It was clear that everyone was still yelling and screaming a second ago, but now they are all at once again. This feeling is indeed a little hard to describe.

"Tell me everything you know about the junction of heaven and Dao. I also want to know how you guys are talking about us behind your back."

Chen Ping was tasting tea, and just said slowly.

The Fourth Elder had no intention of doubting Chen Ping at all, and even worshiped Chen Ping as a god.

After all, how could a person who can drink such tea and use that mysterious weapon be an ordinary person?

These things are completely precious to mortals like them, but they are nothing more than that to Chen Ping.

It can be seen from this that the one in front of him is indeed from the existence of the junction of heaven and Dao.

"Legend has it that this place has been erratic. No one can know where it will open next time. Only those who are destined have the opportunity to enter it. But over the years, no one can come out alive at all!"

"Because of this, no one knows what's in it at all, only that this junction between the heavens and the roads is very mysterious and should not be underestimated!"

Soon the four elders said everything he knew. He didn't dare to add fuel and jealousy. Over the years, he had done countless studies and statistics, but he had never seen anyone coming out of it.

Now he saw a godlike existence alive, standing in front of him, he couldn't wait to step forward and study it.

After Chen Ping got the information he wanted, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect this place to be such a life.

He originally thought that the junction of Heaven and Dao was fixed in a certain position, but he didn't expect the other party to have no fixed position, and instead was erratic.

How does this make him look for?

Chen Ping didn't think he had such good luck, he would be able to find the junction of the heavens and the roads.

What's more, the fact that the other party said that there is no return makes him a little jealous. If this is really the case, then she naturally has to be more cautious.

Although his strength is strong, the other party is the legendary Dao of Heaven. Who knows if he can resist this kind of force of the Dao of Heaven?

Chen Ping also doesn't have such blind confidence, he only knows that everything needs to be considered long-term.

"This matter is really troublesome to talk about. I also know that you want to get some chance from me. It is impossible for you to give it to you for the time being. After all, you have also tried to find a way to trouble me."

After saying this, Chen Ping looked straight at the Fourth Elder, and he also knew that this guy would definitely not dare to resist.

Chen Ping's words instantly made the face of the Fourth Elder show an expression of excitement.

Although Chen Ping's remarks really meant to blame him, his remarks more or less clarified some details.

Because he offended Chen Ping and didn't have enough sincerity, the other party didn't plan to give him any chance this time.

As long as he comes to apologize with enough sincerity next time, I believe he will definitely get some chance.

It is normal for such a powerful character to have his own temper, and he does not dare to say a word at all.

"Yes, yes, what you said is my fault. If I was not deceived by the villain, it would not be possible to disturb you inexplicably!"

The Fourth Elder's attitude was extremely humble, he even thought about it, he would clean up Situ Liufeng when he returned, and it would be best to expel this guy from the sect.

If Situ Liufeng was not talking nonsense here, they would not take the lead to clean up Chen Ping.

Thinking that Chen Ping had left his own life, his face showed a very satisfied look.

As long as he can survive that is the best, and even now he still has the opportunity to hold a thigh, it is simply a good luck.

"Okay, let me go. When you visit me next time, remember to bring me some more gifts, preferably those that satisfy me."

"More importantly, these gifts must make me comfortable. You also know that I have been in the junction of heaven and Dao for such a long time, and my vision is naturally very high. I hope you don't let me down."

After saying this, Chen Ping opened the door and walked out.

Seeing Chen Ping's extremely unrestrained figure, the Four Elders wanted to be able to directly serve Chen Ping as a horse.

He knelt behind Chen Ping's back and kept kowtow towards Chen Ping.

"Thank you for sparing my life..."

After saying this, his face showed a smug look, and he even couldn't help but want to go back and show off.

After Chen Ping disappeared, he hurried back to the sect quickly.

At this time, the other people in the sect had already discussed the matter of rescuing the Fourth Elder.

The great elder was bruised by Chen Ping and his nose was bruised and swollen. Now it was the time to be angry. In addition, the fourth elder was also taken away. He immediately added fuel and jealousy and wanted to bring people to trouble.

At this time, the four elders rushed back in time.

"Elder, what are you talking about? I'm all right at all, and they haven't done anything to me!"

The Fourth Elder spoke very nervously, fearing that he would go to trouble Chen Ping with the people of other sects.

"You actually came back, would someone like him put you back?"

The elder is very angry now, and he is ready to pass these letters to the people of other sects, and unite them to clean up this guy who made him shame.

After all, he is also a person with a face and a face, it is absolutely impossible to be so humiliated by others.

The other disciples also stood aside with swollen noses and swollen noses. They looked like pig heads now, extremely ridiculous.

"You are really ignorant!"

"Just now he didn't take me away, but deliberately left me, precisely because I was the one who knew his identity!"

When the Fourth Elder said this, a smug look flashed across his face, as if he was very proud of the feeling of being valued.

Upon hearing this, the great elder also showed a look of doubt.

"What? You mean you know his identity... This is quite interesting. Why don't you talk about it."

The elder directly asked the other party to tell Chen Ping's identity, but he wanted to see who was so amazing.

Seeing the other side who had never seen the world, the Fourth Elder waved his hand to make the group of subordinates get out of the way and don't stand here and listen.

After ensuring that all the prime ministers had left, he immediately set up a soundproof barrier, pulling the other party to the side and talking.

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