I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3146: , God-level body

"What you want is a mermaid pearl, but the murlocs haven't given me this thing yet."

"Now that things are not in my hands, even if you defeat me, how can the murlocs slip away with things when you are not paying attention, then you work hard to fight with me. Isn't it a waste of time?"

Chen Ping said very speechlessly, this guy's IQ really made him feel a little anxious, if he wanted to target the Murloc machine, he would still be able to understand a little bit.

"Now that the things are clearly in the hands of the Murloc, you don't want to trouble him, but you still have to deal with me. Is it because you can't get your own beloved woman?"

Chen Ping was an old yin and yang person with one mouth. A Dong trembled all over his body when he said that. He didn't expect Chen Ping to dare to humiliate himself so much.

However, what Chen Ping said is also reasonable, and now he should target the Murloc machine the most.

It's just that he just doesn't pleasing to the eye, his beloved Yu Qingling likes old-fashioned things.

Chen Ping’s words successfully angered Adong Adong, desperately rushing towards Chen Ping, anyway, he must let Chen Ping die today, and he wants Yu Qingling to see Chen with his own eyes. How Ping was defeated by himself.

The two quickly fought together, and Adong was not slow in this swamp that smelled disgusting.

Chen Ping maintained a high posture all the time. He flew around in the swamp very calmly, and easily confronted A Dong.

Even if he stepped on the swamp, he did not leave any traces, and even his clothes and socks were not even contaminated.

Although the dirt was so cheap, Chen Ping was still able to maintain an extremely chic appearance.

Against the situation of A Dong, he was not so cool. At this moment, there was a hideous look on his face. Unexpectedly, Chen Ping was able to avoid himself back and forth so coolly.

And now his body is full of dirty mud, but Chen Ping looks handsome, like a true **** who descended from the immortal world.

"If this is your strength after taking the medicine, then I'm really disappointed."

Chen Ping glanced at the other party. He was also very interested in the drugs this guy was taking. He wanted to fight the other party to see what his situation was, but he didn't expect it.

"Do you think that my strength is just that? It was just a test of you. The good show is yet to come."

A Dong waved his hand, and soon a pile of mud in the swamp splashed up, and he looked directly at Chen Ping's attack, which had a somewhat mighty look.

The effect of the soil in these swamps is not just disgusting. It is as simple as people. The swamps are very corrosive. Under its action, even if Chen Ping has a god-level body, there is absolutely no way to resist it. Get this powerful corrosive force.

"Next, let me see your strength."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Ping was directly surrounded by a pile of mud. At this moment, Chen Ping looked a little embarrassed, like a mud man.

"The boss should be fine, right?"

Xiong Ziqi frowned and asked. In Xiong Ziqi's eyes, Chen Ping seemed to be an invincible existence, but this guy's tricks were indeed a bit too disgusting.

As a girl, Xiong Ziqi didn't even dare to imagine what it would be like when these dirty mud hit him?

"Just this guy still calls himself a noble mermaid clan."

Everyone was taunting A Dong, but from their appearance, they didn't seem to worry about Chen Ping. Instead, everyone was watching the good show.

At this time, the murloc clan was the most entangled. They finally found a better backer. He didn't expect everyone to fight again now. He really didn't know what to do with him.

Originally, the Murloc machine had already thought about it. If Chen Ping really wanted to learn about the monster, he could just tell the other party directly. In short, he had already thought out countless ways to avoid his troubles.

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