Chen Ping couldn't help but cursed, if he asked him to study what it was, it would be okay, but now he hasn't figured out what the situation is, the spar has disappeared.

Tongtian Pagoda hummed a few words as a response to Chen Ping, Chen Ping couldn't help but shook his head, his heart was extremely helpless.

Now that the pink spar had been eaten, he was a little helpless.

He also knew that this pink spar would definitely be of great benefit to Tongtian Tower, otherwise the opponent would not be able to swallow it in one bite inexplicably.

Chen Ping then smashed other bones without a hassle, and found the same pink spar, but after all, he did not find the core elementary stone.

This was an inexplicable fortune, which made Chen Ping compelled.

After all, there are not many things that can be appreciated by Tongtian Tower, and Chen Ping naturally does not want to miss these good things.

At this moment, the arrogant group of baby fish turned back again, and they kept attacking Chen Ping, seemingly intending to fight Chen Ping with their lives.

Obviously, it was because Chen Ping had disturbed the king of monsters at the beginning, so he said that the other party had now sent countless little brothers to trouble him.

Looking at these constantly clamoring baby fish, Chen Ping only felt extremely irritable.

"You are really good enough. With this ability, you want to come and yell at me?"

Chen Ping sighed helplessly, and crushed all these baby fishes at will. Then he quickly absorbed these essences without hesitation.

These baby fish provided themselves with a lot of energy, and Chen Ping was able to save a lot of pill after only one ability to absorb the essence and blood after the seminar.

This thing is not something ordinary people can learn. The reason why Chen Ping can use this trick carefree is purely because he is very at ease with his own strength, and he has the Tongtian Tower to guard him.

If other people use such tricks, they will fall into the ranks of the magic repair every minute.

Absorbing the essence and blood of too many creatures will cause one to fall into the magic way eventually.

Chen Ping has the Tongtian Tower, as a filtering procedure, he doesn't need to worry about anything at all, he just needs to enjoy it quietly.

More and more baby fish rushed towards Chen Ping, he was not afraid at all, and he was delighted to kill one by one.

Obviously, these monster beasts didn't open up their spiritual wisdom seriously. They were extremely bloodthirsty and ferocious. They only knew how to rush up, but they didn't know how to use tactics or avoid them.

Perhaps the only smarter is the king of monsters.

Within 10 minutes, Chen Ping had already lay down in front of him. There were hundreds of baby fish monsters. Chen Ping also felt helpless when he saw the appearance of these monsters.

Why should the other party be so persistent? Anyway, everything is destined to be taken away by him, so it is better to leave and give up this so-called treasure.

If he were replaced by an ordinary person and had swallowed so much blood, he would have already fallen into depravity.

The king of monsters and beasts might have guessed Chen Ping's tricks, so he deliberately let his little brother come and die, just to let Chen Ping go on this road of no return.

But he did not expect that Chen Ping had nothing to worry about at all.

These little tricks have no meaning at all for Chen Ping.

Chen Ping dismantled the entire skeleton, and finally successfully found a dozen of these pink spars.

He threw it all at the Tongtian Pagoda, and he left happily.

At this moment, he has gained a lot, and the baby fishes seem to have been killed by Chen Ping, but they have not appeared again.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Ping randomly found a seemingly safe place, and roasted a piece of monster meat to eat when a fire started.

He really couldn't eat the meat of this group of baby fish. These things were really ugly, and they looked dark and tasted not too good.

When Chen Ping talked about everything, the rabbit also got out of Chen Ping's arms.

The rabbit actually followed Chen Ping all the time, but he didn't show up just now. He stayed in Chen Ping's pocket and slept.

At this moment, Chen Ping began to barbecue, and the rabbit appeared quickly as if he had smelled some fragrant smell.

"Hey, the boss's cooking skills are so good, this meat is grilled and tender, and it gives me a feeling as if it smells the most delicious in the world!"

The rabbit couldn't help but began to praise Chen Ping indiscriminately. Although he was supposed to eat carrots and other vegetables as a rabbit, he was also very interested in this kind of monster meat.

Eating enough monster beast meat can improve his strength. He knows this very well in his heart, so even if he doesn't like eating meat, he still has to eat a few mouthfuls.

Chen Ping cast a glance at the rabbit and threw a lump of meat to the other party. He didn't expect that the rabbit could still eat meat. This was quite subversive.

One person and one rabbit were eating happily under the cliff, listening to the crackling sound of the flames, but it was a different kind of taste.

"The scenery here is actually quite good. If you can enjoy this kind of pleasant time for a long time, it will naturally be very comfortable."

Chen Ping is also longing for this kind of cozy and comfortable time. He also feels very uncomfortable with all kinds of things on weekdays.

Now I take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of my laziness.

"Boss, don't forget what you are here for, this time you are here to find the junction of heaven and Dao!"

The rabbit was also next to him, which was a very inappropriate reminder. He was eating so much oil that he even reached out and grabbed the barbecue next to him.

Hearing this, Chen Ping rolled his eyes.

"Naturally, I know, but I didn't feel any breath at the junction of the heavens and the roads, and I didn't even notice the slightest strange feeling."

Chen Ping noticed that there was a dark river around here, maybe following this dark river, they could lead to a mysterious place.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and felt his surroundings with heart, and found that the dark river just flowed into their feet.

"If I directly penetrate this apprentice at this moment, I will be able to enter the dark river. Then we will follow the dark river all the way, and we will definitely be able to find the so-called junction."

Chen Ping couldn't help but patted the rabbit's head, which seemed very proud.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Ping ignored the darkness of the night, and proceeded with the rabbit. After walking about 10 kilometers, he suddenly saw that the terrain in front of him was declining.

Obviously, the underground river entrance he was looking for was in front of him.

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