Chen Ping was surprised by this emperor, but he didn't expect him to be quite smart.

"Let's go, let's go and see too."

Chen Ping greeted everyone and walked in the direction of the imperial list, with a bright smile on his face. He didn't expect that this time there would be something to gain.

When they slowly came to the Huangbang registration office, they found that it was Zhuo Tianwei standing next to the crowd.

Zhuo Tianwei's face was full of sadness at the moment, as if something difficult had happened.

He just stood by the side so straight, without saying a word, his eyes were extremely cold, and everyone around didn't dare to make a loud noise.

Chen Ping didn't hold it back either, and walked up to say hello.

Zhuo Tianwei was in a bad mood at first, but the next second he saw Chen Ping, whom he was thinking of, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

The people around looked at Zhuo Tianwei and the others with a little surprise, but they didn't expect to see such a kind smile on Zhuo Tianwei's face.

Since Zhuo Tianwei entered the imperial city as an official, they had never seen such a kind smile on each other's face.

Chen Ping stepped forward and spoke with some doubts.

"Brother Zhuo, why are you in charge of this now?"

Chen Ping doesn't think this is a beautiful mistake.

This is just something that anyone with a long brain can do.

As long as it is a normal person, it is not a problem to supervise them in line to sign up.

Zhuo Tianwei couldn't help but sighed, these things were a little hard to say, he really didn't know how to say it.

"Originally, I got a good official position when I entered the imperial city, but there are too many villains here, so I just got me down."

"Perhaps my appearance is blocking someone's way. In short, I don't have any hope of development. From then on, I will probably live with this piece of yellow cloth."

He is naturally very dissatisfied with this industry, so he directly formulated extremely serious rules, and absolutely not allowed to sign up or jump in the queue.

No one can do this, this is his rule.

Those who want to resist have already been subdued by him, so now whether it is the powerful or those powerful practitioners, they can only sign up honestly.

Chen Ping couldn't help but patted the other side's shoulder comfortingly.

"Let's report the names of those of us first." At this time, Shi Zhentian was also lined up.

After Chen Ping asked him to register, he followed Zhuo Tianwei to eat and drink.

Having not seen Chen Ping for so long, Zhuo Tianwei also missed it a little.

"Originally, I was thinking whether I would find you to buy some pill or something, and borrow flowers to present the Buddha to the emperor to consolidate my position."

"But now it seems that there is no such need at all. People like them... are really hard to describe in a word."

Zhuo Tianwei's eyes were full of vicissitudes and regrets, and he felt that his lifelong dream was directly destroyed.

Originally, he thought that entering the imperial city was equivalent to entering the peak of the official road, but the facts proved that everything was too naive for him.

"What's so sad about this, you just sign up with us, let's go to the ancient ruins together for a round, then you will become a peerless powerhouse, those guys can only kneel and beg for mercy."

Shi Zhentian is also a carefree person. Seeing the other party's unwilling appearance, he couldn't help but say something.

After all, he doesn't understand, what's so fun about being an official in the court.

After Zhuo Tianwei heard this, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Chen Ping somewhat hesitantly.

"Does your team still lack people? Do you need someone to help?"

In fact, he also wanted to enter this ancient ruins to take a look, but his team was lurking in the dark, and it was not easy to come forward at this time.

And in this huge imperial city, he doesn't have any friends worthy of sincere friendship, so it's even more impossible to randomly team up with passersby to go to such a dangerous place.

Now Chen Ping's arrival has completely given him new hope, letting him know that everything is possible.

"Of course it's okay. Our team just lacks an elite like you."

Chen Ping also threw an olive branch to the opponent, he really liked Zhuo Tianwei, and the opponent's strength was not weak, so he could help.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, Zhuo Tianwei Gaoxin jumped up.

"This is really great. It is the happiest thing to be able to fight with you!" Zhuo Tianwei raised his glass with some excitement and collided with Chen Ping.

At this moment, he also noticed Hua Yunying who didn't speak much on the side.

"This girl is so familiar, have I seen you somewhere?"

Zhuo Tianwei couldn't help but asked, he really felt that this little girl was very familiar.

Gu Lele couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Uncle, your way of hitting up a conversation is too outdated, why would anyone still talk to girls in this way."

Hearing these words, Zhuo Tianwei's face also became a little awkward, and he quickly explained.

"No, I really don't mean anything else. I just feel that this little girl is very familiar. I seem to have seen it before. Are you from the Imperial City?"

Gu Lele's words directly asked the point, Hua Yunying nodded and said his identity.

"Brother Zhuo, I've seen you before, but I didn't expect you to have an impression of me." Hua Yunying said embarrassedly. In fact, at first, Hua Yunying didn't recognize Zhuo Tianwei.

Chen Ping didn't expect the two to know each other, but that was fine, it would have lost a lot of time for running in.

Soon they will rest at Zhuo Tianwei's residence. They will get this address early in the morning tomorrow, and they will be able to set off directly.

At this moment, Zhang Chengbing also hurried back to the basement. He was surprised to find that Chen Pingping had already escaped directly.

The rope just fell to the ground, looking stupid.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chengbing couldn't help but tremble all over. He didn't expect the cooked duck to fly like this.

"Damn, don't let Lao Tzu run into you in the imperial city, otherwise I see you hit you twice!" Zhang Chengbing swore viciously.

Next, he and his team will go to find the ancient ruins, and there is no time to pay attention to Chen Ping, so everything can only wait for the ancient ruins to be found.

Soon it arrived the next day.

Chen Ping and the others got up early, and everyone found a bucket and took a bath comfortably.

Zhuo Tianwei looked at the five bath tubs and couldn't help revealing a puzzled look.

"Do you still have this habit of taking a bath early in the morning?" Zhuo Tianwei glanced at everyone suspiciously, this group of people was so comfortable.

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