Later, the Stone clan was conspired by humans, and in the end only his lone seedling survived. In the end, he was still discovered by the elves. In the end, he kept enslaving him, and even made him the elves watching the gate. The presence.

"I said that you don't want to believe me anyway, you will think that you are unlucky when the time comes. This group of humans is not easy to provoke. I believe that with your strength, there is absolutely no way to beat this group of humans."

A trace of sullenness flashed across the stone girl's face, and she kindly came to report the situation. Originally, she wanted to make a contribution, but she didn't expect to be despised by the other party.

Stone Girl and Chen Ping had fought each other before, and they knew in their hearts how powerful Chen Ping was.

Although his strength is definitely not as strong as the Elf clan, he is sure that the Jinling clan will never be able to win Chen Ping, and he will even be ruthlessly cleaned up by Chen Ping.

The person of the elves who learned of the situation did not go to tell the news, but returned to his position happily. He was still flirting with his female partner just now.

Having been single for so many years, I finally found a co-star. Now I naturally don't want to waste time. I plan to take the other party down before the night falls, so I don't have to spend the night alone.

As for what the Stone Girl said, he had already forgotten everything. In his eyes, the Stone Girl was an extremely strange existence, and he didn't care about the other party at all.

"My dear, what did you just go for?" The woman stared at her significant other in confusion, wondering why the other party had been there for so long.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that there are some unnecessary people who want to come over and have fun. I have driven him away. It will not affect our next date. You can rest assured."

After saying this, he took his female companion with a smile and continued to talk about Tian'er. The two looked very sweet, without knowing that there was a crisis, and they were gradually approaching.

After a long journey, Chen Ping and the others finally reached the place where the elves were. Chen Ping glanced at this somewhat harsh living environment and couldn't help frowning in doubt.

"Are you sure this is where the elves live? I always feel that you, a dog, are lying to me."

Chen Ping grabbed the black fur rabbit. After seeing this environment, he felt a little nauseous. He really couldn't understand, how could those so-called distinguished elves live in such a bad environment?

After hearing this, the black rabbit rubbed his ears very aggrievedly. Chen Ping grabbed him now but it hurts too much.

"Don't the elves live in such a place?"

He blinked a little puzzled, and he could think that Chen Ping and the others were humans, and he felt that everything could be explained.

"By the way, let me explain to you in detail. These elves have always lived in such a dark place, because their wings can't see the sun at all, so they usually live in such a dirty and humid place. place."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's complexion became a bit ugly. They didn't expect this fairy Phoebe, and thought they could see those very beautiful fairy tales.

In the end, I didn't expect to see this kind of weird thing, and all the illusions in everyone's hearts have been quickly broken.

"Forget it, the boss, let's take it for the sake of elves. Although they must also look ugly, I always hold a glimmer of hope if they are not as ugly as I imagined. Woolen cloth."

Gu Lele was very clear about Chen Ping's thoughts, and he couldn't help but comforted him. It would be difficult for anyone to accept this fact.

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