on people from other cities.

So this is where Lin Feiyang feels the most inferior.

Obviously he has such a high status and such a powerful strength, but this group of people look down on their origin!

Lin Feiyang had no choice but to be angry. For this reason, he also secretly killed a few people who looked down on him.

With the news that these people suddenly died suddenly, no one dared to discuss Lin Feiyang's identity anymore.

Even Lin Feiyang has deliberately not returned home, wanting to forget that he is a person from Sun Moon City!

But this time encountering a monster crisis, the relatives and friends of Sun Moon City came to him, and the question of his own birth was brought up again.

Although he was angry inside, this was his only family member. If he could not be saved, then he would be isolated and helpless from then on.

Under Lin Feiyang's active operation, no one brought up the matter soon.

And now, the words that hadn't been mentioned by anyone for so many years were suddenly mentioned again by Lion Zhentian.

Shi Zhentian's words were like a sharp sword, which directly pierced Lin Feiyang's heart.

Lin Feiyang felt very painful in his heart. He clenched his fists and vowed to make the lion trembling beautiful in a while.

Soon the Tianchi restaurant cut off the dishes one after another. I have to say that it looks delicious. These little greedy cats can't help it for a long time.

Under Chen Ping's special confession, they did not maintain their image. Instead, they were eating crazy like they had been hungry for many days.

Gu Lele and Hua Yunying were nothing to be afraid of. They had already eaten the detoxification pills made by Chen Ping ahead of time. Even if the dishes inside were poisonous, they could still eat them without incident.

In fact, these dishes do contain Mongolian sweat medicine.

This is what Lin Feiyang specifically explained.

Only this thing can completely clean up Chen Ping and the others.

He wanted to stun Chen Ping, tie it up, and smoke it fiercely, so that Chen Ping knew what serious consequences would be if he humiliated himself and offended himself!

Seeing that Lin Feiyang was unwilling to eat, Shi Zhentian stepped forward and removed the chopsticks in front of him.

"Since you don't want to eat, don't stand in a foolish position here, go quickly and don't interfere with our eating."

Shi Zhentian opened his abyss and kept digging through the food. It was true that the restaurant's food was quite delicious, and he personally expressed that he was very satisfied.

Lin Feiyang just looked at each other with a sneer, he believed that Lion Zhentian would faint before long.

At that time, he wants to let all these annoying things know and offend his fate.

"You can eat it. Seeing that you have been hungry for so long, it is estimated that you have not eaten such a good thing for a long time."

Lin Feiyang spoke casually, he did not intend to move his chopsticks.

Chen Ping was also eating the vegetables calmly, and he immediately ate out the ingredients of Mongolian sweat medicine.

Chen Ping felt that the conspiracy of the other party had been seen through. Can't help showing a funny look.

"Everyone, just pretend to be dizzy when you're full. There is Mongolian sweat medicine in this dish."

Chen Ping confessed casually, as if he had seen everything through.

Everyone couldn't help but smile, they didn't expect the other party's conspiracy to be solved so quickly.

Originally, Chen Ping thought that the other party would put poison directly, but he didn't expect that this guy would only put Mongolian sweat medicine.

Chen Ping just ate in silence, and when he saw that everyone was almost eating, he winked at everyone.

Soon everyone lay down on the table one after another, even the five big and three thick lions shaking the sky.

However, Shi Zhentian didn't have any intention to give the opposite party. At the moment he fell, he pushed the plate in front of him to Lin Feiyang's face, and the soup spilled on him, looking embarrassed.

Chen Ping naturally saw this scene too. He wanted to laugh, but at the moment he was pretending to be dizzy, and he was holding back quite hard.

Lin Feiyang wished he could kill Lion Zhentian directly. He was wiping his clothes in embarrassment, and a trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes. He had already decided that he must kill this group of people!

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