This time, he used the promise of several pills, and a high price, in exchange for such a powerful group of subordinates.

Now he naturally wants to enjoy the convenience brought by such subordinates.

The strength of this group of people is indeed not weak, they are all very experienced hunters.

The group of people had already taken the fastest speed and sent him to the gate of the city. After passing the registration and review, he was directly released.

Although Zhang Chengbing was puzzled as to why the procedure had become so complicated, he knew in his heart that the champion this time was none other than himself.

He had performed missions in the past, still sitting in the middle of the carriage, waiting for someone to come and worship.

After the group of guards saw him, they bowed respectfully and even sent themselves outside the city gate.

But now it's different. He was called to get out of the car for registration, which is simply a shame.

"You find someone to find out what the situation is, and it's best to figure out the secret."

Zhang Chengbing's subconscious told him that something was wrong.

The expressions of the hunters are also a bit ugly, they are not here to run errands for each other.

"Excuse me, Teacher Zhang, our purpose is to run errands. Don't bother us with other things that ask for news."

These hunters are also violent, and they are naturally dissatisfied with Zhang Chengbing when they have been walking in the rivers and lakes for a long time.

Originally they like freedom. Once the other party chooses their combined group, they must accept their work style and attitude.

Now Zhang Chengbing trapped them with all kinds of frames, which was not allowed, and that was not allowed. This was simply to kill them.

"Forget it, I don't have so much time to stay here to watch the excitement. Go and find out what's going on. Just tell me when the time comes."

Zhang Chengbing gave a casual command, and he didn't force the other party too much to do something.

He is not too hopeful about this matter. After all, people like him don't know what's wrong inside, let alone these ordinary hunters.

Others are also advancing one after another. They are not as fast as Zhang Chengbing, but Zhang Chengbing has the upper hand.

And Chen Ping also wandered around in the imperial city, buying a variety of snacks and desserts everywhere, it was a lot of fun.

Zhuo Tianwei just followed Chen Ping like this, anxious in his heart.

He knew that a long time had passed now, and it was estimated that these people had already walked a little and a half.

If you continue to waste time, it's not good.

"Brother, shall we keep wasting time here?"

He is also a straight-tempered person, so he asked directly.

Hearing this, Chen Ping nodded.

"When I finish eating this skewers, I will leave."

He ate this bite of meat calmly, and he looked more and more slowly.

The condition of the others was not much better either, they ate hungrily, and even the elegant Hua Yunja had no image.

Zhuo Tianwei shook his head helplessly, and in the end he could only choose to join everyone.

Join if you can't beat it!

He ate meat and drank tea, and he felt that life was extremely satisfying.

Sometimes it's not bad to be an ordinary person.

It took half an hour to finish the meal. Chen Ping waved his hand and led everyone on the journey.

Zhuo Tianwei finally let go of the stone in his heart at this time.

Now that everyone has decided to go, she can't waste time.

Everyone hurried out, and they also registered at the door.

Shi Zhentian felt a little strange, he turned his head curiously and asked Zhuo Tianwei.

"Why do we have to register here? How come out of the city is more troublesome than entering the city?"

Shi Zhentian's words also aroused Zhuo Tianwei's curiosity.

To be honest, he really doesn't know why this is.

"Perhaps they also know that we are going to the ancient ruins, so they have to make a special note for us." Zhuo Tianwei could only explain this way.

Since their group of people are affixed with logos, it is said that the sentinels can also identify their identities.

However, Chen Ping did not ask them to fill in the real information, but randomly filled in some false information.

Anyway, there is Chen Ping's Yirong Pills here, and no one can see who they are.

At this moment, while Chen Ping and the others drove slowly, Zhang Chengbing and others also arrived at the destination first.

They followed this small forest into it, and soon saw the ancient tomb mentioned by the intelligence.

Due to the tossing of the monsters before, this forest was basically destroyed and out of shape.

It is precisely because of this that the entrance of this ancient tomb will be discovered.

Zhang Chengbing looked around with some excitement, and he quickly ordered people to lay a trap around here.

This time he spent a huge sum of money to find a Array Mage.

"You hurry up and set up a formation around here, and while no one has been here, we are going to round up this place. It would be nice to delay some time."

He said triumphantly.

The Array Mage nodded, and set up the Array for himself.

After a while, the formation layout was completed, and a group of them entered the tomb in a carefree manner.

The opponent set up a killing formation and a ecstasy formation. This formation is a bit tasteless, and it can come out after a period of tossing in it, but delaying time is a good hand.

Later, some people arrived here one after another. They looked around, and they didn't see any ancient tombs for a long time.

"Damn, I was cheated..."

"Impossible, Huang Bang will definitely not deceive!"

While they were searching and talking doubtfully, someone had already entered the killing formation.

"Oops, there are formations around here, damn, I know it's not easy, it seems that this ancient tomb may really be a legendary ancient miracle!"

"Don't panic, everyone, keep the formation, we must break this formation!"

For those who don't know the formation, they know that as long as they have enough power, they can break the formation, so everyone is like a second fool, holding their own weapons and attacking the formation frantically.

If they were lucky enough to hit the eye, then they would be relieved.

When Chen Ping and the others arrived, they found a group of people beating frantically, looking very embarrassed.

Zhuo Tianwei couldn't help showing a puzzled look. He didn't want to understand what this group of people were doing?

"Could it be that these people have gone crazy before entering the ancient ruins?"

Zhuo Tianwei couldn't help but spit out secretly beside him.

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