It can be seen that Yunya Mountain is an extremely dangerous place, and it is definitely not accessible to ordinary practitioners.

However, Chen Ping's identity is different. He is the heir to the Heavenly Dao. In that case, maybe he has the opportunity to go down the mountain to try it out.

It happened that I could also take this opportunity to learn something about the foot of Yunya Mountain.

"Yunya Mountain is an extremely terrifying place, no one can go, and, I heard that there are all kinds of treasures below, it seems to be the legendary junction of heaven and Dao."

"It's just that the junction of heaven and Dao is not opened all the time. It is possible that people with bad luck will only have a dead end after jumping down."

"Since you also have some relationship with Tiandao, maybe you can enter it."

Chen Ping and Chen Xuanfeng talked a lot, and they knew a lot. About Yunya Mountain, Chen Ping also had a strong sense of curiosity about this mountain.

Since there is no way to jump off his body, he can use the monster beast mount to fly directly.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping also showed an expression of excitement. He didn't expect that now he finally knew something about the junction of the heavens and the realms.

No matter what, he planned to take a look in the past, even if there was nothing, that would satisfy his curiosity.

Soon Chen Ping drove Chen Xuanfeng away, and he also left Shi Zhentian and Gu Lele looking at the shop.

There will definitely be all kinds of people coming to look for them in the future, so this group of people will be directly handed over to Shi Zhentian to deal with it.

Shi Zhentian has always had a bad temper, and I believe this group of people won't get any benefit in his hands.

"Boss, are you really going to take me with you? Don't you think I am not worthy to explore that place with you!"

Speaking of this, Shi Zhentian pretended to be melancholy.

Hearing this, Chen Ping directly stretched out his hand and patted his head. This guy was really disgusting.

"Do your own thing well."

After leaving this sentence, he quickly came to the top of Yunya Mountain. This place looked misty and misty, and there was indeed a feeling of strayed into a fairyland.

Chen Ping glanced at the towering Yunya Mountain, and by the way, he came to the cliff and looked down.

There was even a hint of fear in his heart.

He didn't even know how high the cliff was.

It's no wonder that those practitioners will die directly after jumping down. There is no idea how high it is here, and the mountain must be dangerous, and those practitioners will easily go wrong if they are nervous.

Chen Ping summoned the monster beast, sat on the crane, and flew down quickly.

The speed of the crane is not slow, but even at this speed, it still took a long time for Chen Ping to reach the foot of the mountain.

He looked at the top of the mountain that was out of sight, and couldn't help showing a vigilant look. If he were to jump from the top down, the situation would not be so good.

Before he could land, he saw a large pile of bones suddenly appeared on the ground.

To be precise, these are human hand bones one after another.

These hand bones are emerging from the ground and are constantly grabbing towards it. Fortunately, the height is limited, so there is no way to capture Chen Ping.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ping was instantly puzzled.

After those high-powered practitioners jumped down, they won't cause much damage to their bodies, but they will encounter these terrifying tambourines next, and perhaps they will die without precautions.

Chen Ping also felt a little lucky, but fortunately he was still on the crane and didn't get off, otherwise he would definitely be recruited.

Chen Ping drove the crane and flew directly forward.

At this moment, the four elders also decided to go back and tell the other elders the news.

Chen Xuanfeng knew very well in his heart that the matter of the cliff would certainly not last long, and if he said it at that time, he would be left behind.

If this is the case, it is better to make the matter public early so that everyone knows about the mountain cliffs, maybe someone will compliment yourself a few words.

Thinking of this, he summoned all the elders present.

At this moment, all the elders learned about it through the Great Elder, and as soon as they heard Chen Xuanfeng's call, they immediately gathered together.

They were very clear in their hearts, and then it was time for Chen Xuanfeng to tell them a lot of secrets.

"It's true, everyone at the foot of Yunya Mountain should be very clear, this place may be the junction of heaven and Dao, but we definitely can't go there with our strength."

Chen Xuanfeng was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

There was a look of disdain on the grand elder's face, and he didn't feel that he couldn't go anywhere.

"Why can't we go? Although the death rate in that place is indeed very high, I trust my strength very much."

Having said that, he glanced at Chen Xuanfeng provocatively.

"You know why didn't you tell me this news earlier? Normally, I wouldn't be able to go to Yunya Mountain to try it out, but it's different now. I need to understand all the secrets about the junction of heaven and Dao."

The attitude of the great elder is very strong, in his opinion he is very qualified to be the heir of the heaven.

After all, his strength is extremely high, and he is also a famous martial idiot, so he has always been very concerned about all this.

Seeing the other party's arrogant and domineering look, Chen Xuanfeng couldn't help but sneer in his heart. This guy was really arrogant.

"If you want to try, I naturally have no opinion, and my advice to the other elders is that we wait and see what happens. I have told the heir about this matter, and now he should have gone down the mountain."

Several other elders also know the story of Yunyang Mountain. Many people think that there is a chance below, so they choose to go to experience, but no matter what the strength, basically jumping down the mountain is equivalent to dying.

Although they don't know why the practitioners can't even handle this kind of thing, they are even more sure that there is absolutely weirdness under the mountain.

"We will discuss this matter from the beginning, and then I will go to Yunya Mountain to take a look to prove my strength."

The great elder kept muttering to interrupt everyone's speech, which made Chen Xuanfeng feel very uncomfortable.

"If you are interested, you can naturally take a look."

After speaking, Chen Xuanfeng stopped talking, but sat in a seat silently, waiting for the other party to take action. He had enough to say, and then it's up to this group of people to experience it.

The great elder was immediately irritated when he heard these words, he stood up directly, and walked out extremely unhappy.

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