"My time is running out, and there is a curse on me. They will soon be able to find me. If you are unwilling to help me, then I will only have a dead end."

"You said you can help me escape from here. What does this mean?"

Chen Ping still values ​​this sentence more, the meaning of which is after all a good place in anyone's eyes, how can anyone want to escape from the world of God, unless he is a fool.

The vitality of this world is extremely abundant, and the resources are also very abundant. If human beings don't have the slightest status here, Chen Ping can't figure it out, why would anyone plan to escape from this place?

"This world was originally a huge prison. The group of people were just trapped in it. It's not clear. They don't even know that they are just the so-called toys of the gods. When they get tired of playing, they will be abandoned. !"

After hearing what the other party said, Shi Zhentian came to a conclusion.

This is an out-and-out mental illness and should be sent to the hospital for continuous treatment.

"Boss, don't you want to believe this guy, I always feel that he looks unreliable at all, like a fool from Qingshan Hospital..."

Shi Zhentian was very tangled beside him, he felt that this guy was wrong from the bottom of his heart.

Shi Zhentian always felt that what this person said was upside-down, as if his mind was not normal. Thinking of this, he also wanted to remind Chen Ping, but seeing Chen Ping's appearance that he was willing to believe him, Shi Zhentian also Don't know what to say.

"Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, let's take a step forward and look at it. No matter how this person is said to be closely related to us, if everything is true, maybe we can still help a little bit. Woolen cloth."

Chen Ping's words are high-sounding, and it feels like he really wants to help the other party, but in fact Chen Ping simply wants to figure out the secret behind the other party.

He had never heard of this person's family, so it was obvious that there were definitely some amazing secrets in it.

In addition, his so-called curse is here, if everything is true, someone will come to him soon, and he will be able to take the opportunity to understand what is going on.

Chen Ping is a person who has never been afraid of causing trouble, and even he is afraid that the trouble will be too little and not exciting enough.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we will give him a chance to take it with us."

Shi Zhentian and the others couldn't help but nod their heads. Although they didn't know what Chen Ping's purpose was, they knew that Chen Ping absolutely had his own good intentions in doing this.

Chen Ping has always been a very sensible person, and there will be no problems with his decisions.

Crazy Wang heard Chen Ping's willingness to help him, and he showed a bright smile instantly. He was very excited at Chen Ping, nodded, and bowed deeply. It seemed that he was very grateful for Chen Ping's help.

"It's just that your appearance is a bit too ugly... If you live with us, it will inevitably scare our girls."

Chen Ping glanced at the other person and made it clear that he was very disgusted with his face.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, Crazy Wang was also very embarrassed and touched his mutilated face, as well as the wounds healed on his body.

Although the wound had healed, his bones were still exposed to the air, looking terrifying.

"I can't help it. The injuries I suffered back then were too serious and I didn't get timely treatment. That's why I became like this. I can hide in normal days and it won't affect you!"

Regarding this face of himself, he is indeed somewhat powerless, after all, he does not want to live with this ugly face, but this is also impossible.

Chen Ping took out a pill from his arms and handed it directly to the other party, asking him to eat it quickly before swallowing the pill, and his appearance problem will be solved in the future.

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