"Don't worry, it is absolutely impossible for you to be miserable with me!"

"With my help, you can all succeed in living in this land!"

He kept making promises to the other party, with a very excited look on his face, wishing to take the other party as his own right away.

"Wait a moment, I will report this matter to my Patriarch!"

He originally wanted to directly attack the other party, but he didn't expect that this guy still had a group of people. Since this is the case, he must all be fooled.

"All right, then I'll wait for you."

After saying this, he just sat aside and waited for the other party. It was not clear in his heart that this guy was stepping into their plan step by step.

The tauren suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment. After all, before, he had never thought that he would have the opportunity to count others.

In the past, they never had contact with people of other races, precisely because they couldn't play with each other.

At this time, Su Baiqi was not idle either. He quickly went to the family room and reported the matter in detail. It was not clear in his heart that this matter would definitely cause a sensation in the future.

For them, the tauren is a very precious resource.

"Now that the tauren tribe is roughly under my control, what we have to do next is very simple, just ask the other party to fool all the people under his hands, then it's okay."

When Su Hantian heard this, there was a look of excitement in his eyes. He never dreamed that there would be such a good thing.

"Sure enough, God wants to prosper my family!"

He was very excited and roared, and it seemed that he could not wait to form a tauren army.

"It's a bit difficult to make them all into adult leather puppets. Maybe we can think about it and collect them in other ways."

Thinking of time running out, Su Hantian also decided to think of a way to get this thing done first, at least let the tauren join his family to fight for it.

Su Baiqi shook his head, this matter was a bit difficult and he might not be able to do it.

"The most important thing is that this guy Chen Ping made trouble from it. If he hadn't known the tauren in advance, it is estimated that the tauren has been fooled by me!"

The two of them kept talking about this in the room, their faces turned. It was all overcast, and it seemed that Chen Ping had ruined their great deeds.

At this time, Chen Ping, who was trapped, was able to do it easily, and he was strolling around calmly.

This cellar seemed to be quite safe, Chen Ping didn't have the slightest nervousness, just swaying casually.

The group of trapped guys was a little surprised, but Chen Ping would wake up so quickly.

They recalled the situation of Cheese Liran, and suddenly there was a glimmer of anticipation in their hearts.

After all, Chen Ping took Si Liran away directly. Although he has been arrested again now, it does not mean that Chen Ping does not have this ability.

"My buddy, if you take me away, my strength is very strong, and I will definitely be able to help you next. If you can teach me to take it away, I will be extremely grateful, and Yongquan will repay me!"

"Me too, as long as you can take me away, you can do anything you want me to do next, even if you are a slave and a maidservant, there is no problem!"

"I am a strong man in the family, as long as you are willing to take me away, I can carry it, and everyone under my hand will follow you!"

Everyone hopes that Chen Ping can help himself. In short, as long as he can run out of here, even if he gives up his dignity, it is not a big deal. Survival is the most important thing.

The kobold glanced at Chen Ping, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes. It was not clear in his heart that Chen Ping was able to help himself, but he was not very sensible and provoke Chen Ping.

I still remember that when Chen Ping was brought in, he used to say bad things about Chen Ping.

Although Chen Ping was in a fainting state at that time, he might not have heard what he said, but his heart was somewhat entangled. If he was really heard, wouldn't he be embarrassed right now?

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