"Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of even if I tell you the truth. I was seriously injured before, but now I have amnesia, so I can't remember many things."

After all, all of this is true, and he really can't remember many things about the family. Even if the other party can't hide it for a lifetime, these things will eventually be exposed.


After hearing this, the black rabbit's eyes flashed with a bright smile, and it seemed that he was thinking about something crooked.

"Since this is the case, I naturally have nothing to say. Next, I will take you to find the elves. If you get the water of the soul, you will give me a little bit."

He couldn't help but want to bargain with Chen Ping. After all, he had done so much without any credit. At least it was a bit of hard work. Now if Chen Ping is willing to agree to himself, then he can immediately take Chen Ping into action.

"Naturally, there is no problem. I am the one who speaks and counts. If you say points, you will definitely give it to you. You can rest assured.

Chen Ping just said with a smile, with a bright smile in his eyes.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, the rabbit couldn't help but nodded in excitement. It's not appropriate for him to bounce around and tell Chen Ping something about the elves.

"First of all we have to get out of this place."

Hearing this, Chen Ping glanced at the tree demon next to him.

"Hey, bring it to you!"

Chen Ping took the tree demon directly into his arms without saying a word, and wanted to take the opponent away while he was unprepared. It was too simple.

This tree demon obviously didn't expect Chen Ping to start suddenly, so he was still at a loss at this moment.

Soon he entered the Tongtian Tower, and accompanied the water monster.

Chen Ping didn't pay attention to the two of them either, but took a group of people and walked around from here quickly. He knew very well that the next time was to look for the elves.

I don't know if there is a clear difference between the elves in this world of God and the elves I have seen before.

After leaving here, the Black Rabbit kept pointing to Chen Ping's direction. He has now completely become Chen Ping's person.

After all, all cooperative relationships in the world are for various interests.

But at this moment Chen Ping can bring benefits to each other, so they can naturally cooperate well.

Seeing the shameless black rabbit, everyone couldn't help showing a helpless look.

At this time, Shi Zhentian also raised his own curiosity.

"Are these elves look very beautiful?"

In his memory, the elves are very beautiful and extremely arrogant. Their bloodlines are very noble, so they are full of arrogance. They always use their nostrils to see people.

Hearing these words, the black rabbit's expression became a little tangled, he nodded thoughtfully, but shook his head the next moment.

"We are not the same race, so I don't know what your aesthetic looks like."

"Perhaps they look very good-looking to you, but in my personal opinion, they are nothing more than that."

Chen Ping didn't say much when he heard this flower. He was not interested in the looks of this group of elves. He was only curious about how he could get the treasure of the other party.

"You can reach our destination by walking hundreds of thousands of kilometers along this place. They live in the forest and have not been in contact with people for a long time. I believe he will be very surprised after seeing you. "

After hearing these words, Chen Ping nodded, and it takes at least half a day to feel this forest at their speed.

Since their bodies are not the type possessed by the people of the Protoss, there are more or less restrictions in this world of Gods.

If they were changed to before, they would definitely be faster.

The black rabbit is now an ordinary rabbit, so it was directly dragged by Chen Ping in his hand, and followed them quickly.

Although the Black Haired Rabbit felt that he was indeed aggrieved by this, he couldn't help choosing to remain silent when he thought of the benefits Chen Ping could bring to him.

Once you can get the water of the soul, you will be perfect next.

Although he will not change his race, he can change his destiny.

In the past, he cooperated with ghosts and monsters just for the powerful abilities of ghosts. Once he could get the water of soul, he would be able to wash away the connection between himself and ghosts, and he would be a man again.

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