"I didn't expect that human beings who have disappeared for so many years would appear on my territory."

"It's really been a long time."

The Elf Queen deliberately appeared in front of Chen Ping with extremely elegant steps, looking like a very elegant lady.

After hearing this voice, Chen Ping couldn't help but turned his head and took a look. This so-called fairy queen, after all, was pretty good in terms of voice alone.

"Damn, it's so ugly."

After seeing each other's first glance, everyone couldn't help but uttered an extremely vulgar word. After saying this, everyone couldn't help covering their mouths, including Xiong Ziqi.

Obviously everyone has the same view of this so-called elven queen, and the other person's face is indeed a bit hard to describe.

"Is it true that the ugly people of your elves clan are more qualified to be the boss? I thought these guys are already ugly enough, but I didn't expect you to be able to show new tricks. This is really interesting. "

Shi Zhentian's outspoken problems have always been impossible to correct. Although these words were really unpleasant, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing these words.

Chen Ping couldn't help but smile when he saw the other party's so mean mouth.

"You are the queen of the elves, aren't you?"

Chen Ping saw the opponent's goblin-like figure and shriveled wings, and couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

Although there is a smile on his face, in the eyes of the other party, this smile is completely mocking.

"I am the queen of the elves. I don’t know what you’re calling for this time. We haven’t dealt with humans for a long time. If you want to deal with us, then we will contact the true gods and let them. Come and deal with you guys who have escaped from the sordid realm."

The elf queen has long been angered by the lion shaking, and now she can't wait to be able to cut the lion shaking the bastard.

"Hey, isn't the true **** of your elves long gone? Who else do you want to summon to deal with this group of humans?"

The Black Hairy Rabbit added a sentence next to him in time, which gave Chen Ping confidence.

After hearing this, Chen Ping couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction. It seems that this guy is not useless, he can be praised after all.

"I didn't expect you to even know about this, hehe, the true **** of our elves has indeed fallen, but that doesn't mean that we can't deal with you."

"On the contrary, you, a member of the rabbit clan, are still dealing with this group of people, haha, it's really shameful."

The queen of the elves had a sarcasm on her face, and she looked at each other so directly, it was obvious that the other party's posture was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"You don't need to worry about this. You have to know that you can't beat my boss with your strength. Let me tell you the truth. My boss is here to take your elven water this time. If you know it, hurry up. take it out."

"If you are unwilling to cooperate with our boss, then we will definitely find a way to kill you."

The Black Hairy Rabbit spoke very eagerly. He suddenly felt the feeling of recognizing a boss, but it was great that he could do whatever he wanted no matter where he went, and his boss was so powerful that he felt very face when he spoke out.

The rabbit couldn't help rolling his eyes. This guy was really shameless. The boss shouted so affectionately, even he had never been so affectionate with Chen Ping.

"You still recognize a human being as the boss. Is it possible that your rabbit clan has been completely conquered?"

A doubtful expression flashed across Queen Jin Ling's face, as if she couldn't understand what the situation was.

After seeing the extremely arrogant appearance of this rabbit, the queen of the elves also felt that something was not quite right.

"It is naturally difficult to take away our elven water. If you want to challenge it, I won't mind."

He pointed directly to an extremely terrifying cave next to it.

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