I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3085: , The mysterious cave

"How can they stink like this, with the staleness and smell of stench on their bodies, where did they come from?"

Xiong Ziqi couldn't help but join the Tucao. As a girl who has been hunting and fishing on the beach for a long time, Xiong Ziqi knew very well that if he had been exposed to fish for a long time, he would definitely have some fishy smell. Yes, but obviously they are not fish, but legendary nobles.

I really don't understand why these nobles also have such a smelly smell, which is really disgusting.

Although Chen Ping didn't understand it, he didn't say much, just marched silently in this cave.

This cave looked a little wrong. The whole process was dark. Although the road ahead could be seen clearly by the force, the cave was filled with a weird atmosphere, and it always felt that it was not a good place.

"The woman must have been uneasy, trying to trick us into coming in. Most of them want to attack us. I think there must be something terrifying here!"

Shi Zhentian cursed beside him, and he couldn't help trembling when he thought of the ugly appearance of the other party.

It's hard to disagree with what he said. Everyone is a visual animal no matter what. After seeing the ugly appearance of this woman, everyone has lost patience.

At this time, the people of the elves also gathered together a little nervously.

They knew very well that Chen Ping definitely had some problems.

"We can’t get in touch with the true God now, so we can only rely on ourselves to drive away these outsiders, but it really surprised me that they were able to find the door. Is it possible that the group of outsiders who have been locked up? Has everyone been released?"

There was a look of doubt on the face of the Elf Queen, wondering what the situation was like?

At the beginning, the true **** also said that these human races would be permanently imprisoned in the forbidden land.

Now they appear here inexplicably, which is enough to prove that something is definitely going on in the forbidden land.

Thinking of this, the elves also hurriedly contacted their comrades in arms. Although they rarely interact with each other on weekdays, they still have to rely on each other at this critical moment of life and death.

"If they can help, it is naturally the best, otherwise we may really be taken away by humans in the future."

In fact, there was nothing in this cave. Not only was there no danger, but there was also nothing Chen Ping and the others wanted to find. At this moment, he was doing this simply to delay time.

Chen Ping didn't know this, they were still wandering around here, looking for all kinds of treasures.

"I feel that there doesn't seem to be any strange vitality fluctuations in this cave. Did they hide all the treasures?"

Chen Ping frowned and looked around for a while, a look of doubt flashed across his face, always feeling that this guy was deceiving himself.

"This cave is so big in total, if I have to say there is any treasure in it, I really don't want to believe it."

Chen Ping took a look at himself. Although the sight of this not-so-large cave was somewhat damaged, it did not prevent them from exploring the situation inside the cave clearly.

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