I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2730: , Take away the spoils

When the time comes to hit a stick and give a candy, even the arrogant and domineering Zhang Chengbing has to admit it obediently.

Originally, Situ Zhenbang had already had a series of plans, but he didn't expect that these plans were directly interrupted by Chen Ping.

Zhang Chengbing is dead!

He also felt a little flustered in his heart, so he said that he did contact another alchemist, but the other party obviously did not have such a good control.

These four fifth-rank alchemists, except Zhang Chengbing, are all very clever, and they can't be easily mastered.

"Now that the cow is dead, there is nothing to stay in this ancient ruins."

Chen Ping smiled disdainfully, showing his true colors directly.

He has nothing to fear, especially this guy named Situ Zhenbang.

He knows the other party very well, as an imperial nobleman, he will find himself soon.

In this case, he might as well face it honestly.


Situ Zhenbang clenched his fists and looked at Chen Ping's leaving back fiercely. He wanted to stop him, but he was helpless.

People can solve this cow easily, but he simply can't do it.

This shows the strength gap between the two sides.

Situ Zhenbang knew very well that if he started to deal with Chen Ping now, it would undoubtedly be self-defeating.

This hatred must be reported, but not today.

He watched the cow lying on the ground, a trace of greed flashed through his eyes.

Although this cow can no longer be tamed by himself, he is very valuable as a top monster beast.

As long as I can eat a few bites, the benefits are definitely not mentioned.

Seeing Chen Ping leave, he didn't even mean to take the cow away, his eyes were full of expectation.

After Chen Ping left, the cow would completely belong to him.

No one present is more honorable than his own identity, so no one is qualified to compete with himself.

Thinking of this, a successful smile slowly appeared on his face, and entering the ancient ruins this time was a bit of gain.

Although the shabby of this ancient relic made him a little uncomfortable, it was undoubtedly a huge gain.

Seeing Chen Ping leave, Shi Zhentian and the others quickly followed.

Glancing at the fiery and thunderous bull lying on the ground, Shi Zhentian naturally caught a glimpse of the look of expectation in Situ Zhenbang's eyes.

Shi Zhentian calmly passed by and took the cow into his pocket.

It is absolutely impossible for him to leave such a good thing to anyone.

Originally this cow was killed by his own boss, he would never get a share of the pie.

Even if it is a cow's hair, he has to save it.

Although the boss did not speak and asked them to put away the cow, as a qualified little brother, of course he knew what he should do.

Seeing Lion Zhentian taking away the fiery and thundering bull so easily, Situ Zhenbang was almost crazy.

Shi Zhentian's move undoubtedly touched his nerves, and made his originally happy heart instantly fall to the bottom.

"Brother, just let them take this cow away?"

Situ Qingyun was also a little uncomfortable talking beside her.

None of them are willing. Let Chen Ping take the cow away alone.

However, facing Chen Ping's strength, they could only dare not say anything.

Situ Zhenbang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and looked at Lion Zhentian. He didn't say a word for a long time. He didn't know how to express his inner emotions.

"I'll find out their identities when I go back! I must let them spit out the cow completely!"

After saying this, Situ Zhenbang also vomited blood, and almost fainted.

"And the treasure of the storage in that guy's hand!"

"Unexpectedly, he should be so bold and dare to show this kind of baby casually in front of so many people!"

While Situ Zhenbang was angry, he naturally noticed the financial and material resources shown by Lion Zhentian.

The other party is so rich, but it's no wonder that he is going to rob the rich and help the poor.

The robbery is naturally the rich Shi Zhentian, and of course he is the poor man who will help.

As a prince, he doesn't even have a treasure to store, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

Wei Yuanbo naturally saw these scenes too. He stood beside him silently without saying a word. He still couldn't accept the death of Zhang Chengbing.

Accepting so many tasks over the years is the first time that the employer has died.

His mood is not good at all!

Shi Zhentian bounced back to Chen Ping's side, and he was in a good mood at the moment.

Killing a person is simply a trivial matter for him, and killing such an annoying person, he even wants to open a bottle of happy water to celebrate.

"Boss, where are we going now?"

Shi Zhentian was by Chen Ping's side, and asked with some curiosity. Zhang calculated the time and estimated that it would not be long before the real world would encounter a major crisis.

Naturally, Chen Ping did not forget this matter.

He decided to temporarily settle Gu Lele and others, and then return to the real world to solve the crisis.

"I will find a place to live in a while, and it is estimated that they will retaliate against us."

Chen Ping made a decision.

Gu Lele also felt a little disdain next to him.

"Boss, we don't need to be afraid. They are coming to the door. Let's just kill them!"

After this period of improvement in strength, Gu Lele has enough self-confidence.

Even if he struggled with people, he could still be dragged forcibly with a lot of ammunition.

All of the ammunition Chen Ping gave were of the best quality. In addition, he personally learned to refine a lot of ammunition. Although he was definitely not as good as Chen Ping, he could definitely be regarded as the best in the world.

"Next, you need to go to cats well and learn some alchemy and other skills. Shi Zhentian and I are about to go out, so take care of yourself."

These words of Chen Ping made Gu Lele panic and they didn't expect Chen Ping to leave.

"Boss, are you going to abandon us? We are too pitiful!" Gu Lele cried and said, looking like it was painful.

"Don't pretend to be there. When you have time, you should consolidate and practice more. Don't forget all these things by then!"

"After a while, Hua Yunying's master will come out, and then let him help you practice."

Chen Ping felt it for a while, this guy had already returned to his normal cultivation level, and even reached a higher level.

So letting this guy to guide is the most correct choice.

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