I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3094: , Male or female

He knew exactly how precious this thing was in his heart.

If he could get this thing, it would be great. In comparison, he felt that the elven water was not so precious.

For these protoss, elven water really has no precious place.

The most is to increase his own strength, and it is not as exaggerated as imagined.

Everyone has a limited number of uses, so there is no way to improve their strength for a long time.

Except for those who need purification, they don't need elven water at all.

If you can exchange with Chen Ping, then it is naturally the best.

"I can exchange with you here. You can do as much as you want. I will exchange a hundred drops of elven water with you for a pill of this kind. Do you think it's okay?"

Hearing this, Chen Ping's eyes flashed with a look of surprise, and he didn't expect this person to be so upright.

"Elf water does have a very important role, but it doesn't play a big role for us, so if it can be used to exchange more important things, it is naturally the best."

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Ping couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, this is also a mutually beneficial and win-win transaction.

At first, Akasi thought Chen Ping would not have a lot of worries, but he didn't expect Chen Ping to take out hundreds of equivalent pills. This is an extreme exaggeration.

And the soldier who recovered his body was still sighing beside him, with an extremely bright smile on his face, giving Chen Ping a crazy thumbs up.

"These pills are really too strong."

"I didn't expect that I would be able to return to normal in the rest of my life. This is really amazing."

Although Xiaoyu was very unwilling to give up, he had so much elven water, but in the end he chose to exchange it.

It didn't take long for Chen Ping to get a lot of elven water.

At this time, the rabbit bounced and ran towards the elf tree. He directly patted the elf tree, leaned close to the other side, and whispered something.

This elven tree is also very thoughtful. This guy was originally a refined thing, and it was easy to communicate with people.

At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly rang next to the rabbit's ears.

"What you said is the truth."

Hearing this sound, the rabbit nodded, with a bright smile on his face, which looked a bit wretched.

"Don't worry, I can't lie to you. There is a tree demon in our boss's space. The strength of that tree demon cannot be underestimated. You can match it with you."

The rabbit kept talking next to him, with an extremely bright smile on his face, it seemed that he had already planned to fool the other party.

"If you are telling the truth, I can consider trusting you."

The rabbit nodded and jumped directly to Chen Ping's side. He was talking in a low voice. It seemed that he wanted to explain some important things to Chen Ping.

Chen Ping frowned suspiciously when he heard this. He always felt that these words sounded somewhat unreliable.

"Are you sure? I always think you, a stinky rabbit, are lying to me."

Chen Ping grabbed the black rabbit with a hint of curiosity on his face.

"Is the tree monster in your forbidden land a male or a female?"

Although he had communicated with the other party before, the dryad's voice sounded neither male nor female, which made it difficult for him to tell what was going on.

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