I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3052: , Fight to death!

This green fur monster is composed of moss, so its regeneration ability is extremely powerful. Once it is destroyed, it will regenerate again in another posture, and even its combat effectiveness is much stronger than before.

This time Chen Ping took out a rope to tie the opponent directly, threw it to the ground, punched and kicked, this thing is obviously smart, since it is so, it can be communicated.

Once the opponent is subdued, the green fur monster will definitely choose to compromise.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping punched even harder, and he wished he could punch this guy to death directly.

After being attacked by Chen Ping, the green-haired monster also struggled with trepidation. Unexpectedly, Chen Ping was so perverted. Not only did he not kill himself, but he was still torturing himself. This is completely It's a move that perverts can make.

Although the lifespan of the Green Haired Monster is endless, and it can continue to regenerate, but he also feels pain. Under Chen Ping's tossing so hard, he can't stand it anymore.

"Stop hitting me, don't hit me, I will let you out!"

The other party spoke in a panic, he is just the first-tier guardian of this place, and there is no need to suffer so much torture.

"I knew this before, why didn't you be arrogant when you provoked me? Why do you suddenly feel scared now?"

Chen Ping sneered, and said disdainfully.

Hearing this, the Green Haired Monster didn't dare to take the call without authorization, so he lowered his head silently, not daring to look up at Chen Ping at all.

Seeing the appearance of the other party, Chen Ping was also a little worried about Xiong Ziqi, and with a big wave of his hand, he chose the adults to ignore the villains. The current situation is a bit complicated, so I still have to go out first.

"Okay, get out of here, let me out, or I'll hit you later!"

Chen Ping shook his fist and threatened.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, the other party nodded shiveringly, and quickly released Chen Ping. At this time, Chen Ping saw a familiar figure fighting the green fur monster.

The others have disappeared, and it is obvious that they are still not coming out in that mysterious space.

But Xiong Ziqi was very fiercely beating another green fur monster in front of him, and he seemed to have come out early.

This makes Chen Ping a little puzzled. It stands to reason that he should be the fastest talent, but he did not expect Xiong Ziqi to be faster than himself.

"How did you succeed?"

Chen Ping asked very curiously, this is indeed something he wants to know.

Hearing this, Xiong Ziqi raised his head nervously, and at a glance he saw Chen Ping standing next to him with a blank face.

Hearing Chen Ping's question, Xiong Ziqi showed a slightly embarrassing smile.

"I was a little scared at first, but later I found out that I had no weapons, and I could only bite the bullet. I couldn't kill this guy directly. I could only fight with my strongest ability. With this guy, I really didn’t expect it to be effective if I hit him!"

Xiong Ziqi and Chen Ping explained their behavior. Chen Ping couldn't help showing a thoughtful look. It turned out that Xiong Ziqi accidentally found that his fists seemed to be very useful, so he slapped frantically. This green-haired monster even stripped the opponent out completely, looking extremely embarrassed.

At this time, other people also came out cursingly. It was obvious that they had also found the green fur monster's beggar, and they were working hard to satisfy the other party's careful wish to be beaten.

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