I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3201: , The soul swears!

He kept begging for Chen Ping, but after all, it had no effect at all, until in the end he had completely given up.

At this time, Su Baiqi also came to the cellar.

He decided to take something from Chen Ping, pretending to have a good relationship with Chen Ping, so that he could control the tauren at that time.

When he just reached the cellar, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him.

He opened the cellar door with some doubts and looked around, but he didn't see anything.

"It's weird, how did it feel just now?"

With a hint of emotion on his face, he scratched his head vigorously.

Although he didn't understand it, he didn't plan to think too much about it.

After all, this cellar has never been ventilated, and it is normal for a cloudy wind to blow when the door is opened. There is no need to worry too much.

At this moment, those invisible poor people also ran out in a panic. At first, they were a little worried that they would be discovered, but after many trials, they discovered that this guy couldn't see himself at all, Chen Ping. The medicine is too omnipotent.

Everyone remembered Chen Ping's name silently in their hearts, and they knew in their hearts that this man was their hero.

At this time, Su Baiqi also quickly came to the cellar.

He found that the group of puppet experimenters who had been imprisoned had all disappeared.

This caused him to look at his left and right in an incredible situation, as if he wanted to find out the other party.

However, he couldn't find the slightest trace of the other party no matter what.

In desperation, he had to look at Chen Ping again, knowing that this matter must have something to do with Chen Ping.

At this moment, Chen Ping was sitting in distress, feeling as if he knew something.

"Where did all those people go?" Su Baiqi asked angrily, wishing he could tear Chen Ping in half.

"You ask the kobold, maybe he can answer you." Chen Ping looked at each other indifferently.

Obviously the kobold is very willing to come out and say these things, if so, then give him a chance to perform.

Seeing Chen Ping mentioned himself suddenly, the kobold was slightly taken aback.

"You promise to let me out, so I'll tell you."

He knew very well in his heart that if he did this, he might repeat the mistakes of a kobold, and might be able to live without incident. In short, he had to take a gamble.

Who knows if something will happen next, if he is really caught, then it will be over.

Hearing these words, Su Baiqi was so angry that he was already angry. The other party even dared to use this to threaten him. This was purely adding fuel to the fire, making him really a little angry.

"Well, I promise you, as long as you tell their whereabouts, I will let you leave today."

Su Baiqi struggled for a while, and finally decided to compromise with the other party. After all, he really didn't know where this group of people went, and these people disappeared inexplicably, he always wanted to find the reason.

Now that there is a tauren, he has no idea about kobolds or anything else. Even if he puts the other party, he will not last long with his physical condition.

The kobold glanced suspiciously at each other, remembering what happened to his companion, he couldn't help but emphasize.

"You! Swear by your soul!"

The kobold urged the other party in a panic, as long as he swears by his soul, there is a certain degree of credibility in this matter.

Su Baiqi almost fainted on the spot, he couldn't wait to take action to solve this guy, but when he thought that only the other party knew the truth now, he chose silently, keeping calm and clarifying the whole thing for the time being. Let's talk about it.

"I swear by my soul, as long as you are willing to tell me the truth, then I will let you go. It is absolutely impossible to make things difficult for you."

As soon as Su Baiqi's voice fell, the other party jumped excitedly. He knew that as long as he had this thing as a constraint, even if this guy wanted to go back, it would be absolutely impossible.

So he was very proud to come directly to Chen Ping.

"It was this guy who gave them some pills, and then all the people disappeared. Chen Ping asked them to leave quickly. I don't know the specifics!"

Chen Ping silently calculated the time and distance of this group of people's escape. Based on their state, it is estimated that they have escaped very far, so it is very safe now.

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