When he knocked on the door, soon a tauren came and opened the door.

After seeing the tauren, he was completely excited, and sure enough, Su Muyun did not deceive himself, there really is a tauren!


Su Baiqi couldn't hold it back, so he spoke directly.

After hearing these words, the Tauren's face showed a look of confusion.

It’s great that someone would just say something as soon as they meet. What a neurotic person is to say such a thing.

"What are you doing? Do you want to find Chen Ping?"

The person who spoke was the leader among the tauren, he naturally knew this plan, and he had 10,000 support for this plan.

He also felt very angry when he thought that the other party was the kind of vain and calculating guy.

"I just came to see Chen Ping. It doesn't matter if he isn't there. I'll go in and sit and wait for him for a while. I've made an appointment with him at this point before. I guess he will be back soon."

After saying this, he was very familiar with it, and went straight into the room, looking at it, he didn't mind his actions at all.

The tauren didn't stop the other party either, he didn't know in his heart, this was one of their tactics.

"Hehe, just stay here and chat with you when Chen Ping comes back."

After the tauren finished saying this, he turned around and left. It was not clear in his heart that this person came for himself.

"You guys don't go, it's the first time I have seen a tauren, otherwise I will have a good talk with you."

Su Baiqi directly exposed his purpose, with a look of excitement on his face, talking to the other party.

"What do you want to chat with us? We don't seem to know each other either, there should be nothing to chat with."

The tauren had promised to play with everyone, but seeing this guy's ugly face, he finally felt that he couldn't do it anymore.

At this moment, Lion Zhentian was also beside him, a little anxious.

He was afraid that this guy would expose everything because of his acting skills, and that would be bad.

"The visitors are all guests. Come in and sit down quickly. We don't know when Chen Ping will be back. Tauren, you can chat with the guests for a while. Anyway, we are idle when we are idle."

After hearing these words, the tauren remembered his purpose, so he nodded quickly.

In that case, come here quickly.

After saying this, he just sat next to him and began to gnaw the spirit grass.

Seeing that the tauren could actually grab a handful of such high-quality spiritual grass and eat it anytime and anywhere, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes. I really didn't expect this group of tauren to be so rich!

He had never understood each other's life habits before, so he didn't know exactly what their lives were like.

"These spirit grass..."

He asked unexpectedly. After hearing these words, the tauren waved his hand casually.

"These things are worthless, what's the matter? Is it possible that you want it too?"

After saying this, he directly pulled out a spirit grass and handed it to the other party.

Seeing this scene, Shi Zhentian danced his head in a little embarrassment. He didn't expect the other party to be so stingy, so he really gave one.

"you you you……"

Shi Zhentian was embarrassed by the side, not knowing what to say, but in the end he decided to give the whole scene to the other party to solve it. Anyway, this time the tauren is the protagonist, and they are just cooperating with the acting.

"The quality of this spirit grass is really good. You are indeed a race that specializes in planting spirit grass. This technique is really powerful."

As we all know, the tauren specializes in planting all kinds of spiritual grass, and their strength and physical fitness are also very strong.

So their existence has always been targeted by many people.

It's just that others simply used them to plant spiritual grass, but the Su family group was different. They planned to use this group of people to refine into puppets.

Even if the tauren is refined into a puppet, it will not affect the use of it to plant spiritual grass.

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