I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3174: , Go to Su's house

"Let's go, let's set off now, I can't wait to figure out what is going on."

After speaking, he didn’t care about eating anymore. He dragged Chen Ping directly and walked outside. When he passed by Erlang Shen, his whole body couldn’t help shaking, and he could see that it came from the heart. Feel a little scared of this puppet.

Chen Ping didn't say much, and took him directly into action. He knew in his heart that this guy would definitely accidentally expose something next.

Just looking at him so scared, Chen Ping felt that he had exposed himself.

"Boss, where are you going? Or else bring me along?"

Shi Zhentian was a little apprehensive. He hurt her like this. He couldn't help shaking his whole body when he thought of the ghostly eyes of the other party. Now he just wanted to quickly leave this terrifying place with Chen Ping.

"You will stay here for the time being, and if there is anything in a while, I'll also inform you to help solve it."

This is the best time to leave them alone, and Chen Ping will not let the other party go with him.

Hearing this, Shi Zhentian's face flashed with despair, but he didn't expect that he would still stay here in the end.

However, he vowed that he would definitely stay with Gu Lele and the others anytime, anywhere, and would never give this guy a chance.

Seeing Chen Ping's departure in strides, Lion Zhentian gritted his teeth and went straight into Gu Lele's room, seemingly chatting, but actually taking refuge.

Erlangshen naturally followed. Others didn't know Erlangshen's current situation. They were all chatting on the sidelines.

Lion Zhentian has been arrogant and arrogant for several years. This time, he was really a little embarrassed.

At this time, Chen Ping and the others had also successfully reached the destination. The Su family's house looked very luxurious, and at first glance, they felt a little bit unable to move their eyes.

"This house looks full of yang, and it doesn't seem to be a place where people who do evil things live."

Chen Ping frowned, this place felt very strange to him.

The places that can refine human skin puppets are basically extremely yin places, but this place is completely different, and there is no yin qi.

A trace of entanglement flashed across his face, could it be that all of this was his own illusion? But Chen Ping is also very aware that this kind of thing is extremely sensitive, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have any illusions.

Thinking of this, he directly knocked on the door, and soon someone went to report.

It didn't take long for Chen Ping and the others to be invited over. Seeing the surrounding scenery, Chen Ping couldn't help showing a look of expectation.

"The scenery here is quite charming."

Chen Ping admired the surrounding scenery as he walked, and he was also carefully distinguishing the surrounding situation.

Sure enough, everything was exactly the same as what I had imagined, there was no feeling of fullness of yin at all, it seemed that what I had seen before was just my own illusion.

Crazy Liu was also staring at Chen Ping suspiciously. He couldn't figure out what was going on.

"It's not right, I think it's normal here, it seems that everything is the same as we misunderstood, but at my professional level, even if I am blind, it is impossible to see it wrong."

There was a tangled expression on his face, and he seemed to want Chen Ping to trust him.

"Anyway, let's talk to their family's family, I believe this thing must be weird."

Soon they were taken to a reception room.

The next person looked at Chen Ping apologetically, as if he had something to say.

"I'm really sorry, I just heard the family say that there is no time for the time being, and you may need to wait here for a while."

Chen Ping waved his hand directly, he didn't care about all this at all.

"It's okay, you can do your job first."

This also coincides with Chen Ping's idea.

It is best to be able to distract this guy, so that Chen Ping is also free, so he can take a good tour around here when there is no one.

After the other party apologized, he turned around and left. After Chen Ping saw the other party leaving, he immediately winked at Crazy Liu, and the two of them sneaked into other places secretly.

Although it is indeed a bit unethical to do so, but in order to find out the truth, they have to do it.

Originally, Chen Ping didn't know anything about it. They are now wandering around like headless flies.

At this moment, Chen Ping was keenly aware that there was a large cellar next to it.

This place always reveals bursts of overcast wind, which is completely different from the atmosphere of the entire Su family.

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