I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3057: , The defeated man!

But these water currents didn't have any reaction at all. All his attacks hit the opponent's body, just like a punch on cotton. It didn't have any effect, but it made him angry.

"Boss, you have to think of a way for me, this thing bullies me like this..."

Shi Zhentian was also a little angry in his heart. As a monster beast, he would not bend anything when he thought, and his head would always be a tendon.

"Don't worry, wait for this guy to toss slowly, I want to see what medicine he sells in the gourd."

Chen Ping looked at this stagnant water silently, and it was obvious that the other party possessed a certain amount of intelligence.

"Looking at that direction in the northeast corner is a bit wrong, I seem to hear a slight breathing."

Chen Ping loudly explained that Gu Lele is unique. Gu Lele is more cautious in his work. With his keenness, he can definitely detect the other party.

After hearing Chen Ping’s words, Gu Lele subconsciously looked in the direction of the northeast corner. Sure enough, there was a puddle of water in that place that was constantly undulating, which looked like breathing, so it proved that the other party was also alive. biology.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be seen through by you."

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Chen Ping frowned and looked at it. As expected, he was an extremely wretched fellow.

The whole body of this person is made up of water, and at a glance, he is definitely not a human being, nor is it a monster.

"Damn, do you dare to confront Lao Tzu head-on, and you dare to sneak up on me sneakily? I think you really don't want to live anymore after eating a bear heart and a leopard!"

Seeing this guy appearing in front of him, Shi Zhentian was so frustrated that he couldn't wait to fight him right away.

He is an upright big man. He was slapped and slapped in front of so many people today.

How could this make him stand this breath?

This pool of stagnant water saw the other party's anger and depravity, and couldn't help but laugh blackly. It seemed that there was indeed a sense of gloating in it.

"Little guy, do you still want to compete with me with your strength."

"You can't even find out where I am. Is it possible that you really think you can deal with me?"

The other party's attitude was extremely arrogant, and he didn't put Shi Zhentian in his eyes at all. He kept shaking his right hand, as if he wanted to slap Shi Zhentian.

"Are you the test of level 2? I didn't expect your rabbit clan to be quite naughty."

Chen Ping spoke calmly, and immediately brought the topic over.

Hearing this, the dead water couldn't help but sneer.

"Who said I belonged to the rabbit clan? I was just caught by them. Those rabbits are sinister and cunning, but it's not a good thing!"

When he said this, he gave a grinning look, and the rabbit standing next to him also flashed a hint of anger in his eyes.

"I think you should be a member of the rabbit clan like this, and the blood on you seems to be the blood of the royal clan... It's not bad, if I can kill you, then I will be able to solve my hatred. NS!"

With a bright smile on his face, he immediately planned to take the life of the rabbit.

In his opinion, no rabbit is innocent.

Shi Zhentian couldn't help laughing as soon as he said this.

"I thought how good you were. I didn't expect that the rabbits were defeated. It seems that you can't even beat a rabbit. Where can you get the courage to beat me?"

Chen Ping also knew very well that it was indeed Lion Zhentian who was a little distracted just now, so he gave this nondescript monster a chance.

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