Everyone kept roaring, as if in their eyes Chen Ping was a big bad guy who didn't do any evil.

Hearing these words, the face of the storyteller showed a triumphant look, what he wanted was this effect.

"He used some means to directly block our true god, so now even if the true **** wants to contact us, there is no way. Haven't you discovered that there is no auction of the true **** recently? It's because What this guy has done has completely affected the true god!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was astonished. None of them thought that things would develop into this way. This is not what everyone wants to see.

The reason why they are so arrogant is because they feel that they must be able to have real shelter. Each of their races has their own true gods, and they will come out to protect them when they are in danger.

If the other party temporarily shields their true gods, doesn't it mean that when they are in danger, no one can come out to save them? This made everyone's emotions a bit agitated, and they wanted to kill Chen Ping directly.

They still trust storytellers very much. After all, everyone has known each other for so many years, and the other side has been telling stories here. The relationship between them is naturally good.

"The news of yours is true or not, is it true that the group of human beings really dare to be so arrogant? Why do I always feel a little unbelieving?"

"I think human beings are pretty good. Sometimes they will help us. We should trust them more at this kind of moment!"

At this moment, a man spoke with some doubts. He had a bull's head and looked very vicious.

It is convenient for the tauren who have lived in the deep mountains for a long time. They rarely live in human towns. This time it was because the place where they lived was inexplicably flooded, so they came here.

The scourge was so powerful that it was unreasonable to flood their family directly, and the people of their family were the most afraid of water, so they were forced to move here, planning to live there for a period of time, and wait until the flood subsided. go back.

At this moment, he was here for the first time, and he heard that the writer was talking about Chen Ping.

It took him a lot of effort to understand who Chen Ping was, and then he went to learn about these humans.

Because they lived in the mountains for a long time, they did not have any conflicts with humans. On the contrary, their ancestors had received gifts from humans before, so they did not hate humans at all.

He also felt a little angry when he heard the other party humiliating humans in this way, angrily wanted to come out and say a few good things.

As a result, I was told directly without expecting that.

"What do you guys know? Humans are our common enemy. If you are helping humans to speak, get out. We don't welcome you here!"

A guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks spoke, with an angry look on his face, unwilling to hear the other party complimenting humans.

As soon as this remark came out, many people were very supportive of him. In short, they came here to listen to the bad things of mankind, not how this group of people praised mankind.

The tauren couldn't help but sneered. He didn't want to say anything to this group of people who had never seen the world. He turned around and left. In his opinion, human beings are indeed good people, and he wants to get to know humans. .

After being expelled, the tauren also remembered a human name.

Chen Ping.

Obviously, the other party is the focus of being insulted. If this is the case, then he must know something.

He carefully inquired along the way, but he didn't expect to actually inquire about Chen Ping's place of residence. People kept talking about this place, or he spent a little money to find someone who was willing to tell the truth.

"I want to see if they are really so bad!"

The tauren was very upright, and he came directly to the door of Chen Ping's house and knocked on the door softly. He wanted to know who Chen Ping was.

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