And he also has very precious things to exchange with each other, if they are willing to do this business, Chen Ping naturally has no objection.

And this woman didn't just label them when she came, she even slandered them in every way. This was really maddening, no matter who she was, she couldn't help but want to kill him.

"Hehe, what these humans are saying is not unreasonable. You must be uneasy in doing this. Don't you think I am not sure?"

Akasi glanced at the opponent indifferently, and a trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes. It was obvious that he was ready to solve the opponent's preparation.

"Our elves don't want to have anything to do with you."

"I declare that from now on you can no longer call yourself in the name of the elves. If we find out that you do this again, you will be the arrogant guys who will be annihilated next."

Akasi glanced at each other indifferently, a trace of murder flashed through his eyes.

Chen Ping nodded silently next to him, with a calm look on his face. He really didn't expect this thing to develop into this way.

"Now that things are clear, let's talk about it. I am really interested in the water of the elves, otherwise we will discuss it in detail."

Chen Ping sent an invitation to Akasi. He knew that Akasi was the person in charge of the elves, and it was the best choice to find him if he wanted to talk about anything.

Hearing this, Akasi nodded. In fact, he was also very interested in Chen Ping and wanted to know what kind of person Chen Ping was.

Abelli didn't expect that he would make things so complicated, and his face instantly became a bit ugly.

"Akas, you listen to me to explain that this matter is not what you think it is. I just want to deal with this group of people, and they have indeed caused a great threat to our elves."

Abeli ​​chased after the opponent and kept explaining, as if he wanted to wash his identity.

But Akasi didn't want to listen to the other party saying these messy things at all, he only felt that this woman was too noisy.

"You can watch this for me. Don't let this woman disturb me and talk to the other party. If he dares to break into it forcibly, then just kill it without giving any face."

Akasi waved his hand and made a decision.

Soon the warriors of the elven clan stopped these ugly guys at the door, absolutely not allowing them to step into this place.

As soon as they entered a room, the two of them couldn't help retching. Then they looked at each other and saw a trace of embarrassment in each other's eyes.

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to talk to you, this place is really stinky, or let's change the place."

Akasi was very embarrassed and said. He knew that these elves were indeed living in a very dirty environment, but he didn't expect that this place could be made up like this. This is really an exaggeration.

Chen Ping nodded, covered his nose and walked forward. He really couldn't stand the environment here.

"You are waiting here, and you must take care of it. This group of people absolutely cannot let them cause us any trouble. After I finish talking about this side, I will deal with this group of traitors."

Akasi has given them enough face for so many years, and now this group of people dare to play with themselves as monkeys. How can this make him stand it?

In a word, it's all done.

Soon they went to a slightly cleaner place, where the smell was not so strong, and Chen Ping was relatively able to accept it.

"Before this, I always thought that the elves were very beautiful. When I saw those guys, I was completely desperate. Fortunately, you didn't break my fantasy."

Chen Ping said with a smile, and a bright smile appeared on his face. He looked very harmonious, like a harmless young man and animal.

Akasi shook his head helplessly. These things are a long story, and he doesn't know how to speak.

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