At this time, Akasi also quickly ran over, with a look of surprise on his face, as if he didn't expect to hear this sound.

"Did you just hear a deafening sound? After this sound rang, I felt uncomfortable all over, as if something was staring at me!"

Akasi spoke in a panic, now that he has become extremely sensitive, he is completely utterly invincible.

"Don't worry, it's probably just some place doing blasting."

Chen Ping spoke casually, but Akasi was completely sluggish when he heard this sentence. He didn't understand what Chen Ping meant.

"What is blasting? Is it possible that some monster was born? This is really troublesome!"

With a trace of panic on his face, he looked around anxiously. At this moment, he had no other feelings other than panic.

"Nothing else. Anyway, this thing is a bit weird. We don’t know what happened. Let’s take a step by step. If any monsters and monsters appear suddenly, then we have no other choice. Bear it."

Chen Ping waved his hand casually, but he was not interested in this matter, anyway, whether it was a monster or a ghost, in short, what should come will come.

Akasi nodded, and sat down to take a sip of tea. He always felt an extremely unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"I hope this is indeed the case."

Chen Ping sat next to him silently. After seeing the strange look on the other party's face, he always felt that something was not quite right. It seemed that this guy knew something, but he didn't tell the truth to them now.

But at this moment, Xiong Ziqi directly approached Chen Ping's side, and confessed in a low voice with some caution.

"Akas seems to have a problem. I just saw a green gleam in his eyes. According to my understanding of the elves, they should have blue pupils."

Chen Ping also paid attention to what Xiong Ziqi said. Although Xiong Ziqi is not from this place, he has also delved into a lot of related things during this period, and he has some understanding of these guys. .

Chen Ping trusts Xiong Ziqi very much.

Since the other party had already said so, it was enough to prove that Akasi was indeed a little strange.

"Then what do you think about this? Do you think he is being caught..."

Hearing this, Xiong Ziqi shook his head.

"I think he might not be Akasi himself."

These words made Chen Ping get goose bumps in an instant, and he always felt that these words sounded a little strange.

"But the aura of a person's body will not change. When he just came to us for help, I have identified it. His identity is indeed Akasi himself. It is difficult to achieve the time to sleep in and still be able to Has it changed so much?"

Chen Ping casually created a soundproof barrier. He knew these things were very important, and he would definitely not be able to be heard by Akasi.

After hearing this, Xiong Ziqi shook his head. Although Xiong Ziqi has a general understanding of all this, she is not considered to be very thorough in the research, so now she can only analyze it roughly.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but I can feel that he is not the same person."

The two quickly ended the conversation, and Chen Ping also turned his head thoughtfully and glanced at Akasi next to him.

Sure enough, Akasi did look a little abnormal.

They had been in contact with Akasi before, knowing that Akasi was a normal person with a weapon in his right hand, and at this moment, the opponent looked like a left-handed person.

"It's really weird."

Chen Ping was carefully observing Akasi and found that the other party used his left hand whether he was drinking tea or reaching out to fiddle with things on the table. It seemed that using his right hand was a very unaccustomed thing.

In order to prove his idea, Chen Ping took out a pill from his arms and handed it over, with a curious look on his face, as if he wanted to chat with the other party.

Chen Ping passed the ammunition directly, and then looked at him expectantly.

Although Akasi didn't understand what Chen Ping said he had to give himself a pill, but after seeing Chen Ping's action, he subconsciously reached out and took the pill.

Chen Ping keenly noticed that this time he stretched out his left hand.

This guy is left-handed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ping smiled silently and shook his head.

"This medicinal pill is a waste pill that my apprentice refined at will. Anyway, it has no other use when I put it here. I just show it to you and study it."

Chen Ping spoke casually, and he didn't show anything wrong at all. After hearing what Chen Ping said, he didn't say much, just took a look at the other medicine.

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