I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3103: , The role of immortality

They have been bullied enough for these years, and at this moment Akali just wants to resist, anyway, he must be killed anyway.

Akas watched as his soldiers were killed and fleeing everywhere, with a sad look on his face. He was very curious about where the woman had brought the rescuer from, but now it is not important to figure out this. His people made it clear that those who had been killed were about to disarm and surrender.

"You run away."

One of the soldiers saw that Akasi was still there in a daze, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He rushed up quickly against the opponent's attack, and frantically urged Akasi to leave here.

"As long as you are still alive, the hope of our elves will rise again. No matter what, this group of people will not succeed. Then you must rise up and let this group of people know how powerful we are."

There were several swords in the soldier's body, but his face still had an extremely determined look, and he seemed absolutely unwilling to compromise with this group of people.

After hearing these words, Akasi's eyes flashed with tears. He didn't expect his people to say such sad words.

"If you don't leave, I'll die for you to see."

When the soldier saw that the opponent was still reluctant to leave, he immediately forced him to die, but in fact he would not have been able to live for a long time. Now he was seriously injured, and he was short of his last breath.

And at this moment, he also remembered that he had bought a lot of pills from Chen Ping.

Thinking of this, he rushed up quickly against the blood and rain, and fed the pill to the soldier. He had personally tested the strength of this pill, and he knew that this pill must not be underestimated.

The warrior who had been hit with a few knives returned to normal in an instant after taking this pill, and his body was even much better than ordinary people looked.

After seeing this scene, Akali's face showed a look of surprise, as if she did not expect the other party to be able to take out such a treasure, and the whole person instantly became excited.

Seeing that the other party returned to normal, Akasi immediately dragged him to escape quickly.

"Go away, I will fight this group of people alone for a while with my strength, but in the long run, I will also be exhausted. We must hurry up and leave, and don't let this group succeed."

After saying this, Akasi once again passed a handful of pills to the opponent, asking him to hurry to save the person.

"Everyone stay steadily and keep the green hills. I'm not afraid that there is no firewood. All of them will run for me. After I recover, I will come to you personally."

Akasi roared, and everyone's expressions were heavy after hearing these words. They were not the ones who would abandon their teammates, but they were helpless in the face of this situation.

But it should be distributed quickly. After everyone recovered their bodies, they quickly fled to the distance. Although everyone didn't want to be cowards, they had to complete the command of the King of Elves.

Akali saw this group of people fled out in a panic, with a look of horror on his face. He didn't want to let this group of people run away. This time, he finally had the opportunity to kill them all. If you let this group of people run away, wouldn't you be a big loser?

"Quickly chase me, don't let go of any of them, and what exactly is that guy brought out, quickly get me over."

Akali cursed and said, and she didn't want to play in person. He didn't know that although Akasi did not have the ability to attack, he still wanted to deal with herself easily. If she appeared inexplicably, it would only He was not so stupid because he was giving away heads to the other party.

Now Akali had a keen interest in the pill and the like in the opponent's hand.

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