He used to be a lofty existence, but now he has become such an appearance, which is indeed a headache.

"Chen Ping...I remember you thoroughly, don't think about having a better life in your life!"

Zhang Deqiu's face became more and more ugly, he vowed that he must become stronger, no matter what way he must kill Chen Ping quickly.

Chen Ping's humiliation to him today has completely corroded his Dao Xin.

Unless Chen Ping is humiliated in the crowd in the same way, otherwise he will not be able to untie the shackles.

But even if Chen Ping humiliated him in the same way, it was difficult to face his painful heart.

So he vowed to kill Chen Ping, and from now on he has completely made no achievements in cultivation.

If you want to achieve something, you can only consider looking for other side avenues.

However, this kind of side-by-side approach is a little unrealistic after all.

Zhang Deqiu also returned to the sect with an extremely angry look, and he wished to be in the magic way immediately.

Situ Liufeng wasn't a person to provoke. After suffering Chen Ping's humiliation, he quickly returned to the sect and reported the incident.

The people of the sect did not expect this matter to become so severe, they are still thinking about how to cultivate such a genius as Gu Lele.

"Even you will fail?" There was a look of doubt on the face of the great elder, he did not expect that otherwise he would lose.

Situ Liufeng's strength was very clear in his heart. Although he could not be said to be a peerless top person, he could be regarded as a senior with a face and a face.

If he can't handle it, it is enough to prove that the people behind Gu Lele are very powerful.

"That Gu Lele didn't make a lot of shots. The so-called master of Gu Lele made the shots. This time our sect was completely ashamed of them! This guy is indeed a little savvy, and I suspect that he is practicing some side-by-side ways. !"

Situ Liufeng spoke viciously, and uttered his conjecture indiscriminately.

After hearing this, the elders also showed doubts.

"Why did you say this? Could it be that you have discovered something?"

They didn't expect that Chen Ping would actually be a person of the legendary magic way. This matter was a bit weird. As a righteous sect, the alchemy school would never allow such a person to appear.

"Since the other party is a crooked person, then we don't have to be polite with him. If I say that I should directly arrest him, we will have a good questioning!"

The elder in charge of the affairs couldn't help but emphasized that he didn't want to pay attention to the other party's speculation. Since they are the people of the magic way, they have got a chance to be famous.

"If we can clean up this guy, then we will be able to easily gain a good reputation. It happens to be the time when we are recruiting disciples. If we can be more prominent, we will be able to recruit at that time. More suitable addresses."

This elder in charge of affairs ranks fourth, and is responsible for various reputation issues of the sect on weekdays.

The four elders have always been vigorous and resolute, so capable and decisive in doing everything.

Situ Liufeng also took the time to speak out his own speculation, and he couldn't wait to plant Chen Ping well.

"Our normal practitioners have vitality fluctuations in their bodies, but this guy is completely different. I didn't feel the slightest vitality fluctuations in his body at all!"

"Even when he shot and injured Junior Brother Zhang Deqiu, I didn't feel anything wrong. The various methods of this man were completely indistinguishable from those of the Demon Dao!"

Situ Liufeng analyzed it calmly. In his opinion, all of this is completely possible.

After hearing these words, the other elders couldn't help showing irritable expressions. They didn't expect this guy to be so powerful.

"It is indeed a bit strange to be able to accomplish so many things without the slightest fluctuation in vitality, let's go, let's investigate the identity of this person now and see what the situation is!"

The Fourth Elder didn't want to give up this good opportunity, he couldn't wait to clean up Chen Ping.

The expressions of the other elders also became a little serious, and they didn't think it was time to worry about it.

"If the other party is a person of the magic way, doesn't it prove that Gu Lele is not a good person, and what he practices will not be as we understand it."

This is the most anxious thing for everyone. If everything is really like this, it will be terrible.

A disciple with a strong talent is a magician, which makes everyone's heart a little hard to accept.

Situ Liufeng looked at all this with dissatisfaction, and he did not expect that the people of the sect would consider so many messy things.

"Elders, isn't he just an ordinary disciple? Why should we struggle so much?"

"Even if he is talented, it doesn't have much to do with us. After all, such a person has a shameful heart, and it will definitely not be a good thing!"

Situ Liufeng's heart was very irritable, and he was afraid that his elders would want to put the other party in his pocket, which would be a great pity for him.

After all, there is already a contradiction between himself and Gu Lele, and if he were to be the same master brother, it might be a little troublesome.

If possible, try not to recruit people like Gu Lele in as much as possible.

Really, when he wanted to frame consumption with a good wording, at this moment, the fourth elders couldn't help but slap him directly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is it possible that you think that a genius like Gu Lele is really rubbish? Even if his current practice is not the same as ours, it does not affect our relationship with him. "

"If such a genius is in the bag, there will be a large number of pieces, and of course it is different from your waste!"

The Four Elders had always spoken very straightforwardly, and had not considered the feelings of the other party at all, and directly humiliated Situ Liufeng.

Situ Liufeng's face also became very ugly, and he didn't expect the Fourth Elder to look down upon himself so much in his heart.

Originally, the elders were still relatively optimistic about him, but he did this matter too badly, so no one wanted to speak for him.

Gu Lele's existence at the level of genius must be cherished and treated, and it must not be neglected.

"Don't focus your thoughts on us. Is it possible for a guy like you to still want to compare with others?"

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