I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2748: , Carved the secret of God

Chen Ping couldn't help but joked, he was very curious, what kind of secret is hidden in Luan's heart?

Mr. Luan also hesitated about Chen Ping's remarks. He took a breath, and finally decided to tell his secret.

"It's true that I and Luan Chuansha are brothers. He is my younger brother. In the early years, we chose a different path, and our various thoughts were also completely different, so everyone chose a different one. life."

"I don't like his profession very much. In my opinion, it is a very frantic profession."

Speaking of this, Lao Luan couldn't help but raise his head and glanced at the sky, with a trace of despair and helplessness hidden in his eyes.

The story of Luan Chuansha and Luan Lao made everyone a little curious, especially the two young people who were watching the excitement.

As a person with very strong gossip attributes, Shi Zhentian had already leaned forward curiously, even holding a stool, and sat down in front of the other party.

Seeing everyone's gossip, Luan couldn't help laughing.

"Since you are all so curious, then I will tell you!"

Next, Mr. Luan told the story about him and his unconvincing brother. It seemed that he felt dissatisfied with this brother from the bottom of his heart.

"His profession requires a lot of attention and damage to people's bodies. This is something I only learned by chance. Most people will not feel any harm in a short period of time, nor will they feel that What's uncomfortable."

"But in the long run, their bodies will only get worse and worse, and even later they will be drawn from flesh and blood, and eventually become puppets."

When Lao Luan said this, he couldn't help sighing. He also knew in his heart that not everyone has money and can carve God for a long time, but in this way, those who suffer are all powerful and powerful.

"Not many people know this secret. Since I learned about this, he has also pursued me endlessly, but fortunately, I have good strength and a certain status. Even if he is angry, he has no choice."

After hearing these words, Chen Ping nodded silently, unexpectedly there were so many stories.

"I know Master, what you mean is mostly to clean up Luan Chuansha, but I can't participate in this matter. After all, there is a blood relationship in it, and he knows me well, maybe some of my habits and Action will reveal identity."

In the end, Mr. Luan decided not to participate in this matter anyway. After all, if Chen Ping's plan failed because of his own reasons, it would be bad.

Chen Ping didn't embarrass him, no matter what, this man is also his younger brother, and Luan's old age is not too young, letting it toss in the past is a waste of time.

"Okay, you two guys don't watch here either, go and sign up quickly."

Chen Ping urged that these two children must not be able to escape.

"Hehe, Master, let's go and sign up!" Hua Yunying said with a smile, and yelled sweetly at Gu Lele.

Hearing this, Gu Lele almost fell to the ground. He didn't expect the other party to call the word uncle so sweet.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it in private in the future, you still call me Gu Lele... You call me that, which makes me a little uncomfortable."

Gu Lele fled in embarrassment, and he didn't want to stay here anymore. He always felt a little embarrassed.

Hua Yunying couldn't help laughing. In fact, Hua Yunying said that on purpose.

Seeing that everyone's atmosphere is so harmonious, Chen Ping is also very satisfied, waiting for them to sign up.

At this moment, Luan Chuansha was in his room, enjoying the care of the maids.

"Speed ​​up a little bit and arrange all the fruits for me. I have worked so hard for so long, but I didn't come back to suffer."

Having said this, he directly stretched out his hand and pinched a handmaid on the waist. From this look, it seemed that he was a little dissatisfied with the other party's behavior.

"Who made you move so slowly?"

The maid who was pinched by him just dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, silently wiping tears from her eyes in pain, she didn't dare to say a word at all.

"Master, I have compiled all the list of applications for today, which is very effective. Most people are willing to join us in this experience, and then we will be able to successfully implement our plan."

Xiao Lintian spoke very proudly, very satisfied with this matter.

"This time we can flex our muscles and let those unwilling guys feel our power!"

As Luan Chuansha's subordinate, he certainly knew what Luan Chuansha wanted to do.

Regarding these frantic things, he didn't have the slightest intention of opposing it, but found it very exciting.

"Okay, just such a group of people for the time being. I will leave on time tomorrow. I can't wait to improve my strength."

Luan Chuansha couldn't help but urged, he had been holding this old man's face for too long.

Originally, he wouldn't be so mature, it's just that the profession of engraving a **** master is indeed a bit of consuming true energy.

As a result, he now looks tens of years older than his actual age.

This feeling makes him very uncomfortable, so he has been looking for ways to become younger for these years.

As a result, I couldn't find any useful methods when I looked around, but almost got myself in, which made him feel extremely dissatisfied.

"By the way, have you heard any news about my trash brother recently?"

Luan Chuansha turned his head and asked.

He disliked Luan Lao very much.

Over the years, he has been thinking of ways to assassinate Luan Lao, but the other party is also capable of avoiding every assassination.

In addition, Lao Luan's status is not ordinary, so I can't continue to murder Lao Luan openly.

Fortunately, both of them are outstanding, and there will be no situations in which the instigators are directed against each other.

"Master, your brother hasn't heard anything lately. I just heard that he went to Sun Moon City, and then there was no more news."

"I went to check the recent entry record of the imperial city, but I didn't see him."

Xiao Lintian is also a very cautious person. In order to be able to deal with Master, he checked all possible unexpected situations.

This remark made Luan Chuansha very satisfied.

"If this is the case, then I have nothing to worry about. As long as this **** doesn't provoke me, then I won't be too upset."

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