Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

"Yes," Lin Qingqing nodded. "If you have an idea, you can help me with your wife. I want to talk to her."

Chen Ping didn't understand Lin Qingqing's meaning and asked: "Xiangjiang Lin's family wants to enter the mainland again?"

Lin Qingqing saw Chen Ping's ignorant look and suddenly smiled: "Don't care about this, anyway, it's good for you and your wife."

Chen Ping just laughed.

However, it was at this time that dozens of black commercial vehicles drove through the gates of Shangri-La, each of them rushed violently, and immediately jumped from the car, holding iron bars one by one, A social person with a knife!

"Brother, our elite are all here!"

A man ran to the back seat of the business car at the front and shouted through the window.

When he spoke, the gate of Shangri-La was already full of forty men, each wearing a black jacket, a tiger down the mountain on his right arm, a very burly figure, explosive muscles, scary, many faces There are scars on it!

These people look very sturdy. They are definitely people who have experienced the battle of life and death. The kind of killing intentions revealed on their bodies is very real!

The door behind the front car was opened, and a bald man walked down from inside. He had explosive muscles, a big golden chain hanging around his neck, wearing sunglasses, a blue cloud on the forehead, and a downhill tiger on his right arm. !

As soon as the man got out of the car, the forty men shouted in unison: "Master Tiger!"

Huwei Tangkou, Tonghu!

Tong Hu, a person with very cruel means and the highest strength, turned to Zhu Yuanyong. With a knife, he cut down 30 people and became famous, becoming the core figure in Zhu Yuanyong's team!

He, a man with deep thoughts, is second only to Zhu Yuanyong!

Many people say that after Zhu Yuanyong, Tong Hu will take the dragon chair!

Tong Hu stood at the door of Shangri-La and yelled in a low voice: "Zhuye said, don't let anyone out of the hotel! You guys listen to me. Tonight, Shangri-La is your main battlefield. Go in, Keep people under control and wait for my orders!"

In an instant, forty burly guys rushed in with the guy in their hands!

The whole of Shangri-La's hall suddenly made a mess!

Forty people from the society who rushed in with iron rods and knives in the doorway, everyone was fierce and evil!

The waiters of some hotels were so scared that they fled, and they fled everywhere, shouting "Help!"

Where have they seen such a scene, they have always thought that the society ruled by law is the safest.

The forty men controlled all men and women in the hall in just a moment!

Zhu Yuanyong, who had always been hiding in the box, received a call from Tong Hu at the moment. He shot a fine light in his eyes and hit a punch on the coffee table, shouting, "Okay! I will let him die tonight!"

After that, Zhu Yuanyong did not care about Li Boyuan, the stride meteor rushed out of the box and came to the lobby!

Li Boyuan, who was in the box, showed a cold smile at this time, and then dialed a phone...

When Tong Hu saw Grandpa Zhu's swollen nose and blue face appearing in the lobby, to be honest, his eyelids jumped wildly, and a big heart thumped wildly!

Zhu Ye was beaten?

He is the president!

Who doesn't know him? Who dares to beat him?

Moreover, there are eight King Kongs around Grandpa Zhu!

Eight King Kong?

Tong Hu's eyebrows narrowed, and he understood what he knew in an instant. He knew that Jiang Shi was afraid of blood and rain tonight!

Someone's hands on Zhu Ye!

"Good luck!"

Tong Hu stepped forward without asking about the injury and said, "The gathering of the forty tigers in Huwei Tang is finished!"

"it is good!"

Zhu Yuanyong drank and glanced at the forty men of Huweitang.

"Good luck!"

Forty tigers in Huweitang shouted in unison, stunned and deaf!

Zhu Yuanyong turned his head to look at Tong Hu and asked, "How about Kang'er?"

Tong Hu replied: "The young master should be on the way."

"Asshole! Did you go to the woman again? Damn it! Why did I give birth to that indisputable thing!"

Zhu Yuanyong scolded angrily, his son knows what virtue he knows best!

He originally wanted to give the club to his son, but his son did not struggle, so he spent the whole day in the forest of Jiurouchi.

"What about other halls?"

Zhu Yuanyong's face was overcast and somewhat displeased.

Tong Hu replied: "Renyi Church has gone out to work, Zhongyi Church and Beilang Church should be fast."

Zhu Yuanyong waved his hand and said: "Forget it, no matter what they are, you turn the hotel upside down for me, you must find a man named Chen Ping! Find him, interrupt his limbs, and then bring him to me Come!"

"Yes, I wish you!"

Tong Hu was ordered.

"Huweitang listened to the order, turned the hotel upside down, found a man named Chen Ping, and planned to bring his limbs to meet Zhuye again!"

Zhu Yuanyong's face was ruthless, and his dignified chairman must never give up on the good!

At this moment, a cold voice sounded on the side of the hall!

"Zhu Yuanyong, you have no long memory."

Chen Ping had a good conversation with Lin Qingqing, but he was attracted by the loud noise in the hall. In his opinion, many waiters were beaten and injured, which made him angry!

You can deal with yourself, but don't harm ordinary people.

Zhu Yuanyong and Tong Hu raised their eyebrows, and a cold shot came from the front, stabbing their eyes directly!

Chen Ping is just two people, still surrounded by a big beauty like Lin Qingqing, which is particularly eye-catching in this hall!

Is this man?

Tong Hu was shocked in his heart, and found that the other party was walking in a stride, and he didn't have any fear at all!

Lin Qingqing followed behind Chen Ping and looked at Chen Ping in front of him, not knowing why he was suddenly grabbed!

Looking at the coming Chen Ping, Zhu Yuanyong showed a cold smile on his face and said: "Boy, you really haven't gone yet, that's just right, don't you want to go anymore!"

Chen Ping slowly walked not far from them, his eyes filled with coldness, and said, "Do you want to stay with me? Just because of you gang, you also want to stay with me?"

"Bold! Too arrogant! Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

Tong Hu strode out, pointing at Chen Ping with anger and shouting, "Wish Lord! If you don't want to die, just roll over to Lao Tzu and pay him off! Otherwise, the people in this hotel tonight , You have to suffer unnecessary harm because of you!"

In Tong Hu's view, Chen Ping, an arrogant boy who knows nothing about heaven and earth, is almost a lesson from a newborn calf!

Dare to be so arrogant in front of yourself and Zhuye, it is purely impatient to live!

Chen Ping shook his head and looked at Tong Hu coldly, saying, "Is it true, Zhu? It seems that the lesson in the box just did not give enough. That's right, just make a break here. Since all come, you guys Just stay, and I will go to save again."

After listening to this threatening statement, Tong Hu immediately raised his eyebrows, he had never seen such an arrogant young man!

As soon as he was about to start screaming, a Huweitang brother beside him yelled, "Let's die! You dare to speak badly to Master Hu and Master Zhu, and I will kill you!"


Before he finished, a silver light flashed beside Chen Ping!

In an instant, the silver light directly struck the neck of the clamoring person like thunder and lightning!

Lin Qingqing looked at the back of a man who suddenly appeared beside Chen Ping, and suddenly felt the coldness and killing intention from him like a landslide!

Li Yi!

Her eyes moved slightly and her eyes showed surprise!

He still has such a strong bodyguard?

Chen Ping, who is he?

The silver light traversed the sky like a meteor, and stabbed directly into the neck of the clamoring man!

Just a moment, no drop of blood!

At this moment, the man felt regretful in his heart. Why did he say so badly and why did he make the first bird?


Seeing that the person who had just called for a battle fell down on his back, the remaining elites in Huweitang were completely stunned!

too frightening!

Everything is so shocking!

They didn't even see how the other party shot, they fell on their own side!

Tong Hu's eyes were shocked. He was not an ordinary person. He naturally understood the terrifying power contained in the moment when the man beside Chen Ping shot.

He knew that he had a hard stubble tonight!

It's a short dagger!

"Dare to move our brothers to death!"

A group of Huweitang's elite just froze for a moment, and they were captured by their anger, and they were suddenly irritated. The guy holding his hand will rush to revenge!

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