"Master, I actually don't think this matter is necessary."

Hua Yunying couldn't help but speak, she really didn't think it was necessary.

Gu Lele now also knows and wittily calls her senior.

"That's right, brother, this is completely unnecessary, and..." Gu Lele opened his mouth, and stopped talking. He didn't know how to persuade the other party.

Seeing the appearance of these two people so soft, Lao Luan only felt very angry.

"The two of you are really rubbish. If you let Master know that you are so weak, you will definitely be **** off on the spot!"

"Our master is a very temperamental person, whoever dares to provoke him will be dealt with, don't you know?!"

"So we want to do this too. That guy wants to take care of me very much. If that's the case, then I will get it first!"

Old Luan was still talking endlessly, and it seemed that he had very opinions on this matter.

Gu Lele couldn't hold back in the end, and still spoke the truth.

"You don't have to think about dealing with him, because this guy is dead."

These words made Lao Luan stupid.

He hasn't really figured out what the situation is.

"Why would he be like this when he died? Isn't he always arrogant and domineering? How could someone suddenly kill him?"

Old Luan spoke with a bit of dissatisfaction. He didn't expect someone to take the first step, which made him a little dissatisfied.

"He provoked Master before, so Master directly sent someone to kill him."

Gu Lele spoke calmly, and said the matter roughly.

After understanding this, Mr. Luan just wanted to silently give Chen Ping a compliment. He didn't expect his boss to be so temperamental.

"If this is the case, then everyone will have to learn from our boss, absolutely not afraid of this!"

These three people talked and talked to themselves next to each other, and they seemed to have a good chat.

At this moment, Chen Ping has also returned to his world.

At this moment, the world has become a bit weird.

Fortunately, with Chen Ping's help, the world would not become extremely chaotic.

But in many places where Chen Ping couldn't get in, it was still so messy.

"Boss, I feel that this weird breath is getting stronger and stronger, it seems something is not right..."

Shi Zhentian spoke nervously, he always felt that this was a bad situation.

"Even I am a little scared, I guess it's not a good thing."

Shi Zhentian rarely felt scared.

As a militant, his favorite is all kinds of battles.

But now he actually felt scared somehow, and this feeling made him very worried.

Chen Ping waved his hand, he didn't want to say more.

"Let's take one step at a time, no one knows what will happen."

Chen Ping returned to the villa. At this moment, everyone was busy, and almost no one had time to pay attention to Chen Ping.

After seeing Chen Ping, everyone greeted him in a hurry, and didn't put too much thought on Chen Ping.

Seeing that his brothers and sisters are so busy, Shi Zhentian also felt a little uncomfortable.

"Boss, I want to join them quickly!"

Speaking of this, Shi Zhentian immediately wanted to join the battlefield, but in the next second he was stopped by Chen Ping.

"Don't worry, I sensed a strange breath."

Chen Ping's perception ability is very powerful.

He felt that something was moving fast towards the college.

And looking at it this way, the other party got through from deep underground.

Upon hearing these words, Shi Zhentian immediately became cautious.

To be able to make my boss so nervous, the whole thing must be a little weird.

"Now everyone does not have too much time to waste, only the two of us are free. Let's go, let's solve this battle."

Chen Ping moved his waist casually, and it seemed that he was going to fight a battle.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Shi Zhentian also showed an expression of excitement. He knew that the next time was the best time for him to fight.

"It just happens to be idle these days, just play a good game, I want to see how good that guy can be!"

Shi Zhentian soon accompanied Chen Ping to the academy. They stood aside nervously and waited, looking forward to the arrival of the underground creature.

At this moment, Ye Fan's state is not too good.

Ye Fan has been exhausted these days.

Even if he was a superman, he would inevitably feel a little tired.

"Fortunately, with these sealing techniques, otherwise I guess the world would have been destroyed!"

Ye Fan said with the brothers around him, he was also a little depressed.

I don't know why, he always feels that this world is about to be destroyed.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Fan feels a little strange. It has been a long time since no one has called him. Who will contact him inexplicably?

Just when he was puzzled, he picked up his cell phone and took a look, and found that the person who called him turned out to be Chen Ping.

"This guy actually came back?"

Ye Fan couldn't wait to answer the phone, a look of expectation flashed across his eyes.

"Notify everyone, come to the villa to gather after completing the task at hand, we will soon face a fierce battle."

After a brief confession, Chen Ping hung up the phone. The relationship between the brothers was very deep, so naturally there was no need to say more.

Ye Fan also knew that Chen Ping was very busy at the moment, and he didn't have the time to greet them with them to waste time, so he just silently nodded, and quickly finished all the things that Chen Ping explained.

Everyone also received the news of Chen Ping's return. They were very excited, and they wished to finish what they were doing quickly and go back to join Chen Ping.

At this moment, Chen Ping had also reached the edge of the academy. He looked at the ground with some expectation, and he knew in his heart that after a while, this monster beast would reappear in front of him.

To be precise, he himself didn't know whether it was a monster or something.

He only knew that he felt a strange, very special force coming towards him.

In comparison, this is more like a...spiritual body.

Just when the two were waiting and chatting in every possible way, a sudden gust of wind blew in and directly surrounded Chen Ping and the other two.

Chen Ping frowned and looked around with some doubts. He found that something had made a great barrier in front of him.

Chen Ping also felt a little funny seeing this enchantment. He didn't expect that someone would use such a trick to surround him. It was obvious that this little guy was really interesting.

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