I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3068: , A large trial field

"Boss, what do you mean by this? Why should he be an old man and target us?"

Fox Xiaoling has always been very innocent, and kind-hearted doesn't understand these random jokes made by Chen Ping and the others.

"Hey, of course it's because he is jealous that I am handsome and strong. This guy has always been a rubbish, especially after seeing the greatness of my brother, this old tree finally couldn't stand it. Directly I exposed myself!"

Hearing these vulgar words, Hu Xiaoling blushed instantly, and shyly hid beside Chen Ping, cursing, not knowing what he was talking about.

Shi Zhentian has always been very indifferent to his own image in front of his acquaintances. In his opinion, what could be the truth?

After all, he doesn't need to deliberately maintain an image in front of women. The only thing he is thinking about is the little lioness in the valley.

At this moment, Chen Ping didn't waste any time either. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the tree by the waist.

"Come on, let me see what kind of medicine is in your gourd?"

After Chen Ping grabbed the opponent, he pulled the cart hard and quickly pulled the tree monster in front of him. More importantly, Chen Ping seemed to do this effortlessly, and he was not too handsome.

The Dryad also didn't expect that he would be pulled over in such a shameful way. At this moment, he was completely dumbfounded.

"What are you doing? Let me go quickly. Do you know that I can take care of you? I just gave you a little face. Don't know what to do..."

The Dryad was extremely frightened, and when he thought of Chen Ping's powerful strength, he felt a little worried.

This time he can be regarded as kicking the iron plate, and his mood has become a little depressed.

On weekdays, he likes to use this method to trick those who come, and he can also take this opportunity to make a fortune. This is what he looks forward to most.

At this moment, Chen Ping also gently raised his hand and patted the other person’s shoulder. Although the tree looked very tall, it was not as exaggerated as he had imagined. After he was cleaned up by Chen Ping, I don't even dare to straighten up like this.

When Chen Ping patted him in a position similar to his shoulder, the other party instantly softened and looked at Chen Ping a little shyly.

"This eldest brother, I know that you are very powerful. I beg you, my lord, let me go. If you want me to do anything, I can even sing and dance for you!"

Chen Ping was also stunned after seeing this scene.

"Oh My God…"

He couldn't figure out why the attitude of this tree suddenly changed to this way. It was obviously very unbelievable at first, but now it suddenly felt like he had softened down, and it felt like he was aware of his mistakes in time.

But seeing the round eyeball on the tree, Chen Ping always felt that this guy was deceiving himself.

"Why are you staying in this place to harm people?"

Chen Ping asked with some suspicion, and he remained cautious throughout the whole process, fearing that this guy would suddenly deal with him.

"I... I said I was forced, do you believe it?"

A tangled look flashed across the Dryad's face, and it was obvious that he was a little worried that Chen Ping was unwilling to believe in himself.

He doesn't know his memory at all, he only knows that someone has arranged himself here, and I just want to block those who come and go.

"I only know that this place used to be a large trial field. My existence is to prevent them from leaving without incident. So why I am here and other situations, I still don't really understand. !"

Chen Ping stared at him straightforwardly, and soon saw a trace of sincerity in his eyes.

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