I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3185: , Open and honest

"Boss, someone is looking for you outside, she is a very beautiful woman."

Gu Lele has always been watching the excitement, so he yelled directly into the room, and then Chen Ping quickly walked out. At this critical moment, someone is looking for himself. That is definitely not a kindness. , Chen Ping should be treated with caution.

After seeing the appearance of the other party, Chen Ping also felt a little familiar. It seemed that this woman and Su Baiqi looked a bit similar.

"Hello Chen Ping, my name is Su Muyun, I don't know if we have the opportunity to have a good conversation in private."

After seeing the other side, everyone shook their heads violently. They remembered what the last woman who invited Chen Ping to talk about in private did.

That woman is a professional killer. Although he did not succeed in the assassination in the end, his behavior completely disgusted everyone.

"No problem. I just have something to ask you. If you can answer, then we will be friends, not enemies."

"If you want, we can have a good talk."

Chen Ping guessed the other party's intentions, he directly invited Su Muyun into the room and had a good talk with himself.

In addition, there were Crazy Liu and Shi Zhentian in the room, and the two of them stared at each other directly.

"Su Muyun?"

A look of confusion flashed across Crazy Liu's face, and he didn't expect to see him here.

"It's really weird! Haven't you disappeared for many years? How come you suddenly appeared here, and even able to find Chen Ping, you make me have to doubt your motives."

Crazy Liu is now very suspicious that something is wrong with the other party. In short, this woman is not a good person.

Although this woman had a good reputation in the past, she was still a woman who was crazy about love.

Crazy Liu once had a crush on Su Muyun.

But this does not mean that at this moment, Crazy Liu will be bewitched by the other party, and now his heart is very clear that there is no good person in the Su family!

Now he can't wait to get rid of all the people in the Su family.

He even regretted maintaining such a good relationship with the Su family before.

It is very possible that the people of the Su family are also playing his idea, perhaps because he is not strong enough, or perhaps because his appearance is not as handsome as they expected. In short, this group of people did not pay attention to himself.

Now Su Muyun suddenly found Chen Ping, it is very likely that he has developed a keen interest in Chen Ping.

"You don't have to guard me like this, my arrival will only help you."

After hearing these words, Chen Ping showed a puzzled look. He couldn't understand what the situation was.

"It's fine if you have something to say directly. There is no need to cover up here. If you can really help me, then I won't say much."

Seeing Chen Ping's straightforward manner, Su Muyun couldn't help laughing.

Chen Ping directly arranged a soundproof barrier, and he wanted to make sure that what the other party said would not be heard by others.

"Well, well, I still like you very much."

"The Su family is actually not a good family. They often do some shameful deeds behind their backs. One of them is to refine people and criticize puppets."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was slightly shocked, but they didn't expect the other party to say such things.

It stands to reason that these things shouldn't be put on the surface directly.

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