He saw the face of the **** Erlang, and it appeared in front of him.

He was so angry when he saw this scene. He just wanted to stand up and swear, only to find that all this was just his own illusion, Erlang God did not appear at all, and his windows were shut tightly.

"Oh, I have a violent temper. What is going on with me now? Is it possible that this kind of illusion will appear when beautiful women see too much?"

A look of horror flashed through Shi Zhentian's eyes, and he always felt that his eyes were something wrong.

"It's really weird enough, it's impossible for this guy to poison me, so that I have to remember his dead face all the time."

Shi Zhentian shook his head helplessly and turned his head. Since he wants to see the other person in the window, he can't do it without looking at the window.

Just when he turned his head and looked at his bed, he found that the other person's face appeared beside his bed again at some unknown time. This thing can really be called a ghost.

Shi Zhentian stretched out his hand vigorously and hammered it in the direction where the shadow was. As a result, the shadow was really just his own illusion.

The tortured Lion Zhentian hugged the quilt with some horror and rushed directly to Chen Ping's room. He swore that he had lived for so many years and he had never been so embarrassed.

The strange appearance of God Erlang is indeed a bit scary, even if he gave up the dignity of a man, he is unwilling to continue to be tossed.

At this moment, Chen Ping was about to go to bed, but Shi Zhentian rushed in unexpectedly, quickly hit a floor, and lay on the side with peace of mind.

"Sure enough, staying with Master Chen Ping feels more secure."

Shi Zhentian spoke with satisfaction, a look of excitement flashed across his face, and Chen Ping was a little strange when he saw the other party's wretched look.

"What are you doing? Don't you hate living with other people the most? Now you are still so aggressively breaking into my room."

Chen Ping still knows Shi Zhentian very well, knowing that this guy has a lot of quirks, and the most annoying thing is living with others, no matter who this person is, he doesn't want to.

This is why Shi Zhentian is still single until now.

In his words, the women involved in those things left honestly after they had finished their work. They were absolutely not allowed to spend the night in his room, because he hated sleeping with others the most.

"You are weird."

Chen Ping kicked Lion Zhentian awake at once, with a look of doubt on his face.

This guy's appearance is too strange, and he has been talking about Chen Ping in his mouth. Although he can't hear him clearly, he always feels something wrong.

"Boss, let me tell you. I just had hallucinations. As soon as I close my eyes, I will dream of the guy Erlangshen. When I open my eyes, it feels like he appeared next to me. The horror is a bit too much."

"I can't stand it anymore, so in order to get a good night's sleep, I decided to come to you."

Hearing this, Chen Ping turned his head and glanced out the window curiously.

He saw nothing outside the window.

At this time, Shi Zhentian also subconsciously followed Chen Ping and looked out the window. The next moment he was trembling with fright, and quickly closed his eyes, just as he drew directly into Shi Zhentian's quilt.

"What did you see?"

Chen Ping asked curiously. He just looked outside and made sure that he hadn't seen anything.

"What else can I see? Of course I saw that scary guy. What is he doing every day? It feels like a ghost."

Hearing this, Chen Ping looked outside again, and found nothing wrong. This made Chen Ping a little puzzled. He didn't feel any breath of illusion. It seemed that all this was really just this. It's just an illusion of the guy.

But can everything really be such a coincidence? Chen Ping was a little unwilling to believe it, he always felt a little weird together.

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