Soon the Murloc machine said everything he knew, and he knew very well in his heart that he had to hurry up and tell the truth with Chen Ping and strive to get Chen Ping's approval.

If Chen Ping completely approves of himself and is willing to accept himself as a younger brother, then their murloc clan will be fully developed.

At this time, through the escape of Xiong Ziqi, the people of the monster clan naturally knew Chen Ping's greatness. Not only did they not give up, Chen Ping became more interested in Chen Ping, and they wanted to take Chen Ping well. The meaning of the study.

Even if they were still in the city, they directly announced Chen Ping's identity openly, and they didn't know whether their hearts were for revenge or to make things bigger.

Chen Ping understands the relevant situation here, and at this moment, Gu Lele and the others ran out again and were chic. Their group of people has always been very idle. Although the outside world is chaotic, they can appreciate it. Looking at the surrounding cultural landscape, it's pretty good too.

The two brothers Gu Lele and Shi Zhentian usually like to find a teahouse and sit down, listening to those people bragging indiscriminately, and increasing their knowledge.

At this moment, the storyteller came over with some excitement, and it seemed that there was something important to announce to you.

"I am today, but I heard a big news, guess what?"

After hearing what the other party said, everyone's faces showed expectation, and they didn't know what kind of surprise the storyteller prepared for everyone today.

"Looking at you like this, it seems that there is some terrible news. Hurry up and talk about it. Don't be here to sell it to us!"

"Yeah, if you are right, I will reward you with money right away!"

Everyone is a person who doesn't need money. They don't know the other party in their hearts. They know some very powerful news, otherwise it is impossible to sell them like this.

As soon as this was said, the storyteller chuckled, what he wanted was this effect.

"There was a big movement in our city before, I believe many people have felt it, right?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded. This symptom is indeed not small, as all of them felt it at the beginning.

But they can't figure it out, what does this have to do with the gossip that the other party wants to say?

"Actually, it caused the humans to break through the seal and escape from that prison. Now no one knows where they are, only that this group of humans must come back to retaliate!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked, and everyone's faces were filled with horror. They didn't expect things to develop into this appearance.

"What, human beings actually ran out, what kind of ability do they have?"

"That's right, isn't it that these seals were made by the true **** himself, and it is absolutely impossible for this group of humans to have any chance to escape?"

"This is the end. We tossed this group of humans so badly, now they will definitely come back to retaliate!"

"Would you like to pack up things quickly and run away? They should be stronger after being imprisoned for such a long time. I'm afraid they will retaliate against us aggressively. It is still a bit difficult to fight with our strength!"

Everyone was whispering around, no one had the intention of paying attention to this storyteller, and now they just wanted to run away.

The storyteller saw that he had successfully stirred up the atmosphere, and a smug look flashed across his eyes. He didn't know that these people would definitely want to know the follow-up.

"I don't know what the group of humans want to do for the time being, but according to the information I have, a human named Chen Ping has already entered our city, and now it seems that he is planning to do bad things."

At this moment, Shi Zhentian and Gu Lele, who were drinking tea, suddenly coughed. They didn't expect to eat them up, but they even ate them on their own body. This is really funny.

Chen Ping has always been very low-key, and it is impossible for normal people to call his name so powerfully, so it is not clear to everyone that Chen Ping was framed by others.

"I really didn't expect this group of humans to be so hateful, and they dare to sneak into our city!"

"Is there any other information about this human being? I'm going to see where this guy has the courage and dare to come to our territory!"

Some people like to try to save face, he has rolled up his sleeves and is ready to deal with Chen Ping.

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