I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3203: , Something big happened!

"Walk around, have you heard that there is something wrong with the Su family!"

"Some Su Family will have problems, isn't it impossible?"

"I don't believe that there will be problems with the Su family. I have 100% trust in their family."

Everyone was very curious and rushed straight up. Although many people expressed their unwillingness to believe all this, no one was not curious about this matter.

The tauren ran rampantly among the opponent's family, directly smashing all their various luxurious buildings to pieces, and it looked very fragile.

This movement naturally attracted Su Hantian's attention, and a look of doubt flashed across his face.

"How is this going?"

Su Hantian went out and took a look, and found that there were a lot of onlookers at the door.

This group of people are all pointing, watching the excitement of their Su family.

For this group of people, he had no other thoughts other than doubts.

At this time, he also happened to see the tauren who was constantly doing damage next to him.

He only came out a while later, and the walls of their family had been demolished. This was really deceptive, and he couldn't accept it at all.

The tauren is constantly destroying each other's family, and they have gradually found the fun of destroying, and now they are playing happily.

"Tauren, what do you mean? Do you have any opinion on us? We never knew each other and never offended you."

Su Hantian was angry when he saw the other party's appearance, but he also felt a little scared in his heart. I don't know if it was because their family's plan was exposed that the other party was so angry.

"Patriarch Su, right? Don't you have any idea what you have done yourself?"

"Did those guys who were imprisoned by you to make adult leather puppets provoke you?"

After hearing these words, the expressions of the Su Family's family became extremely brilliant, but he didn't expect this incident to be exposed, and this was also the reason for irritating the other party.

He didn't know how strong these guys felt righteous.

Even if they haven't attacked them temporarily, these tauren people will find a way to deal with themselves after they know the truth.

Thinking of this, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face, and he wanted to explain, this time he was not only to explain to the tauren, but also to explain to the crowd of onlookers.

At this moment, everyone was already excited, and they were all discussing what the situation of this human puppet was.

"I've heard of human skin puppets before, saying that they use some very vicious methods to forcibly peel off the skins of humans or animals, and then refine them into something very disgusting."

"But hasn't this thing been lost for a long time? How could someone suddenly refine this?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it. The Su family usually seems to be polite, and they are doing these famous people secretly. I remember that I have a second uncle who disappeared a few years ago. I don't know if it has anything to do with them. This matter, I have to go back and check it out."

Everyone was discussing it, and never dreamed that this matter would become so troublesome.

After Su Hantian heard these words, he felt a little flustered, so he directly invited the people under his hands and asked them to call Su Baiqi over.

Although he was the head of the family, he had never encountered this kind of moment pointed out by Qianfu, and he was somewhat frightened in his heart.

And at this time, Su Baiqi didn't even know what happened, he was still confronting Chen Ping enthusiastically.

Chen Ping knew in his heart that it was the stage when things were getting hot, so he didn't waste any time, and was fighting for the tauren every minute and every second.

He wasn't scared. Su Baiqi could turn things around when he went. He was afraid that the other party would become angry.

Su Hantian didn't even have more thoughts than Su Baiqi, so under persecution, this guy must have a chance to reveal the secret.

The servants in the house have been looking for the trace of the other party, but they haven't seen the position of the young master for a long time. Seeing this scene, everyone is already panicked.

The person who panicked the most was actually Su Hantian.

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